Royal Commission, Fraud Appeal, Harassment and NHS Patients Forced Medication Fraud

To: House of Commons Speaker, Prime Minister, Secretary of State for Health, and Sussex Partnership NHS Trust Psychiatrists Dr Bolstridge and Dr Soud,

Contempt and Terrorism Penalty Warning

There are reports that on Monday 8th June 2020 Sussex Partnership NHS Trust plan a Forced Medication of Citizen Mr Paterson who has NHS Number 4445964670.

The Forced Medication would be a Protection Breach Contempt Fraud against the Citizen, Law Courts, Parliament and Crown.

The Corruption Remedy Conditions in the Parliament Session Agreement required a Royal Commission. It will get Corruption Remedies for Victims before the Session End. The Default Penalty is a Parliament Session Refusal and Forced General Election with Mass Publicity for Corruption Proof and Remedy Denial Fraud Proof.

Citizen Mr John Paterson is a Corruption Victim. He has Protection Rights from the Crown and Parliament.  He got them by making Privilege Waivers and Confidentiality Waivers that enabled the Crown ad Lord Bishops to use his cases for Remedy Publicity. Also, he has Pending Adjudication Protection Rights in Trial Frauds 2019 0860 + 0861 and the Mental Illness Diagnosis Fraud Appeal.

The Corruption Remedy Process needs Deterrent Penalties. The Forced Medication is a Protection Frauds. It will be used for Deterrent Penalties against everyone responsible for the Primary Frauds and Protection Frauds committed against Citizen Mr Paterson.

The Similar Fact Evidence includes the Kidney Failure Treatment Denial Frauds by Hospital Doctors against Equity Lawyer Mr Ellis. It got the Grievous Bodily Harm of End Stage Kidney Failure. On 17th April 2020 it needed an Emergency Admission to Broomfield Hospital.  It was used for Mental Health Frauds. The Hospital Doctors ignored Mental Examination Consent Refusals and used a Secret Diagnosis Fraud and Prescription Fraud to get a Urea Retention Side Effect. In a Kidney Failure Case it was a Poison Fraud. The function of Kidney Failure Dialysis Treatment is Blood Cleaning by Toxin Removal. Urea is one of the Toxins. The Prescription Fraud was a Dialysis Treatment Sabotage Fraud committed to get Grievous Bodily Harm for Physical Torture and Psychological Torture.

Politicians agreed the European Constitution. It vested Dictator Powers in the State. The Politicians lost control to Corrupt Officers and Law Court Judges who formed Organised Crime Partnerships. They developed a Protection Fraud Network for Mutual Support and Corruption Co-ordination. They used Medical Diagnosis Frauds and Prescription Frauds for the Torture, Grievous Bodily Harm and Murder of Corruption Victims.  

The European Leaders wanted Referenda Acceptance of the Dictator Powers. They needed Election Frauds to get it. Everything that could go wrong for them did go wrong. In 2004 the Lawful Business of British Citizens made inevitable exposure of the Election Frauds. The European Leaders used Extradition Frauds and Imprisonment Frauds against a British Citizen to get Business Sabotage Frauds and prevent exposure of the Election Frauds. Prime Minister Mr Blair pretended he knew nothing. There was No Extradition Agreement between the British and the Dutch. The 1st Extradition Fraud used a Drug Crime Investigation Fraud and Armed Dutch Police on British Soil to supervise British Customs and Kent Police in a Kidnap Operation against the British Citizen. Prime Minister Mr Blair and the Dutch Authorities did not know that a complex series of events had got Incredible Target Status for the the British Citizen in Drug Crime Investigations. They did not know that Top Police, Top Customs and Top Judges were the Top Illegal Drug Importers. They did not know that the Top Drug Importers had used the addresses of the British Citizen as Decoy Addresses on the Carrier Movement Records for more than 70 Drug Shipments. The Dutch Authorities made an Assistance Request for a Drug Crime Investigation. It needed an Arrest Fraud against the Incredible Target and Justice Perversion by destruction of the Business Records to enable the Misrepresentation Fraud there was no business, and a Vehicle Theft to enable Misrepresentation Frauds that there was No Vehicle and Parts Communications were Drug Trafficking Code. British Customs had no prior experience of Extradition Frauds. They had a Drug Shipment n transit using the Decoy Address. They thought the Incredible Target had discovered the Address Frauds, had reported it and was assisting a Decoy Address Investigation. They got News Broadcasts of a Big Drugs Bust and International Co-operation, pretended enthusiasm for the investigation and took control to manage Investigation Sabotage Frauds. It got a Remand Custody Fraud against the British Citizen who was in a British Prison, had British Jury Trial Rights and an Investigation Record that was Compelling Innocence Proof for him and Compelling Guilt Proof against the Investigators.

The choice for Prime Minister Mr Blair was to abandon the Extradition Frauds and recover control of the State and Law Courts from Organised Crime, or to do a deal with the Protection Fraud Network to carry on. He did a Protection Fraud Deal with the Protection Fraud Network that got a Profit Share for him and required him to provide Protection Frauds that previously were provided by Top Judges. He made an Extradition Fraud Deal with the Dutch Authorities that required Innocence Evidence Concealment Frauds by the British Authorities before completion of the Imprisonment Frauds by the Dutch Authorities.

Equity Lawyer Mr Ellis got Fraud Proof and used it for a Corruption Notice to the Crown and Parliament. It revived use of the Equity Monarchy Trusts that had not been used for 45 years. It started a Corruption Remedy Process that has continued ever since.

In 2015 the General Election got a Governing Majority for Prime Minister Mr Cameron. He did everything the Crown and Lord Bishops required him to do for the Corruption Remedy Process. The Protection Fraud Network wanted to stop him servicing the Remedy Process. They planned Ruin Frauds against him. They needed Internet Publicity by an Innocent Agent, Censorship Motive Proof against the Prime Minister, a Framing Fraud against the Innocent Agent and exposure of it time to do maximum damage to the Prime Minister, Panama Papers Week was Censorship Motive Week. It prepared for Framing Fraud Exposure Week that did not happen. Equity Lawyer Mr Ellis found the case. Citizen Mr Paterson was the Innocent Agent. He cooperated. They got Criminal Conspiracy Proof against Law Court Judges in time to stop the Framing Fraud Exposure Week.  The Ruin Fraud Conspirators needed Protection Frauds. They were given Repeat Frauds against Corruption Victims. Citizen Mr Paterson was one of them. 

Corruption Remedies needs Sanity a Presumption and Validity Presumption for the Citizen against the State subject to Rebuttal Proof that meets the Objective Proof Standard. It needs a Rebuttal Evidence Prohibition against all the Mood Classifications that have been used for Mental Illness Diagnosis Frauds and Prescription Frauds and Forced Medication Frauds. 

The Royal Commission and Psychiatrists have Fair Warning the Forced medication of Citizen Mr Paterson will be a Deterrent Penalty Case

Equity Lawyer Mr Ellis

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