Royal Commission, 2020 000286, Fraud Appeal 2021 100063 Issue Refusal Fraud and Dismissal Fraud Appeal Email of Equity Lawyer v Solicitor General

To: House of Commons Speaker, Prime Minister, Cabinet Officers, Privy Counsellors, MPs, State Lawyers and Law Court Judges

Contempt Fraud Appeal against the Court of Appeal Fraud Appeal PI 10063 Conflict Qualification Fraud, Automatic Issue Denial Fraud, 43 Day Filing Acknowledgement Delay Fraud, Before Issue Approval Process Fraud, Appealed Decision Identification Deficit Pretence Fraud, Appealed Decision Proof Deficit Pretence Fraud, Deficit Remedy Time Limit Imposition Pretence Fraud and Before Issue Dismissal Fraud by the Case Judges and Supervision Judges of the Court of Appeal that used an Alleged Anonymous Master and an Alleged Anonymous Jurisdiction Lawyer and is evidenced by:

  1. the Pending Investigation Reference Notice Email at 16.08 on 7th January 2021 from Urgent Case Officer Mr Peter Cobourn and
  2. the Filing Denial Fraud Email 14.57 on 8th January 2021 from Case Officer Mr Yobi Oma and
  3. the Dismissal Fraud Email at 10.24 on 20th January 2021 from Urgent Case Officer Mr Peter Cobourn

Grounds: Fraudulent Breaches of Natural Justice, Human Rights and Overriding Justice Objective

Contempt Fraud Complaint, Office Unfitness Complaint and Criminal Conspiracy Complaint for Equity Lawyer Mr Ellis, Parliament, the Crown and People against the Case Officers, Supervising Officers, Case Judges and Supervising Judges of the Court of Appeal for the Stated Reasons that the Contempt Claim Fraud 2020 000286 and 5 Fraud Appeals got Issue Denial Fraud Proof against the Court of Appeal that is Protection Breach Contempt Fraud Conspiracy Proof against the State and Law Courts.

Brief Reasons:

  1. The Protection Fraud Network managed the Protection Fraud Market. They used Appointment Frauds for Corrupt Judges to ensure the Protection Fraud Supply. The Contempt Claim Fraud 2020 000286 and the 5 Fraud Appeals forced a Protection Fraud Deal that got Protection Fraud Conspiracy Proof against Organised Criminals, State Officers, Representatives and Law Court Judges all the way up the ranks to Lord Justice of the Court of Appeal. Fraud Appeal 2021 PI 100063 is part of it.
  2. The Contempt Fraud Appeal Notice lists the Appeal Frauds and the Email Evidence. The Conflict Qualification Fraud is the Key Liability Fraud. The others are Damage Management Frauds. They Case Records are Self Evident Fraud Proof. It is no accident.
  3. The Justice Priority needs Corruption Controls. The Key Corruption Control is a Neutrality Qualification Obligation + Conflict Disqualification Disclosure Obligation for the People against Justice Offices. It needs a Key Corruption Controller. The Citizen is the Key Corruption Controller. The Conflict Disqualification Fraud is the Easiest Crime for the Citizen to prove because the Official Records are the Fraud Proof. Anyone can use Intelligence and Decency to function as Citizen and manage the Key Corruption Controls for the People against Corrupt Officers.
  4. The Corruption Remedy Proof Standard is Official Records that are Justice Proof for Honourable Officers or Guilt Proof against Corrupt Officers and Credibility Irrelevance Proof for Victims.
  5. The Corruption Remedy Process does two things. It is a Damage Limitation Control against Incompetent Use of Accountability Powers by the Citizen. It enables the Conflict Qualification Fraud to be the Easiest Crime for the Citizen to prove. It enables Competent Use of Accountability Powers by the Citizen to get Conflict Qualification Fraud Proof Sets that meet the Corruption Remedy Proof Standard.
