Royal Commission + Divorce ZC14D02308 + Security Release Claim Fraud HOONR895 + Housing Estate Accounts Claim Fraud H5DE8G7R + 2022 043 Jurisdiction Trial

To: House of Commons Speaker, Prime Minister, Cabinet Officers, Opposition Leader, MPs, Representatives and Law Court Judges

The Business Expansion Plan using Family Sabotage Frauds needed Reliable Records as Fraud Commitment Proof from hundreds of State Officers and Law Court Judges. The Theodorou Case was the Business Priming Case. About 70 Child Case Hearings got the Fraud Commitment Proof. Citizen Mrs Theodorou kept the Case Records. Council Officers saw them when they made House Visits. The Corruption Remedy Process got Confidence Collapses in the capacity of Law Court Judges to provide Protection Frauds. Ministry of Justice Officers used Identity Record Frauds and Case Misrepresentation Frauds to get Protection Frauds. The Original Papers and Inconsistent Records were Forensic Test Material for Record Fraud Investigations. Top Judges and State Officers made Forensic Test Sabotage Fraud Plans. They used Original Papers Thefts and Computer Thefts. They created Theft Conspiracy Proof against themselves.  The Ruin Frauds against Citizen Mr Nkrumah got Forensic Test Sabotage Fraud Proof. The Ruin Frauds included 6 Trial Frauds.  3 Trial Frauds on 4th and 25th March and 1st April 2022. All of them got Without Notice Adjournments and No Case File Claims by Court Officers. The Family Sabotage Fraud Conspirators against Citizen Mrs Theodorou and the 6 Theodorou Children were trapped. The Protection Fraud Network could not use Record Frauds for Protection Frauds. They knew Organised Criminal Mr Theodorou would make an Immunity Deal in exchange for Full Disclosure about the Criminal Conspiracy for Family Sabotage Frauds and Divorce Property Frauds. They insisted on completion of the Divorce ZC14D02308 Property Fraud for him. The Judgment and Hearing Audio Record on 4th April 2022 will be Personal Responsibility proof against Identifiable Individuals for either Fraud Remedies or Fraud Completion. It will complete the Proof Set for the Coronation Oath Enforcement Authority.   

The Security Release Claim Fraud HOONR895 Defence and Counterclaim is attached. Claimant Mr Buckingham and the Claimant Lawyers have to explain how they got Contempt Frauds by the County Court in Norwich and London.

Housing Estate Accounts Claim Fraud H5DE8G7R Claimant Hackney Council and the Claim Lawyers have to explain how from 2016 to date they got Contempt Frauds by the Metropolitan Police, Ministry of Justice, Property Tribunal,  County Court, High Court, Court of Appeal and Supreme Court.

Equity Lawyer Mr Ellis provided Case Management Services that enabled the cases of Citizen Mr Cant to get fraud Proof Sets. They were some of the Proof Sets that the Coronation Oath Enforcement Authority used to decide the Corruption Remedy Conditions for the 2017 Parliament Session. Prime Minister May called the Surprise General Election to avoid a Parliament Session Refusal and Forced General Election with Mass Publicity for the Corruption Proof and Remedy Denial Fraud Proof. The Proof Sets got by the cases of Citizen Mr Cant were part of the Proof Sets that the Coronation Oath Enforcement Authority used to decide the Corruption Remedy Priorities for the October 2019 Parliament Session. They were a Forced Resignation from Prime Minister Mrs May and a Forced General Election for the Governing Majority. The Equity Lawyer needed to get the Proof Sets for the December 2019 Parliament Session. He had to do that before and during the Leadership Contest and before and during the General Election Campaign Period.

