Edward William Ellis on the Queens Speech and Royal Commission into the Criminal Justice System


Hello! Well there Good Afternoon! Today is Saturday the 21st of December 2019 and we have Equity Lawyer Edward William Ellis to share some information for us.

The Parliament Session Agreements contain Corruption Remedy Conditions. Most of the time the Conditions are secret. What is read out by the Queen is the public part of the agreement. The 2019 Parliament Session Agreement has in the public part of it a Corruption Remedy Condition that requires a Royal Commission.

In 2017 Mrs May was forced into having a general election so that there could be a two and a half year long parliamentary session to enable completion of corruption investigations of the law courts, get corruption cases against judges in Parliament and continue the corruption investigations in Parliament using the corruption cases against the top judges.

the long session got criminal conspiracy proof against organised criminals, the media the state the law courts and many politicians.

A lot of cases were used to prepare for the 2019 general election. Those cases got criminal conspiracy proof against organized criminals, the media, the state, the law courts and top politicians before and during the election campaign period. All of that evidence is relevant evidence for the Royal Commission they are now going to have to deal with that evidence in public. All of the efforts of the corrupt offices have been to pretend nothing was happening. The pharmaceutical industry and other big business bought market frauds in the whole of the European Union they wanted to continue with the market frauds after Brexit. They are now most concerned that the Royal Commission will expose the nature and extent of the market frauds. Our challenge as citizens is to ensure that the Parliament staffs the Royal Commission with people who do not have conflicted interests and that we force cooperation by politicians. We have a cunning plan to force them to do so. The cunning plan will be explained in stages. The Queen’s speech was only two days ago. Some of the preparations have already been put in progress. I will speak again.

Patient Medical Service Denial Frauds, Housing Benefit, Contempt Fraud and Ruin Fraud

Prime Minister Mr Johnson, Attorney General Mr Cox, Opposition Leader Mr Corbyn, All MPs, General Medical Council Unfitness Complaint Officers + Redbridge Council Officers,

Congratulations to Prime Minister Mr Johnson for winning the Leadership Contest.  

1.    Election Warning

1.1.  The Remedy Process Emails are Due Notice Proof for the Citizen against MPs when the Crown and Lord Bishops make Parliamentary Session Decisions. General Elections get Governing Majorities. The Protection Fraud Networks have Remedy Sabotage Majorities. The Remedy Sabotage MPs might want a Confidence Defeat Election to avoid a Parliament Session Refusal and Forced General Election with Mass Publicity for the Corruption Proof and Remedy Denial Fraud Proof. The Equity Lawyer made Remedy Proposals for a Care Taker Prime Minister to manage Mass Remedies before the Leadership Contest Voting Day.  MPs ignored it and thereby raised Reasonable Suspicions of Protection Fraud Deals in exchange for Leadership Support. The Protection Fraud Promises were subject to Viable Execution Conditions. The Remedy Process has been managed to get Unviable Conditions Proof to enable Protection Fraud Promise Releases. The Best Advice is that the Prime Minister gives Written Notices of Unviable Conditions and Management Advice Requests, documents the responses, if any, spends very little time on it and gets on with other business. Corruption Victims will accept a Prime Minister who did Protection Fraud Deals to get office provided he uses office to give priority to Corruption Remedies. They know the Prime Minister might need a Parliament Session Agreement with Corruption Remedy Conditions that require Mass Remedies in the few days between General Election Day and Parliament Assembly Day.       

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Remedy Process Update

The Corruption Remedy Process has changed the Accountability Terms. The Justice Priority of the People has replaced the Empowerment Priority of the Dictator. It affects everything including the Leadership Contest.

Due Process is whatever the Justice Priority needs. It depends on the in the circumstances of the case. The Leadership Contest is a case. Due Process needs the Remedy Process to deliver an Unfitness Purge of Corrupt MPs.

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