  6. An Equity Lawyer is anyone who has the expertise and commitment to get Proof Sets that meet the Corruption Remedy Proof Standard and then know how to use it to service the Equity Monarchy Trusts. They are the Justice Responsibilities of the Citizen, Crown and Lord Bishops. They have Corruption Control Jurisdictions that govern Parliament Session Powers.
  7. Most Citizens need and Equity Lawyer to get the Proof Sets. Some Citizens have the expertise and commitment to get the Proof Sets. Few know how to use them to service the Equity Monarchy Trusts. The Remedy Process needs to increase the number who do know and inspire more to serve as Citizen.
  8. The Brief Reasons service the Issue Denial Fraud Appeal in the Court of Appeal service the Contempt Fraud Complaint, Judicial Office Unfitness Complaint and Criminal Conspiracy Complaint in Parliament.
  9. The Extended Reasons are a Remedy Publicity Tool for Parliament and the Crown to service:
    1. The Corruption Findings + Dismissal Decisions against Top Judges by Parliament.
    2. The Judiciary Purification Process and Corruption Victim Identification Process for the People
    3. The Case Remedy Management Process for the Corruption Victims
    4. The Constitution Changes needed to restore the Parliament Session Powers of the British Citizen that Devolution Arrangements took from the Scottish Citizen, Welsh Citizen and Northern Ireland Citizen
    5. Media Management Changes that:
      1. use Valid Due Process Deficits, Positive Proof and Source Personal Identification for Publicity Accountability
      2. use Publicity Accountability Failures for Damage Penalties against Publicity Managers
      3. use Falsehood Negligence Finding, Falsehood Malice Findings, Falsehood Damage Findings, Publicity Management Unfitness Finding for Publicity Restraint Orders and Publicity Damage Penalties against Publicity Fraud Managers
    6. A Polite Request that USA President Mr Biden
      1. assist with a Peace Quality Improvement Plan for Northern Ireland that needs Increased Accountability Powers for the Citizen that enable Corruption Findings and Dismissal Decisions against Top State Officers and Law Court Judges for the Northern Irish Citizen
      2. assist with an Arms Reduction Plan and Empowerment Plan for the US Citizen that achieves a Dependency Transfer for Justice Priority Arguments against Lethal Weapons
      3. assist with Diplomatic Representations for Citizen Empowerment in All Sovereign States  
      4. assist with Publicity Accountability everywhere
  10. Most People need an Oral Explanation to convert Written Material into Real Understanding. The Jury Oriented Style is designed to enable Written Material to service the Oral Explanations. It uses the Third Person and Capital Letter to Identify Familiar Phrases. It enables a Competent Advocate to help Lay Jurors make Jury Findings. It enables Competent Citizens to assist the Remedy Process with Mass Publicity by explaining it to Friends, Neighbours and Anyone Else. It enables everyone to progress at their own pace with Oral Explanations and Written Material. Given a bit of time and help a Bright 16-Year-Old can understand it and an Average 21-Year-Old can explain it.  Most of them will be able to do it a bit at a time. Older people are likely to find it easier because they grew up with Equity Governance.       

Extended Reasons

  1. The Citizen, Crown and Lord Bishops have Justice Responsibilities known as the Equity Monarchy Trusts. They have Corruption Control Jurisdictions that govern Parliament Session Powers.  The Citizen has Investigation Jurisdiction. The Crown had Prosecution Jurisdiction. It is the power to issue Trial Orders of Corruption Cases against the State and Unfitness Cases against Officers and Authorities. The Lord Archbishops have Court Lawyer Jurisdiction, one for the Trial Court and the other for the Appeal Court. The Lord Bishops have Adjudication Jurisdiction. There are 24 of them so that up to 12 can sit as Trial Jurors and up to 12 Others can sit as Appeal Jurors.