Top Judges needed Violent Intimidation Frauds against Corruption Witnesses and Internet Publicity to reach as many of them as possible. Citizen Mr Cant has a Low-Stress Threshold. His Protest Behaviour is to give Internet Publicity to Stress Causes. He was an Obvious Choice as a Violent Intimidation Fraud Target and Internet Publicity Agent. Professional Thug Mr Seton was part of the Kenneth Noy Crime Gang. Top Judges procured Violent Intimidation Frauds by Professional Thug Mr Seton against Citizen Mr Cant. The worst were Grievous Bodily Harm and Kill Threats. Help Requests by Citizen Mr Cant got Hep Refusal by Equity Lawyer Mr Ellis for the Strategic Reason that the Emotional Support Demands of  Citizen Mr Cant would prevent the equity Lawyer from getting the range of Proof Sets needed to decide the Corruption Remedy Priorities for the December 2019 Parliament Session. The Equity Lawyer encouraged Citizen Mr Cant to manage his own case. A Friend helped him. They did very well. They made Violent Harassment Complaints and Protection Claims. They got Protection Denial Fraud Conspiracy Proof against the metropolitan Police, County Court, High Court and Court of Appeal. Top Judges made a Damage Limitation Plan it needed a Minimal Assault Charge against Professional thug Mr Seton.  Criminal Investigation Frauds ignored Electronic Evidence and an Event Witness and got a Minimal Charge Fraud. A Confidence Collapse motivated a Further Investigation Request by the Crown Prosecutors. A Case Management Meeting by the Case Investigator, Citizen Mr Cant and Equity Lawyer Mr Ellis got a decision for an Event Witness Interview by Equity Lawyer Mr Ellis. It got a Witness Statement that proposed the State make an Immunity Offer to Professional Thug Mr Cant in exchange for Full Disclosure how he got the Protection Frauds from the Law Courts. The Confidence Collapse escalated into Total Panic and an Immediate Withdrawal of the State Case by the Crown Prosecutors for Professional Thug Mr Seton. The Harassment Restraint Protection Denial Fraud Appeal got Remedy Denial fraud Proof against the Court of Appeal and the Supreme Court. On 15th November 2021 a Case Reference by the Supreme Court to the Solicitor General was a Protection Fraud Call by Top Judges to the Cabinet. They wanted Imprisonment Frauds against the Equity Lawyer. The Parliament Session Agreement between the Crown and Prime Minister contained the Special Protection for the Equity Lawyer that prevented the Imprisonment Frauds.

Equity Lawyer Mr Ellis

Royal Commission + 2022 0043 + FD20P00642 + ZC14D02308 + Contempt Fraud Appeal + Corruption Claim against Prime Minister + Opposition Leader

To: House of Commons Speaker, Prime Minister, Cabinet Officers, Opposition Leader, MPs, Representatives and Law Court Judges

Formal Demand for the FD20P00642 Sealed Order dated 27th January 2022 for Appeal Purposes

Polite Request that Citizen Mrs Theodorou:

  1. File the Corruption Claim against the Ministry of Justice, Prime Minister and Opposition Leader and make the Interim Remedy Application as soon as possible.
  2. Complete the Appellant Notice and file it in the Court of Appeal on receipt of the FD20P00642 Sealed Order

The processing of the 2022 0043 Protection Applications in the Crown Court and the Corruption Claim in the High Court and the Fraud Appeal in the Court of Appeal is Relevant Evidence when MPs make Leadership Decisions.

Polite Request that Journalists and Editors explain what else they need for Publication Confidence, and if they have that, then to get Publication Permission. 

Equity Lawyer Mr Ellis

Royal Commission + Child Trafficking Wardship FD20P00642 Order Breach Contempt Remedy DRAFT Order + Court Motion Version + Application Remedy Version + ZC14D02308

House of Commons Speaker, Prime Minister, Cabinet Officers, MPs, Representatives and Law Court Judges

The Child Trafficking Wardship FD20P00642 Contempt Remedy Hearing on 27th January 20212 has to deal with the ZW15C00062 + FD20P00642 Order Breach Contempt Frauds by Enfield Council and the Special Guardians and the FD20P00642 Repatriation Jurisdiction Denial Frauds + Contempt Immunity Frauds by High Court Justice Mr Moor and the Fraud Appeal 2021 00065 Permission Refusal Fraud + Contempt Immunity Fraud by Appeal Lord Justice Moylan. They create a Conflict Jurisdiction Disqualification + Remedy Only Jurisdiction Limit for Citizen Mrs Theodorou against All Justices and Lord Justices of the High Court and Court of Appeal. Citizen Mrs Theodorou has given High Court Justice Mr Moor the choice of the attached Court Motion Remedy Order and the Application Remedy Order.

