Royal Commission, 2019 004208, 2020 000286, Fraud Appeals 2020 1520, 2021 10063 and Wardship Claim FD20P00642

To: House of Commons Speaker, Prime Minister, Cabinet Officers, Privy Counsellors, MPs, State Lawyers and Law Court Judges

The 2019 004208 Trial Frauds on 10th February 2021 get the Trial Stay Protection Breach Contempt Fraud Appeal DRAFT Grounds and Proposals for Citizen Ms Berry v Solicitor General.

Citizens who know anything about the Hampstead Case will please draw attention to errors or omissions.

Citizen Mrs Theodorou might find the DRAFT Grounds helpful at the Wardship Claim FD20P00642 Hearing on 16th February 2021.

Remedy Process Management Recommendations by the Equity Lawyer that:

  1. The Relevant Parliamentary Committee has Remedy Responsibility for Satanic Practice Cases for the Stated Reason that Conflict Disqualifications deny use of the Lord Bishops as Adjudicators.
  2. The Relevant Parliamentary Committee make a Priority Decision to start with Satanic Practice Protection Frauds for Unfitness Cases against Top Judges and then work backwards using Criminal Investigations to discover the Truth or Falsehood of Satanic Practice Evidence for the Stated Reason that:
    1. The Protection Fraud Network Business Plan used many Entrapment Frauds, Framing Frauds, Defamation Frauds, Perversion Protection Frauds and Office Appointment Frauds to get Blackmail Conditions that used Exposure Threats and Service Demands.
    2. Efficient Management of Corruption Remedies needs Optimum Conditions to distinguish between the Innocent Victims and Guilty Victims of the Blackmail Frauds and get Full Disclosure from those who will give it.
    3. The Corruption Remedy Process created Chronic Stress Conditions for both Innocent Victims and Guilty Victims but Reputation Defence Failure Guilt is likely to be an Added Complication for the Innocent Victims.
    4. The Equity Lawyer made the Strategic Decision not to use Satanic Practice Cases until the Remedy Process enabled Case References to Parliament and let the Remorseless Pressure force the Corrupt Officers who serviced managed the Blackmail Frauds and serviced Paedophile Protection Frauds and Satanic Practice Protection. Frauds to demand Protection Frauds that identified Key Cases.
    5. On the evidence available Witness X used Paedophile Defamation Fraud Claims and Satanic Abuse Defamation Claims to get a Recorded Interview with a Celebrity Journalist and Television Broadcast Publicity and U-Tube Internet Publicity.
    6. The Remedy Process motivated the Corrupt Officers who serviced Paedophile Protection Frauds and Satanic Practice Protection Frauds Protection to demanded Protection Frauds. They were given Trial Frauds. The one against Mrs Sabine McNeil used a Witness Identity Publicity Restraint Order that identified Witness X and Others, and Official Publicity with a Public Display of the Publicity Restraint Order in a Crown Court Building that put the Witness Identities in the Public Domain and then Publicity Restraint Breach Enforcement Frauds against Confused Citizens.
    7. The 2019 004208 Publicity Restraint Breach Enforcement Frauds against Confused Citizen Ms Berry enables a Satanic Practice Protection Fraud Case Reference to Parliament.
    8. Corrupt Officers serviced the Sabotage Frauds against the Theodorou Family and Protection Frauds for Paedophiles and Satanist. The Case Management of the Theodorou Family Cases is Relevant Evidence when considering Protection Frauds for Paedophiles and Satanists.

Equity Lawyer Mr Ellis


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