  2. The Parliament Session Jurisdictions use the Common Obligation and Common Empowerment to service the Justice Priority, Equity Processes of Truth Discovery and Just Reasoning, Neutrality Qualifications + Conflict Disclosure Obligation for Justice Officers, and the Corruption Remedy Proof Standard.
  3. The Corruption Remedy Proof Standard. It is Official Records that are Justice Proof for Honourable Officers for Guilt Proof against Corrupt Officers and Credibility Irrelevance Proof for the Victim. It eliminates the need for Witness Attendances and Witness Credibility Findings, and enables Rapid Processing of Trial Orders by the Crown. It is a Damage Limitation Control against Incompetent Management by the Citizen.
  4. An Equity Lawyer is anyone who has the expertise and commitment for Case management that gets Proof Sets that meet the Corruption Remedy Proof Standard and knows how to use it to service the Equity Monarchy Trusts.
  5. The Conflict Disqualification Disclosure Obligation makes Conflict Qualification Fraud the easiest crime to prove because Official Records are the Fraud Proof.   
  6. The Politicians made a Unification Plan and Dictatorship Plan for Western European States. It needed a Common Standard for Dictator Powers Standard. The European Constitution defined the Common Standard. It vested Dictator Powers in the State. Electronic Signature Dictator Powers were the Key Dictator Power. It enabled State Officers to make Immediate Obedience Demands supported by Financial Asset Loss Threats using Electronic Signature Termination Powers. It needed Dictator Powers Concealment Frauds as Election Frauds until the Governance Referenda got Referenda Acceptance of the Dictator Powers, and then Valid Result Pretence Frauds. It was a Doom Plan. It was Totally Predictable that Dictator Powers would service the Predation Priority of Organised Crime and result in Total Destruction of Governance Credibility.
  7. Rapid Process of the Dictator Plan needed Governance Referenda that gave a choice between Equity Governance and Dictator Governance. The British Referenda would serve as an Education Process about the Equity Monarchy Trusts that informed British Voters their choice was between Accountability Powers for the Citizen and Dictator Powers for the State. The Dictator Politicians knew it would get Referenda Rejection against Dictator Powers. They used Equity Governance Sabotage Frauds against the British Citizen that needed an Execution Period of 45 Years. The Dictator Plan Execution Period was a Dormancy Period for the Equity Monarchy Trusts.
  8. British Citizens made an Equity Governance Recovery Plan. It exploited Key Weaknesses in the Dictator Plan and the Predictable Consequences. The first was Total Dependency of Dictator Governance on Electronic Signature Powers. It needed Advanced Electronic Signatures for the European Union Citizen that broke the Electronic Signature Monopoly of the European States. It needed the Sophisticated Services that enabled the European Union Citizen to managed Tax Haven Estates and use Taxation Starvation to get Forced Conversion from Dictator Governance to Equity Governance. The second was the Total Predictability that the Dictator Powers would service the Predation Priority of Organised Crime and British Prime Minister would have Total Dependence on Organised Crime when in office. It needed Corruption Proof against a Prime Minister and use of it to end the Dormancy Period and revive the Equity Monarchy Trusts.
  9. The Politicians made International Agreements that vested Dictator Powers in the State. In every Member State of the European Union the Politicians lost control to State Officers and Law Court Judges who formed Organised Crime Partnerships.  They developed Protection Fraud Networks to provide Support Services and Corruption Co-ordination. They sold Market Frauds to Organised Crime, provided Protection Frauds for Corrupt Officers who managed them and traded Glittering Career Guarantees and Job Profits in exchange for Fraud Services by Corrupt Parliamentarians. General Electio0ns got Governing Majorities that were subject to remedy denial Fraud Majorities controlled by the Protection Fraud Networks.