The Contempt Fraud Conspiracy Proof is Relevant Evidence for the Divorce ZC14D02308 Property Fraud Revocation Application of Citizen Mrs Theodorou.

Polite Request that Citizen Mrs Theodorou send a Notice Email to the Cypriot Representatives of Enfield Council, Cypriot Law Courts and Cypriot Parliament.

Equity Lawyer Mr Ellis 

Royal Commission + CH 2021 000238 + QA 2022 00007 + B01B0837 + F00LE923 + FD20P00642 + ZC14D02308 + 2021 45 + 2020 7219 + All Test Cases

To: House of Commons Speaker, Prime Minister, Cabinet Officers, MPs, Representatives and Law Court Judges

The Fraud Appeal CH 2021 000238 + Statutory Demand Set Aside Application 45 of 2021 Case Status Report Request dated 18th January 2022 and signed by Citizen Mr Hastunc was one of the 14 attachments to the Royal Commission Email sent at 12.38 on 20th January 2022  It is attached to this email because of Hearing Rumours for an Undisclosed Case since then.   

The Fraud Appeal QA 2020 00007 Case Management Fraud Complaint dated 21st January 2022 of Equity Lawyer Mr Ellis and Citizen Mr Sood is supported by Case Papers and Filing Communications. The Issue Notice Email dated 13th January 2022 from No Reply Thomson Reuters and the Appellant Notice Stamp date of 7th January 2022 + Issue Notice Service Email dated 13th January 2022 from the High Court are inconsistent with the Issue Refusal Notice + Appeal Period Time Limit Expiry Notice + Papers Return Notice dated 12 January 2022 with a Day Post Delivery on 19th January 2022 that raises Backdated Forgery Suspicions.

Contempt Fraud Counterclaim Notice + Filing + Service Notice Email Advice dated 21st January 2022 for Citizen Mrs Theodorou v Child Traffickers + Cypriot Authorities +  UK Authorities.

The Retrial Fraud 2020 7219 got Hearsay Reports of a 7 Day Jury Release with Covid Compliance the Given Reason and Disclosure To Jury Arguments not between Prosecutor and Defender but between Prosecutor Counsel Ms Laura Kenyon and Prosecutor Counsel Mr Roger Smart.  Events will discover whether it is to get a Substitute Reason Fraud for a Retrial Termination that avoids the Witness Intimidation Fraud Complaint + Protection Demand getting it.

Polite Request that Citizen Mr Zarb:

  1. send an email using the attached Replacement DRAFT Order the Subject in bold italics Royal Commission + F00LE923 Contempt Remedy 30 Minute Hearing for the attached Replacement DRAFT Order  
  2. respond to a Sale Enforcement Hearing Notice with a Contempt Remedy Application Hearing Priority Demand and Application Fee Payment

Polite Request that Citizen Ms Hawes uses the Press release Request Response by the Equity Lawyer for the Remedy Co-operation Investigation of the Media Industry.

In 2006 Drug Investigation Raid used about 100 officers and discovered the Business Name and Warehouse Address of Citizen Mr Serbert were a Decoy Name and Decoy Address on the Carrier Movement Records of Polish Drug Dealers. The Business Records were Decoy Fraud Proof against the Drug Traffickers and either Incompetence Proof against Incompetence Officers or Protection Fraud Proof against Corrupt Officers. Ruin Frauds against him started with Land Frauds by the Landlord and Law Courts. He has Limited English. On 23rd January 2022 Interpretation Services by Citizen Mr Say enabled a conversation between the Equity Lawyer and Citizen Mr Serbert. It enabled him to make the connection between the Drug Investigation Raid and the Ruin Frauds that lasted for years. The Ruin Fraud Duration weighs in the balance against Corrupt Officers and for Incompetent Officers who could not have lasted that long. The timing is significant. In 2004 the 1st Extradition Fraud against a British Citizen failed and discovered the Top Police, Top Customs and To[p Judges were the Top Drug Dealers. The 2nd Extradition Fraud against him needed Protection Frauds for the Top Drug Dealers in exchange for service of the 2nd Extradition Fraud.  The Protection Fraud Deal got a Profit Share for Prime Minister Mr Blair and Protection Frauds for the Top Drug Dealers. It got Improved Conditions for Career Sabotage Frauds by Corrupt Officers against Honest Officers. Some used Evidence Frauds to get Budget Waste. Investigation is needed to discover whether the Drugs Raid was one.         

