To: House of Commons Speaker, Prime Minister, Cabinet Officers, Privy Counsellors, MPs, State Lawyers and Law Court Judges
The Protection Fraud Market has Risk Control Protocols. The Worst Risk for the Protection Fraud Market is Immunity Deals that get Remedy Co-operation and use it to get Corruption Proof against Top Judges. The Protection Fraud Market manages the Immunity Risk by requiring Fraud Commitment Proof from the Receiver before the Protection Fraud Supply. Top Judges used Court Officers and a Lower Rank Judge to commit the 1st Fraud Appeal 2020 0396 Dismissal Frauds against the Equity Lawyer. The Remedy Process required that a Lord Justice accept Personal Responsibility for the Dismissal Frauds. The Lord Justices required Fraud Commitment Proof from the State Officers in the Ministry of Justice who functioned as organised Crime Managers for the Top Judges. The Fraud Commitment proof was the Drug Crime Investigation Fraud by the Metropolitan Police and Family Sabotage Fraud by Local Authority Officers against Citizens Mr and Mrs Nkrumah and their 3 Children.
The Police Bail Conditions Fraud Appeal and Contempt Remedy Application of Citizens Mr and Mrs Nkrumah in Barkingside Magistrates Court is listed for 11.00 on 1st February 2021
The Equity Lawyer will attend as Jurisdiction Fraud Witness for the Citizens, State and Court
The Citizens intend to print the documents dated 31st January 2021. The Magistrates Court Officers can print the rest.
Equity Lawyer Mr Ellis
2021-02-31-Royal-Commission-Contempt-Fraud-Remedy-DRAFT-Order-for-Citizens-Mr-and-Mrs-Nkrumah-v-State- 2021-01-31-Royal-Commission-Contempt-Fraud-Witness-Statement-of-Equity-Lawyer-Mr-Ellis-v-Solicitor-General 2021-01-20-Royal-Commission-2020-000286-Fraud-Appeals-x-5-Remedy-Application-Support-Statement-of-Equity-Lawyer-v-Solicitor-General 2021-01-10-20-09-Royal-Commission-Contempt-Fraud-Complaint-against-the-House-of-Commons-Speaker-and-Court-of-Appeal-2021-PI-10069-YYYY-ZZZZ-Email-of-Equity-Lawyer-v-Solicitor-General 2020-11-30-Royal-Commission-2020-000286-Case-Dismissal-Statement-of-Equity-Lawyer-v-Solicitor-General 2020-11-30-Royal-Commission-2020-000286-Case-Dismissal-Brief-Details-of-Equity-Lawyer-v-Solicitor-General