  10. Equity Lawyer Mr Edward William Ellis and a Graphologist developed Writing Behaviour Analysis Technology that was the Key Component for the provision of Advanced Electronic Signatures. It needed the Computer Market to deliver Processing Upgrades for the Mass Market to cope with the Data Processing. In March 1998 the Technology Development and the Computing Capacity Upgrades enabled Viable Services for User Identification that used Writing Behaviour Analysis. The Profit Plan was On-Line Services. The Defence Plan was Source Code Secrecy. It needed Internet Technology for Document Management that enabled Sophisticated Services. Then it needed Priming Business to provide Live Usage Data that enabled System Settings and the Cash Flow for Full Time Services.
  11. European Leaders heard about it. Some of them made a Personal Profit Plan. They were inspired by the Plunder Frauds committed by the Nazi Dictator Mr Hitler against the German People. They included Copyright Licence Fees for Postage Stamp Images. The Personal Profit Plan needed a Writing Behaviour Analysis Source Code Theft, Behaviour Analysis Use Identification for All State Business and All Bank Business and Usage Licence Fees for the Source Code Theft Conspirators.
  12. Prime Minister Mr Blair was a Source Code Theft Conspirator. They appointed him as Theft Manager. He used Barclays Bank Group Board as the Theft Agent. They used Bank Officers. The Case Management by Prime Minister Mr Blair and the Bank Officers was Consistently Bad and Obviously Co-ordinated. A series of Business Meeting between the Secretary of State for Business and the Bank Chief Executives got News Coverage by the Mass Media that coincided with Technology Assessment Appointments and Technology Assessment Postponements by the Bank Officers.
  13. The Equity Lawyer used the Case Management Coincidences for investigations that discovered Source Code Theft was the Case Management Priority of Barclays Bank.   The Theft Plan filed. The European Leaders made a Market Exclusion Fraud Plan against the Signature Analysis Technology. It denied Market Access to the State and City. State Officers wanted to use Advanced Electronic Signatures for Governance Efficiency. Bankers and Insurers wanted to use it to develop Market Services and make Huge Profits. All of them discovered Powerful Anonymous Parties prevented Governance Efficiency and Market Services. Market Investigations by the Equity Lawyer discovered Exclusion Frauds.
  14. The Writing Analysis Technology got the World Lead for Advanced Electronic Signatures for the British People. It enabled them to develop Enormous Markets for Sophisticated Services at Value Prices. The Source Code Theft Plan and Market Exclusion Fraud Plan was an Opportunity Sabotage Fraud by Prime Minister Mr Blair and the Source Code Theft Conspirators against the British People and Everyone Else.
  15. The Equity Lawyer prepared to service the Advanced Electronic Signature Market when the Market Exclusion Frauds ended.
  16. The Business Defence Plan needed a Reverse Engineering Deterrent and Source Code Theft Deterrent. The Geneva Inventions Exhibition Gold Medal was Originality Proof for the Signature Analysis Technology. It served the Deterrent Purposes.
  17. The Busines Defence Plan needed either the Source Code Theft Conspiracy Proof of a Theft Conspiracy Admission or Investigation Findings or Investigation Fraud Proof. The Source Code Theft Complaint by the Equity Lawyer got Investigation Fraud Proof for the Equity Lawyer against Bank Officers. He used it to get a Theft Conspiracy Admission by a Law Firm for the Group Board. He knew use of the Theft Conspiracy Admission for Legal Action in the British Law Courts would have been used for Court Frauds and Costs Frauds and Bankruptcy Frauds to get the Source Code. He kept the Originality Proof of the Gold Medal and the Theft Conspiracy Admission for USA Jurors. Whoever got the Advanced Electronic Signature Market needed the USA Market.
  18. The Signing Behaviour Analysis Technology was Concept Proof in the Public Domain. It gave confidence for Body Movement Analysis Technology that got Mass Publicity using Thriller Films years earlier than would have been the case because the Concept Proof was in the Public Domain.
  19. The Market Exclusion Frauds created a Priming Business Dependency on Small Independents. Many Small Independents had Business Ideas that needed Advanced Electronic Signatures. All of them were dependent on someone providing the Priming Demand, The Equity Lawyer helped many of them to explore the possibilities for them to provide the Priming Demand.
