House of Commons Speaker, Prime Minster, Cabinet Officers, All MPs, State Lawyers and Family Estate Trustee Mr Sood,
The Remedy Process needs Due Process Precedent Cases for Right Definition and Rights Enforcement.
The Key Due Process is Pending Adjudication Enforcement Stay Protection for the Citizen against the State and Law Courts.
Dictator Governance relies on Due Process Denial Frauds in general and especially Pending Adjudication Enforcement Stay Protection Denial Frauds.
Equity Governance uses Protection Breach Contempt Fraud Remedies. The Key Contempt Remedy is the use of Protection Breach Contempt Fraud Proof for Power Forfeiture Orders for the Citizen against the State.
The Contempt Committal Fraud Appeals 2020 0395 and the Restraint Fraud Appeal 2020 0396 created Pending Appeal Contempt Trial Stay Protection Rights for the Citizen and Equity Lawyer against the State. The State Lawyers sent Trial Date Avoidance Request Emails. The Equity Lawyer sent a Pending Adjudication Protection Notice Email. On 5th March 2020 the State Lawyers sent a Listing Demand Email to the Citizen and High Court. It is a Protection Breach Contempt Fraud Proof. The choice for the High Court and the Court of Appeal is to make a Contempt Finding, Remedy Entitlement Finding and Prosecution Powers Forfeiture Order for the Citizen against the State or created Bias Fraud Proof and Remedy Denial Fraud Proof against themselves by failure to do so.
State Lawyers can concede defeat with Contempt Admissions, Contempt Purging Offers, No Evidence Notices and Remedy Priority Requests. Failure to do so will be Aggravated Fraud Proof against them.
The Remedy process needs Remedy Precedents for Trust Breaches Contempt Frauds. Citizen Mr Sood has offered use of his Family Estate Case. A Wisdom Tooth Operation went wrong, got a Sedation Overdose and the Sedation Death of his Wife. Ur left him with 4 children to bring up. He used the £150,000 Medical Negligence Damages to buy two flats and a house using Buy to Let Mortgages with a Son as Borrower and Trustee. The Father and family lived in the house. The Father collected the rent and paid the mortgage. In 2012 the Son got engaged. In 2013 the Son signed a Trust Declaration. In 2014 the Son took Possession Action against a Tenant, occupied a Flat and paid No Rent. It created Financial Instability for the Father. In 2015 the Son used a Beneficial Ownership Claim Fraud to get a Possession Order + Sale Order against the Father. Another Son got a Mortgage Offer and acted as buying Agent for the Father. It got Mortgage Redemption Statement Denial Fraud Proof and Mortgage Redemption Fraud Proof against the Bank of Scotland. It got Sale Co-operation Refusal Fraud Proof and Sale Order Breach Contempt Fraud Proof for the Father against the Son Trustee, Lawyers, Bank of Scotland and County Court. The Case Management Details discovered that the Son Trustee planned a House Eviction Fraud against the Father and House Possession Fraud for himself. The Son Trustee has Finance Service Qualifications + Practicing Certificate. It creates Reasonable Suspicions that the Son planned a Mortgage Securitisation Investigation, No Mortgage Liability Finding and Mortgage Release for himself and an Entire House Value Dispossession Fraud against his Father. On 9th March 2020 the Father sent to the Royal Court 37 with intent to get an Interim Remedy Orders for a Possession Stay and Trustee Replacement. It got Interim Hearing Denial Fraud Proof against the High Court. The Royal Court 37 Clerk ignored the Contempt Fraud Proof and Conflict Disqualification against the County Court and made a Case reference to the Central London County Court. The Father ignored the Case Reference, went to the High Court Actions Office and got issue of Contempt Fraud Claim QB 2020 000968. The Counter Clerk issued the Claimants Copy of the Claim Form, kept the Defendant Copies, stamped the Application Notice, denied a Hearing Date and told him he would get the Case Papers in a fortnight. It evidenced High Court Judges are responsible for the County Court Frauds.
The Son Trustee can make a Privilege Waiver and Confidentiality Waiver that enables the Trustee Lawyers to make Full Disclosure.
The High Court can make a Conflicted Interest Admission, Remedy Only Jurisdiction Limit Admission and Damage Limitation Order for the Father against the Defendants and for the State against the Son Trustee, Lawyers and Bank of Scotland.
The Father makes an Immunity Negotiation Offer with a 7 Day Time Limit to the Son Trustee, Trustee Lawyers, Beneficiary Lawyers, Bank of Scotland and Ministry of Justice.
Best Advice: Immunity Negotiations between the Liable Parties and Equity Lawyer Mr Ellis for the Stated Reason that the Father should not have to deal with the Son Trustee and
The Business Theft Criminal Complaint, Business Recovery Claim QB 2019 003741 and Corruption Claim QB 2019 003984 of Citizen Mr Yediayli got Criminal Conspiracy Proof against Top Police and Top Judges. The Contempt Fraud Claim of Citizen Mr Sood is a Comparator Case.
The Royal Commission can prepare to use the case for Remedy Publicity.
The Equity Lawyer is dependent on Borough Libraries for Internet Access. Some of the Library Computers cannot service Memory Sticks. The QB 2020 000968 Claim Form, Particulars, Application Notice and Draft Interim Remedies Order cannot be accessed for attachment to this email because of the Library Computer Defects.
Equity Lawyer Mr Edward William Ellis