Equity Lawyer Mr Ellis  

Royal Commission + 2021 0540 + ZC14D02308 + B01B0837 + G02EC632 E02YM867 + F00LE923 + HOONR895 + H5DE8G7R + Council Tax 431297924 + DP 7119 21 2222 IR01 + DP 7544 21 2222 1R01

To: House of Commons Speaker, Prime Minister, Cabinet Officers, Privy Counsellors, MPs, State Officers, Legal Representatives, and Law Court Judges

The Video Record evidences a visit by West Mercia Police to Citizen Ms Davies. The possibilities include the Health and Harassment Criminal Investigation and the Fraud Conspiracy Investigation or Investigation Sabotage Fraud using a Mental Health Fraud Arrest Warrant.

The Best Advice for the GP + Practice Manager is confirmation there is No Mental Health Arrest Warrant of a Warrant Revocation if there is one.

The Best Advice for the Chief Constable is a Conflicted Interest Disqualification Admission + Execution Refusal of a mental Health Warrant and a Case Transfer of the Criminal Complaints to a Credibly Independent Investigation Authority.     

Polite Request that Citizen Ms Davies prints the attached documents and has them in her possession in case of Police Contact for the Criminal Investigation or Investigation Sabotage Fraud using an Arrest Warrant.

The Equity Lawyer was writing a Royal Commission Email when he received the news. It reads:

The Adjudication Qualification Tests are in progress. The Law Courts will have to decide whether the Public Gallery Frauds and All Other Frauds get Invalidity Finding and Invalidity Remedies. Test Failures will get Fraud Appeals with Similar Fact Fraud Conspiracy Proof for Every Possible Combination.

The Crown and Lord Bishops know the response will be a combination of arrogance, desperation and relief that get full denials, half denials, partial co-operation and eventually full co-operation. Some of them will be in court offices and some in the court rooms.  

Parliament needs Mass Remedies.  The Cabinet needs an Economic Recovery. Both need Advanced Electronic Signatures ……… ’

Equity Lawyer Mr Ellis

Royal Commission + 2021 0540 + ZC14D02308 + B01B0837 + G02EC632 E02YM867 + F00LE923 + HOONR895 + H5DE8G7R + Council Tax 431297924 + DP 7119 21 2222 IR01 + DP 7544 21 2222 1R01

To: House of Commons Speaker, Prime Minister, Cabinet Officers, Privy Counsellors, MPs, State Officers, Legal Representatives, and Law Court Judges,

The Corruption Judicial Enquiry needs Test Cases to demonstrate the use of State Fraud and Court Frauds to provide Protection Frauds for Criminals against Citizens. The Subject Line contains some Case References. There are many more.

Grateful Thanks to Citizen Ms Davies for the Health Fraud + Harassment Crime Complaint against GP Dr Harris and Practice Manager Mrs Tweney that got Submission Reference DP 7119 21 2222 IR01. It got the Crime Process Denial Fraud Proof against West Mercia Police. It enabled the Fraud Conspiracy Crime Complaint against the Crime Bureau Officer + Chief Constable + Worcester City Council. It got Submission  Reference DP 7544 21 2222 1R01. The Trafalgar Battle was on 21st October 1805. The Anniversary Celebrations for 2021 can include use of the Taxation Hearing for Session Validity Tests + Conflict Qualification Test + Party Inequality Test.   

Best Advice for All Court Officers in All Cases is an Immediate Reference to Supervising Judges of this Royal Commission Email + Attachments

Equity Lawyer Mr Ellis