  20. In 2002 a Bank IT Expert began developing the Internet Technology for Document Management.
  21. In 2003 a Car Mechanic changed his business with intent to get Fleet Management Contracts to provide the Priming Demand. It needed On-Line Services that used Vehicle Data for Parts Weighted Opinions and Labour Weighted Opinions and Writing Analysis Identification of the Relevant Expert for Quality Control Purposes. It gave Fleet Managers in remote and dangerous places the choice of Rapid Repair using the Parts Weighted Opinion or Staff Training using the Labour Weighted Opinion. The Car Mechanic needed to recruit Competent Independents as Vehicle Data Analysis Experts. They used Vehicle Data Technology. The Car Mechanic got Marketing Rights for the Vehicle Data Technology because the Technology Sales identified the Competent Independents.
  22. The British State made an Espionage Plan. It needed the Patent Rights in 18 European States for the use of Vehicle Data for Insurance Premiums, develop New Technology than linked Vehicle Data to Location Data and use Diplomatic Car Traffic Analysis for Live Espionage against Sovereign States and UK Car Traffic Analysis for All Purposes against the British Citizen.  Norwich Union serviced the Espionage Plan, bought the Patent Rights, and gave a New Technology Development Contract to IBM.  It was a Doom Plan. It needed Status Publicity for Top Managers as Insurance Business Managers and Anonymity Frauds for them as Espionage Plan Managers.
  23. In late 2003 two things coincided. The Document Management System reached the Testing Stage.  A Ping Test revealed the distance between the Test Terminals was 5 kilometres. Norwich Union took delivery of the New Vehicle Technology. They knew how to interpret the Location Data but not the Activity Data. They asked the Car Mechanic to attend a Business Meeting. He asked the Equity Lawyer to attend. The Technology Development Team asked for help with Vehicle Activity Data Analysis. It got Deal Proposals for the Data Analysis in exchange for Insurance Products that used Advanced Electronic Signatures. The Technology Development Team did not have Negotiation Authority. They called for the Top Manager. He entered the room. The Team Leader did not know the Top Manager needed an Anonymity Fraud because the Equity Lawyer would discover the espionage Plan. The Team Leader attempted a Polite Introduction that identified the Top Manager and explained the High Status. It got Introduction Sabotage Behaviour from the Top Manager. The Equity Lawyer noticed. He knew what it meant. He explained to the Team Leader everything he wanted the Top Manager to know. It did not take long. New Markets need Consumer Confidence. The Vehicle Data Insurance Plan needed the Policy Holder to have Data Security and the elimination of Location Data to prevent Motoring Convictions by the State. Old Technology did not have Location data and was about 1/8th the price. The Deal Proposal was the exchange of Data Analysis for Insurance Products using Advanced Electronic Signatures. The Top Manager acknowledged it. There was a Brief Exchange between the Equity Lawyer and Top Manager. The Equity Lawyer explained the Insurance Plan could do Confidence Damage that affected Consumer Confidence in Other Markets. It was a Thursday afternoon.
  24. It got Rapid Termination of the Business Meeting, a Hurried Removal of the Car Mechanic and Equity Lawyer from the Building, Frantic Communications between Norwich Union and Progressive Insurance in Texas, a Business Meeting Appointment for the Monday Morning with a Technology Manufacturer in California and Transport Arrangements from Texas to California for a Progressive Insurance Team to attend the Business Meeting. A Production Manager realised what was happening, telephoned the Car Mechanic, and passed a message to the Business Owner not to do business with Progressive Insurance until he had spoken with the Car Mechanic.
