To: House of Commons Peaker, Prime Minister, Cabinet Officers, MPs, Representatives and Law Court Judges
On 2nd November 2021, the Public Gallery Rights Trial 2021 0540 Plea Hearing at Basildon Crown Court got an Audio that is Fraud Conspiracy Proof against the Crown Prosecutor and Hearing Judge. The Return Journey got a Railway Station Ambush + Repeat Assault Framing Fraud by Essex Police and a Plea Hearing on 6th December 2021 The 2021 0540 Defence Statement + Basildon Assault Framing Fraud Plea Hearing proposals are attached.
The Enforcement F00LE923 Fraud Appeal and Contempt Fraud Remedy Claim 2021 003840 used the Same Evidence Set. They got Fraud Conspiracy Proof against the County Court and High Court. Days later a Confidence Collapse rippled through the system. It got the Shop Theft F00LE923 Case Transfer from the County Court to the High Court. The attached 2021 0003840 Stay Removal Representations force High Court Master Mr Eastman to choose between Fraud Enforcement or Fraud Remedies after the Confidence Collapse has sent Court Frauds for Top Judges to Top Judges.
Contempt Fraud Remedy Claim Court Fee Receipt and the Council Tax Fraud Appeal get Pending Adjudication Enforcement Stay Protection Rights for Citizen Ms Davies against Worcester City Council and Dukes Bailiffs Limits. Both Cases are Parliament Session Priority Performance Test Cases.
Equity Lawyer Mr Ellis