Royal Commission, 2020 000286, 2020 0396 and PI 10942

To: House of Commons Speaker, Prime Minister, Cabinet Officer, Privy Counsellors, MPs, State Officers and Law Court Judges

The Best Advice for Prime Minister Mr Johnson is to use the Election Fraud Appeal 2019 2700 for a Case Re-opening and Contempt Remedy Application for the Stated Reason that the Justice Priority Obligation shared by all needed someone to make the Protection Fraud Deals needed to win the Leadership Contest and the General Election, get Premiership Powers and use them to service the Corruption Remedy Process. It will get World Leader Status and Pivotal Prime Minister Status for converting Dictator Governance into Equity Governance.  It needs Advanced Electronic Signatures. British Citizens happen to have the World Lead. It will create New Markets for Sophisticated Services at Value Pricing. It will change the Money Laundering Economy into a Trust Management Economy. It will need National Debt Repayments as an Inflation Control. It will enable the distribution of opportunity and wealth. It will reconcile the Justice Aspiration of the People with Lived Reality.

Contempt and Terrorism Penalty Repeat Warning that the demands for Trial Closure before Christmas 2020 forced Top Judges to choose between making Fraud Admissions or committing Protection Breach Contempt Frauds, Conflict Qualification Frauds and Trial Frauds that get Trial Audio Records as Personal Responsibility Proof of Prosecution Office Unfitness and Adjudication Office Unfitness for the Citizen Equity Lawyer, Honourable Parliamentarians, Lord Bishops and Crown against Identifiable Individuals

Tuesday 15th December 2020, 2020 000286 Trial Unavailability Notice from the Equity Lawyer because the Dialysis Sessions Increase from 2 to 3 times a week got a Dialysis Session. 

The Equity Lawyer received the Royal Mail Collection Notice for the Signed for Delivery before the Trial Event that contained a 2020 000286 State Bundle. It got a Priority Decision for Defence Case Preparations against the Delivery Collection for the Stated Reasons that:

  1. The Jurisdiction Fraud Defence Case relies on Court Files including the State Bundle Schedule as Fraud Proof to get a Contempt Fraud Liability Order for the Citizen, Parliament and Crown against the State and Law Courts and the State Bundle Content is Aggravated Damage Proof for the Remedy Trial
  2. Kidney Failure Dialysis Treatment x 2 a week resulted in Chronic High Urea Levels and Energy Limits
  3. Arthritic Symptoms in the hand that were likely to be aggravated by carrying a Heavy Trial Bundle

The Equity Lawyer received the 2020 000286 Trial Audio Disc. It got a Priority Decision for Defence Case Preparations against Audio Record Analysis because:

  1. The Jurisdiction Fraud Defence Case relies on Court Records including the existence of the Trial Audio Record as Contempt Fraud Liability Proof for the Citizen Parliament and Crown against the State and Law Courts and the Recusal Refusal Fraud, Trial Start Fraud, Trial Adjournment Fraud, Trial Directions Fraud, Forced Recusal, Recusal Judgement and Trial Directions Confirmation Fraud of Trial Judge Mr Jay are Documentary Records Liability Proof and the Trial Audio Contents are Parliament Session File Denial Misrepresentation Fraud Proof and Aggravated Damage Proof for the Remedy Management Trial
  2. Kidney Failure Dialysis Treatment x 3 a week resulted in Chronic High Urea Levels and Energy Limits
  3. The Laptop Computer that a Citizen lent to him does not have a CD Port

Corruption Evidence Offer Acceptance with Grateful Thanks from the Equity Lawyer to Citizen Witnesses.

Equity Lawyer Mr Ellis

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