  25. It got a Service Interruption by Docklands Telephone Exchange while the Secret Service installed an Electronic Eavesdropping Loop and Viewing Station to observe the Document Management Tests. The choice for them was Intercept, Run and Resend with a Half Second Delay or Intercept, Resend and Run with No Delay. They chose the Delay option. The Bank IT Expert noticed the delay. A Ping Test discovered the Telephone Exchange Works had increased the distance between the Test Terminals from 5 to 7 kilometres.  The Bank IT Expert it was Electronic Eavesdropping by the Secret Service. He carried on. All Tests got Success Results.  The Secret Service reported to Prime Minister Mr Blair.
  26. In early 2004 the Car Mechanic got acceptance by the Local Managers of the Angolan Fleet. The Equity Lawyer helped him get acceptance by the London Managers. It got a Fleet Management Contact for the Car Mechanic. It got Priming Demand for the Signature Analysis Technology. It got Business Credibility that enabled a Garage Manager in Luanda to make Business Introductions. The Garage Owner was wealthy and well connected. He heard about the Business Introductions, asked questions and then asked for a Business Meeting. Every year the Garage Owner spent his Birthday Week in Lisbon so that he could visit relatives.  The Car Mechanic made a Meeting Appointment for Lisbon so that the Equity Lawyer and his Dutch Distribution Manager could attend.  It got a Business Agreement. A Payment Cheque from the Garage Owner to the Dutch Distribution Manager evidenced the Business Agreement. The Secret Service made a Business Progress Report to Prime Minister Mr Blair.
  27. The Business Progress made inevitable the exposure of the Dictator Power Concealment Frauds and Election Frauds. Extradition Frauds and Imprisonment Frauds against a Business Manager who was a British Citizen and Business Manager who was a Dutch Citizen. Everything that could go wrong for them did go wrong.  The 1st Extradition Fraud discovered the use of Kent Ports for Drug Trafficking by Top Police, Top Customs and Top Judges were the Top Drug Dealers.
  28. An Extradition Fraud Deal required completion of the Innocence Evidence Concealment Frauds by the British Authorities before completion of the Imprisonment Frauds by the British Authorities.
  29. A Protection Fraud Deal got Immunity Frauds for the Top Drug Dealers in exchange for service of the Extradition Frauds and a Profit Share for Prime Minister Mr Blair at the expense of the Top Judges.
  30. The Extradition Fraud Proof was used for a Corruption Notice to the Crown and Parliament. It ended the Dormancy Period and revived use of the Equity Monarchy Trusts. It started a Corruption Remedy Process that has continued ever since.
  31. The Corruption Remedy Process used Parliament Session Agreements between the Crown and Prime Ministers to impose Corruption Remedy Conditions that required:
    1. the Binding Precedent for:
      1. Validity Priority using the 2008 House of Lords Case R v Clarke
      2. Fraud Invalidity using the 2015 Case Sharland v Sharland
      3. Justice Office Conflict Disqualification using the 2015 Case Emerald Supplies v British
    2. the Corruption Case Issue Right for the Citizen against the High Court and Court of Appeal evidenced by the Before Issue Approval Powers Revocation Order in 2015
    3. the Special Protection of a Legal Service Crime Prosecution Prohibitions for Equity Lawyer Mr Ellis against the State
  32. The Legal Service Crime Prosecution Prohibition Special Protection enabled the Equity Lawyer to provide Case Management Services and use Corruption Cases of Citizens for Integrity Tests of the State and Law Courts.  
  33. The Integrity Test Cases forced Corrupt Officers to choose between:
    1. Conflict Disqualification Admissions that enabled Adjudication Justice by Credibly Neutral Justice Officers
    2. Conflict Qualification Frauds needed to get the Case Control, Pending Adjudication Enforcement Stay Protection Breach Contempt Frauds, Dismissal Frauds and Restraint Frauds against Citizens
  34. The Top Judges used a Business Development Plan to make up for the Lost Profit Share. It needed Protection Frauds that enabled Insurers and Surveyors who managed Land Frauds for Big Land Owners against Small Independents.  Top Judges were jealous of the Huge Profits that Lease Forfeitures Frauds got for Landlords. They formed Asset Theft Partnerships with Organised Criminals, Representatives and State Officers. They committed Asset Thefts against Citizens and the State.  The Remedy Process used some of the Corruption Proof got by the Business Expansion Plan.
