To: House of Commons Speaker, Prime Minister, Cabinet Officers, Opposition Leader, MPs, Representatives and Law Court Judges,
Grateful Thanks to Citizen Mr Sood for use of the Excess Speed Fraud Appeals as Election Fairness Test Cases and his signature on one of them.
Polite Request for his signature on the other Fraud Appeal.
Best Advice is for a Conflict Qualification Fraud Claim H00WR692 Dismissal Fraud Appeal by Citizen Ms Davies and use of it as an Election Fairness Test Case. The Claim Strike Out Order using a Directions Compliance Failure Reason is the Crime Proceeds of a Conflict Qualification Fraud Conspiracy and Pending Adjudication Stay Protection Enforcement Denial Fraud Conspiracy by the Deputy District Judge and the Resident Judge. The involvement of the Resident Judges vests Appeal Jurisdiction in the High Court or Court of Appeal
Equity Lawyer Mr Ellis