Royal Commission + Excess Speed 422100280818 Fraud Appeal + Election Fairness Test Case + H00WR692

To: House of Commons Speaker, Prime Minister, Cabinet Officers, Opposition Leader, MPs, Representatives and Law Court Judges,  

Grateful Thanks to Citizen Mr Sood for use of the Excess Speed Fraud Appeals as Election Fairness Test Cases and his signature on one of them.

Polite Request for his signature on the other Fraud Appeal.

Best Advice is for a Conflict Qualification Fraud  Claim H00WR692 Dismissal Fraud Appeal by Citizen Ms Davies and use of it as an Election Fairness Test Case.  The Claim Strike Out Order using a Directions Compliance Failure Reason is the Crime Proceeds of a Conflict Qualification Fraud Conspiracy and Pending Adjudication Stay Protection Enforcement Denial Fraud Conspiracy by the Deputy District Judge and the Resident Judge. The involvement of the Resident Judges vests Appeal Jurisdiction in the High Court or Court of Appeal    

Equity Lawyer Mr Ellis

Royal Commission + Mortgage Possession Claim H1PP8822 + QA 2022 000007 Bundle Filing and Enforcement Stay Denial Fraud Appeal + H00WR692 Fraud Appeal

House of Commons Speaker. Prime Minister, Cabinet Officers, Opposition Leader, MPs. Representatives and Law Court Judges,

Citizen Ms Berry will please produce 3 Prints Sets of the attached H1PP8822 Papers for the Case Hearing on Monday 14th March 2022.

Citizen Mr Sood will please get Help With Fees References and file the for the QA 2022 000007 Contempt Fraud Application Notice for the DRAFT Remedy Order dated 14th March 2022 in the High Court and the Enforcement Stay Denial Fraud Appeal. Notice Forms are not provided because the Save Command lost the Form Content.   

Fraud Appeal QA 2022 000007 Disclosure Demand for the Citizen against the Case Court Officers:

  1. Whether or not the Court System classifies the Hidden Bundle Directions in the Enforcement Stay Refusal + No Merit Declaration Reasons as Court Orders for Appeal Purposes?
  2. Why the Hearing Demand dated failed to get a Hearing Event?
  3. Whether they want the Bundle Content in PDF Scans or Paper Documents

Conflict Qualification Claim H00WR692 Disclosure Demand for Citizen Ms Davies against the Court Case Officers what explains Fee Collection Failure at the Fraud Appeal Filing Event on 12th January 2022 and the 44 Day Delay before the Papers Return Notice dated 25th February 2022 that arrived on 3rd March 2022?  

Citizen Ms Davies will please pay the H00WR692 Fee and refile the Fraud Appeal Papers.

On the evidence available the County Court HOONR895 Appeal Conditional Withdrawal Consent Order Proposal dated 8th March 2022 got a Case Transfer from Norwich to Clerkenwell and Shoreditch.

Equity Lawyer Mr Ellis