  35. The Remedy Process Integrity Tests motivated the Corrupt Officers to demand Protection Frauds from Corrupt Superiors and to use Record Frauds, Case Misrepresentation Frauds and Identity Misrepresentation Frauds as Protection Frauds for Corrupt Witnesses, Corrupt Investigators, Corrupt Prosecutors, Corrupt Defenders, Corrupt Case Judges and Corrupt Supervision Judges.
  36. The Special Protection for the Equity Lawyer forced Top Judges f Civil Court Contempt Powers to provide Protection Frauds for Organised Criminals, Corrupt Representatives and Corrupt Officers. The Record Frauds created the need for Audio Records that are Personal Responsibility Proof against Identifiable Individuals
  37. The Parliament Session Agreement in December 2019 between the Crown and Prime Minister required that a Royal Commission deliver Corruption Remedies before the Session End. The Default Penalty is a Parliament Session Refusal and Forced General Election with Mass Publicity for the Corruption Proof and Remedy Denial Fraud Proof. Corruption Remedies needed Protection Fraud Conspiracy Proof against Organised Criminals, State Officers and Law Court Judges including Lord Justices of the Court of Appeal.
  38. The Equity Lawyer provided Case Management Services that got the Protection Fraud Conspiracy Proof for Citizens, Parliament and the Crown. Organised Criminals, Corrupt Representatives and Corrupt Officers demanded Protection Frauds. They were given the Contempt Claim Fraud 2020 000286 and General Civil Restraint Renewal Fraud against the Equity Lawyer. It got Court Audio Records that were Personal Responsibility Proof against Identifiable Individuals. The Equity Lawyer used it for the 1st Contempt Fraud Appeal 2020 0396. It got Pending Appeal Trial Stay Protection Rights for the Equity Lawyer against the State and High Court.
  39. The Restraint Breach Imprisonment Trial Permission Fraud and the Trial Permission Fraud were Trial Stay Protection Breach Contempt Fraud Conspiracy Proof for the Equity Lawyer, Parliament and Crown against the State and High Court.
  40. The Equity Lawyer used the Trial Permission Fraud for the 2nd Contempt Fraud Appeal.
  41. The 1st Contempt Fraud Appeal Dismissal Fraud and the 2nd Contempt Fraud Appeal Issue Denial Fraud added Trial Stay Protect Breach Contempt Fraud Conspiracy Proof against Case Judges and Supervising Judges of the Court of Appeal.
  42. The Restraint Breach Imprisonment Trial on 3rd November 2020 got Status Conflict Recusal Refusal Fraud Proof, Trial Start Fraud Proof, Trial Directions Fraud Proof and Trial Fraud Conspiracy Proof for the Equity Lawyer, Parliament and Crown against the State and Trial Judge Mr Jay. On 19th July 2016 Trial Judge Mr Jay sat in Royal Court 37 and use Hearing Judge Status in Corruption Cases of Citizens to get Witness Status, Investigator Status and Prosecutor Status in the Restraint Breach Contempt Prosecution Fraud against the Equity Lawyer. It was Status Disqualification Proof against him. The Trial Fraud got an Audio Record of Event Admissions, Status Admissions and Conflict Disqualification Denials by Trial Judge Mr Jay. They are Conflict Qualification Fraud Conspiracy Proof against State Counsel Mr Eardley and Trial Judge.
  43. The Remedy Process waited two days the Records Fraud Signature from Trial Judge Mr Jay and the Record Fraud Seal from Court Officers, and on the 3rd day, gave him a Conflict Disqualification Notice and Recusal Demand. It got the Forced Recusal Judgement dated 9th November 2020, and the Forced Recusal and Trial Directions Confirmation Fraud dated 9th November 2020 and the Conflict Recusal Article in the Law Society Gazette.
