RoyalCommission + Contempt Fraud Appeal Filing + 2020 000286 + FD20P00642 + C0 1202 2021 + B01B0837+ F02ED793+ F02ED632 + F21YY087 + E01WT861 + ZC14D02308

To: House of Commons Speaker, Prime Minister, Cabinet Officers, Privy Counsellors, MPs, Representatives and Law Court Judges

TAKE NOTICE the Crown and Lord Bishops can use Remedy Progress Proof got in a Parliament Session to impose Remedy Completion Conditions in the Next Session Agreement. The use of Court Computers for Case Misrepresentation Frauds + Identity Misrepresentation Frauds created a need for Audio Records as Personal Responsibility Proof against Identifiable Individuals. On 16th April 2021 the Contempt Claim Fraud 2020 000286 Penalty Hearing in of Equity got completion of the Audio Record Proof Set against the High Court. On the same day the Criminal Trial Fraud Appeal 2020 01368 got completion of the Audio Record Proof Set against the Court of Appeal. Other cases add to it. The Criminal Trial Fraud Appeal 2020 01368 Judge Identity Omission Fraud from the Dismissal Fraud Decision Document demonstrates the need for the Audio Records. All of it is Fraud Commitment Proof against the Top Judges. It is Support Evidence for the Judiciary Purging + Deterrent Precedent Proposals of the Equity Lawyer.

FILING NOTICE from the Equity Lawyer to the Court of Appeal of the Contempt Fraud Appeal Papers of Equity Lawyer v Solicitor General

TAKE NOTICE that the Political Prisoner Habeas Corpus Claim C0 1202 2021 needs to a Conflict Disqualification Admission + Remedy Only Jurisdiction Limit Admission by the Administration Court Judges or a Conflict Jurisdiction Qualification Jury Trial Order + Conflicted Interest Evidence Admission Order + Restraint Breach Imprisonment Prohibition Order to enable the Equity Lawyer to give Conflict Disqualification Evidence. The Evidence Offer by the Theodorou Family and the Equity Lawyer will get  either C0 1202 2021 Remedy Proof or C0 1202 2021 Remedy Denial Fraud Proof for use by the Parliament Session Jurisdictions.

TAKE NOTICE that the BEST Advice for Barnet Family Court is to use the Divorce ZC14D02308 Property Fraud Adjourned Hearing for a Contempt Remedy Application for the Mother + 6 Children. A Fraud Deal got Fraud Co-operation by the Father for the State in exchange for Divorce ZC14D02308 Property Frauds for the Father against the Mother. The Mother gave use of the case to Parliament Session Jurisdictions. The result is an Unfinished Fraud that will get Fraud Remedies by Barnet Family Court or Superior Jurisdictions under the supervision of the Parliament Session Jurisdiction.  A Family Reunification Plan by the Mother + 2nd Child + 4th Child + Maternal Grand Father includes an Open Offer for Other Children, the Maternal Grand Mother and the Paternal Grand Parents to join them. On the evidence available the 1st Child wishes to be included Perversity Conditioning by the Father had a greater impact on the Eldest Child. The Perversity Conditioning Legacy is the Enormous Challenge of Conditioning Reversal by the 1st Child for himself and everyone he will know in his lifetime. Remedy Intent Proof for him needs a Case Log from him. It will enable Case Log Comparisons that identify and explain the Influences Frauds by the Father and State Officers against him and the impact they had on Case Management by everyone else. The Case Log will enable the 1st Child to develop Management Skills that apply to Project Management for the rest of his life. It will be hard for him to start but will get easier. His Evidence will be Relevant Evidence for All Cases.  A Violent Crime Framing Fraud by him failed because a Theft Complaint by the Victim and Friends got Police Officers as Alibi Witnesses. The Attempted Framing Fraud + Other Evidence validated a Remedy Forfeit Finding against him. Remedy Commitment Proof for him will get a Forfeit Finding Reversal + Remedy Rights Recovery. It will be a Remedy Precedent that benefits many others.  The Fraud Conspiracy Proof against the State and Law Courts includes Identity Detail Misrepresentation Frauds against the 6 Children in the Final Care Order. There is a 26 Day Difference in the Birth Date of the 2nd Child, and a 10 Year Date Difference in the Birth Date of the 3rd Child and the Wrong Sex for the 5th Child. The Contempt Fraud Appeal of the Equity Lawyers includes Witness Protection Applications. Damage Mitigation Efforts get Remedy Proof that eliminate the need for Witness Protection or Remedy Denial Fraud Proof that supports the Witness Protection Case.

Equity Lawyer Mr Ellis

Royal Commission + 2020 000286 + Fraud Appeals + Judge Integrity Tests using B01B0837+ F02ED793 + F02ED632 + F21YY087 + E01WT861 + ZC14D02308

To: House of Commons Speaker, Prime Minister, Cabinet Officers, Privy Counsellors, MPs, Representatives and Law Court Judges

Best Management of the Witness Protection Applications needed a Reunification Plan for the Theodorou Family and an Evidence Offer by them to All Victims and use of it in the Land Fraud Lead Cases.

The Contempt Fraud Appeal Grounds + Representation + Draft Order dated 1st May 2021 of the Equity Lawyer deals with everything except the Witness Protection Details. It is attached.

The Theodorou Family Reunification Case Papers dated 3rd May 2021 are attached. They are Helpful Evidence for the Land Fraud Victims.

The Shop Theft Claims 2019 003741 + 003984 got 2 sealed Forged Orders that are Criminal Conspiracy Proof against the High Court.  The Seal Ink is Forensic Material. Top Judges made Forensic Test Sabotage Fraud Plan. It needed Physical Possession of the Original Papers for Evidence Destruction or Forgery Substitution. It needed a Hearing Event Notice to force Citizen Mr Yediayli to give Representation Instructions + Evidence Production Authority to Qualified Lawyer, use of the Production Authority to get the Original Papers for the Forensic test Sabotage Fraud, and then Hearing Adjournments to avoid Hearing Audio Records. It needed Shop Sale Enforcement Claim Fraud F02ED632. It failed. It got a Confidence Collapse and an Urgent Proposal by the Criminal Buyers for a Hearing Adjournment for a Settlement Negotiation Period.  The Adjournment Consent Fraud by the Qualified Lawyers and Settlement Communication Failures add to the Criminal Conspiracy Proof for Citizen Mr Yediayli and the Parliament Session Jurisdictions

Trust Claim Fraud B01B0837 Contempt Fraud Remedy Hearing on 1st June 2021 will use the Evidence Offer from the Theodorou Family and the Settlement Negotiation Failures by the Shop Theft Crime Buyers

The Contempt Fraud Appeal 2020 1520 Case Communication Response dated 3rd May 2021 of Citizen Ms Berry to the Court of Appeal. It adds to the Contempt Fraud Conspiracy Proof against the Law Courts. It is attached

Equity Lawyer