To: House of Commons Speaker, Prime Minister, Cabinet Officers, MPs, State Lawyers and Law Court Judges
The 2017 Harassment Cases against Citizen Mr Taylor completed the Criminal Conspiracy Proof Set that got the Surprise General Election. It got the Long Session and Protection Fraud Investigations in Parliament. In 2019 they got the Forced resignation of Prime Minister Mrs May, the Forced General Election and a Royal Commission to get Corruption Remedies before the Session End. It needed Criminal Conspiracy Proof to silence Corrupt Parliamentarians until Unfitness Cases got Corruption Findings and Dismissal Decisions and Terrorism Penalties against Top Judges. Citizens got the Criminal Conspiracy Proof.
The Remedy Process caused Low-Rank Officers to demand Protection Frauds. Low-Rank Judges continued to provide them after the Criminal Conspiracy Proof broke the confidence of Top Judges.
The Remedy Process needs a Protection Breach Contempt Fraud Test Case. The 2020 Harassment Case against Citizen Mr Taylor is excellent for the purpose. The Restraint Order Requests got a Case Reference by the Complainant to Sussex Police. The attached Repeat Request will get Restraint Disclosures or Disclosure Refusals. A Telephone Interview Request by Sussex Police got a Request Refusal by the Equity Lawyer for the Stated Reason the Remedy Process needs Evidence Certainty that is best achieved by Original Written Records and Process Transparency and a Telephone Interview creates a Transcription Dependency and denies Process Transparency.
Equity Lawyer Mr Ellis