  44. The Equity Lawyer used the Recusal Refusal Fraud, Trial Directions Fraud for the 3rd Contempt Fraud Appeal and the Recusal, and Trial Directions Confirmation Fraud for the 4th Trial Fraud Appeal to the Court of Appeal and all of it for a Remedy Application in the High Court. On-Line Applications got Help With Fee Documents. Royal Mail Signed-For Post got a Receipt Signature for Both Appeals and the Remedy Application from the Royal Courts Post Room. All of it got Automatic Issue Denial Fraud Proof against the Court of Appeal and Application Process denial fraud Proof against the High Court and Fee Remission Certificate Denial Fraud Proof against the Fees Office.
  45. The 2nd Contempt Fraud Appeal got Issue Denial Frauds for 173 days, and Appeal Issue on Saturday 12th November 2020 with Email Notice.
  46. The Adjourned Trial on Monday 14th November 2020 got a Conflict Disqualification Recusal Refusal Fraud Conspiracy Proof, Pending Appeal Trial Stay Protection Breach Contempt Fraud Conspiracy Proof, Liability Trial Fraud Proof, Multiple Trial Fraud Proof and 2 Day Adjournment Fraud Proof and then on Wednesday 16th November 2020 Liability Trial Finding Fraud Proof and Penalty Adjournment Fraud Proof for the Equity Lawyer, Parliament and Crown against State Counsel Mr Eardley and Trial Judge Mrs Cutts.
  47. The Contempt Trial frauds were Fraud Commitment Proof from the High Court that got Fraud Commitment Proof by Organised Criminals, Lower Courts and State Officers that got the 2nd Appeal Dismissal Fraud by the Court of Appeal.
  48. The Fraud Commitment Proof included a Mortgage Repayment Receipt Refusal Notice dated 16th December 2020 from the Bank of Scotland. It was Land Fraud Conspiracy Proof for the Citizen Trust Beneficiary Mr Sood, Parliament and the Crown against the Family Estate Trustee, Representatives, the Bank and the County Court, High Court and Court of Appeal.
  49. The Fraud Commitment Proof included a Sex Crime Investigation Fraud and Arrest Fraud on 21st December 2020 by Sussex Police against Citizen Mr Taylor.
  50. The Equity Lawyer used the Recusal Refusal Fraud + Contempt Liability Trial Fraud for the 5th Contempt Fraud Appeal and Advance Notice that the Penalty Hearing will get a 6th Contempt Fraud Appeal.
  51. The Top Judges were trapped. They use Career Blackmail Frauds against Qualified Lawyers to get Preliminary Issue Appeal Denial Frauds against Citizens and use Trial Completion Fraud Appeals for Delay Frauds until the completion of Enforcement Frauds, and then Dismissal Frauds, that sometimes use the Enforcement Completion for Pointless Case Comments.  The Equity Lawyer filed 4 Contempt Fraud Appeals enabled the 1st got Dismissal Fraud Conspiracy Proof against Court Officers, Case Judges and Supervising Judges of the Court of Appeal. The 2nd Fraud Appeal got Issue Denial Fraud Proof for 173 days, and then a Dismissal Fraud by a Lord Justice that was Protection Fraud Proof. The 3rd and 4th Fraud Appeals got Issue Denial Fraud Proof, and Filing Deficit Pretence Frauds, use of the Forced Recusal for a Pointless Case Pretence Fraud. The Deficit Pretence Fraud Complaint and Repeat Filing got a Repeat Pointless Case Pretence Fraud, 7 Day Compliance Time Limit and Dismissal Threat.
  52. Citizen Cases continued to get Fraud Conspiracy Proof. Investigation is needed to discover whether they were part of the Protection Fraud Deal or another Protection Fraud Deal.
  53. Additional Fraud Proof Filing Rights Reserved for the Equity Lawyer.

Equity Lawyer Mr Ellis

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