Royal Commission + Remedy Publicity + Osteopath Case + 2021 0297 + ZC14D022308 + B01B0837 + G02EC632 + F02ED793 + G00CR488 + E02YM867 + F00LE923

To: House of Commons Speaker, Prime Minister, Cabinet Officers, Privy Counsellors, MPs, Representatives and Law Court Judges

Polite Request that Citizen Mr Zarb manage Comparison Cases using Cases of Enforcement Claim F00LE923 Contempt Investigation Denial Fraud + High Court Rank Judge Denial Fraud + Directions Fraud on 20th September 2021 for a Fraud Appeal in the County Court and the Same Evidence for a Contempt  Interim Remedy Application in the High Court using the attached Appeal Grounds and Draft Order.

Polite Request that Citizens Ms Davies and Mr Zarb manage Comparator cases using Contempt Interim Remedy Applications in the High Court.

Polite Request that Citizen Osteopath Ms Michelle Davies send:

  1. The News Bulletin Emails to All Practice Connections and Local Journalists using the Subject ‘News Bulletin + Research Assistance Request’ and Message of her choosing and the attachments:
    • 2021 09 19 Osteopath 2855 Profession Fitness Case News Bulletin for Citizen Ms Davies v General Osteopathic Council
    • 2021 09 20 Royal Commission + Remedy Research + Contempt Fraud Interim Remedy Application Hearing Urgency Opinion + Aggravated Urgency Opinion for Citizen Ms Davies v General Osteopathic Council
  2. The Research Emails to any Judge or Lawyer who gave a Practice Fitness Opinion using the Subject ‘News Bulletin Email Notice + Urgency Opinions Request as Comparator Evidence for Research Results’ and message of her choosing and the 2 attachments

Remedy Research has discovered that in many cases Safe Conditions stunts Emotional Robustness. Stress Conditions have effect as Emotional Robustness Tests and discover Emotionally Immature and the Stress Response of Responsibility Rejection. Clever People are more likely to get the Safe Conditions that stunt Emotional Robustness. The Remedy Research included University Professors. In short, many cases discovered that Cleverness resources Cowardice. 

Poison Case Remedy Proposal for use of Case Management Immature Incapacity Finding and Litigation Representative Appointments Authority for the Stated Reason that Good Cases become Poisonous Cases when Co-operation Failures by the Victim deliver Protection Frauds for Guilty Parties. Court Record Frauds and Health Record  Frauds deny use of Mental Incapacity Opinions for Litigation Representative Appointments. 

Remedy Co-operation needs Responsibility Acceptance by the Victim. In some cases, the Co-operation Requests gets Responsibility Rejections. A few of those get Rant Emails that are Bad Emotion Dumps and Immaturity Boasts. 

Poison Case Co-operation needs: 

  1. A Case Management Agreement to use of an Immature Incapacity Reason for a Litigation Representative Appointment and Accountability to the Parliament Session Jurisdictions
  2. A Recruiting Effort to find Fit Persons as Litigation Representatives

Equity Lawyer Mr Ellis

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