Royal Commission + Election Integrity Test Update Notice+ Investigation 01 YE 15441 23 Fraud Judicial Review + Smoking Gun Imprisonment Election Fraud + Election Negligence Claim + Ground Rent Small Claim Fraud 054441

Legal Notice of the Full Disclosure Obligation of the Lord Lieutenants to the Crown and Media to the People

Grateful Thanks for the Good Will and Honest Intent of Churches Together Election for the Husting Events. The on in Mid Bedfordshire on 19th June 2024 got the Election Negligence Claim Filing on Friday 28th June 2024 by Citizen Dr Spivack. It will be an Election Management Improvement Stimulus.

Grateful Thanks for the Smoking Gun Imprisonment Election Fraud Claim of Citizen Mr Adam Mustafa that need the Support Services of Citizen Mr Can Say. It needs Fee Remission Codes for the Claim Form + Application Notice and a Prison Release Urgent Application in the High Court. 

Polite Request + Best Advice for an Investigation 01 YE 15441 23 Bail Appearance Refusal 21st September 2024 pending the Judicial Review Claim Issue + Adjudication + Fraud Appeals Adjudication for the Stated Reason that the 21st June 2024 Bail Date got a Second Appearance Failure + Repeat Recorded Interview Refusal by the Case Officer and Repeat Representation Fraud Conspiracy Proof against Defender Tuckers.

Polite Request + Best Advice for Remedy Co-operation by Corruption Refugee Mr David Barr that needs an Immediate Return from European Hiding Places to UK + Disability Benefit Claims in England. The Case History raises Reasonable Suspicions that the Small Claim 24 54441 for £127 Ground Rent + £43 Court Fee is a Victim Location Initiative by Norther Ireland Corrupt Officers. The Bankruptcy Frauds terminated the Ground Rent Liability. The Ground Rent Small is for only the Last 4 Years of the Bankruptcy Period. It ignores the Bankruptcy Notices + Sales Notices + Title Registration Change Notices. Investigation is needed to discover how often there are Small Claims for Ground Rent, why there was No Action Notice and whether the Lessor paid the £43 Court Fee. A Probate Contest Fraud by the Estranged Sister drew to the attention of Corrupt Officers that Disabled Mr Barr owned a Leasehold Flat and a half share in the Probate Estate House. They used Benefit Frauds + Council Tax Frauds + Council Tax Enforcement Bankruptcy Frauds for Flat Theft + Probate Share Theft. Case Use Authorities from him got Integrity Tests Services by Equity Lawyer Mr Ellis and a Complete Set of Fraud Conspiracy Proof against the Northern Ireland Authorities.

Polite Request that the Party Candidates for Chelmsford each make Test Proposal Response Requests to their Party Leaders and provide the Request Evidence to the Independent Candidates and Equity Lawyer 

Equity Lawyer Mr Ellis

General Election Integrity Test Questions + Chelmsford Husting Meeting Request + Management Proposals

Polite Request for a Hustings Meeting because an Internet Search does not disclose one for Chelmsford.

Polite Suggestion that the Hustings Meeting Chair have Credible Neutrality and the Bishop be asked to serve if the Candidates cannot agree anyone else. 

Polite Request for disclosure whether the Chair will read out the Questions and Questioner’s Name OR call on the Questioner to ask the Question.

Polite Suggestion that some Questioners and some Audience Members might prefer the Chair to ask the Question.

Polite Request for Rapid Responses to this Test Email from Candidates and Media Managers in case there is No Hustings Meeting or a Late Hustings Meeting.

Election Integrity Test Co-operation Question:

1.       Will the Constituency Candidates co-operate with the Election Integrity Tests managed for the Parliament Sessions Court?


2.       Do they agree to Media Publicity of the Test Result before Election Day:

Election Integrity Test Questions:

1.       When they discovered the Parliament Session Court has Parliament Session Powers?

2.       When they discovered the Sessions Court decides Corruption Remedy Priorities for each Session? 

3.       When they discovered the Sessions Court relies on Election Integrity Tests to discover whether Mandate Fraud Agreements by Political Party Leaders and Media Managers deny Corruption Remedy Commitments by Election Winners who form Governing Majorities?

4.      Whether they will make Election Commitments for:

4.1.     Corruption Controls using the Common Law that vests Accountability Powers in the Victim?

4.2.     Corruption Controls by making Corruption Remedy Management the Key Qualification for All Professions?

4.3.     Planet Earth Protection using:

4.3.1. A Satellite Fleet circulating across the Equatorial Zone that deflect heat from Earth into Space? and

4.3.2. Polar Fleets to reduce the Polar Ice Melt Rate?    

4.4.     UK Environmental Protection by conversion of Fluid Sewage into Solid Nitrate Fertiliser Pellets:

4.4.1. To reduce use of Artificial Fertilisers in UK?

4.4.2. To make Fertiliser Gifts to Impoverished People?

4.4.3. To manage Crop Research how to make the best of Season Changes caused by Global Warming?   

Polite Request that Local Media Managers disclose when they first knew about the Election Integrity Tests and the Test Response it got from them.

Equity Lawyer Mr Edward William Ellis + 07788371717 
15 Portreath Place, Broomfield, Chelmsford CM1 4DL

Remedy Process + Criminal Investigation Fraud Judicial Review Case Reference and Update Request + Relevant Issue and Evidence Preservation Reminder

Legal Notice of the Full Disclosure Obligation of the Lord Lieutenants to the Crown and the Media Managers to the People.

Evidence Preservation Disclosure Request + Evidence Access + After Access Preparation Time Request from Citizen Mr Katsiaounis to Case Officer Mr Flanders for the Stated Reason that the Bail Appointment cannot be used for a Recorded Interview unless the Investigation Fraud Judicial Review has got Valid Process

Equity Lawyer Mr Ellis  

Remedy Process Election Integrity Test + Criminal Investigation 01 YE 15441 23 Additional Interested Party Application Notice + Co-operation Request of Victims

Legal Notice of the Full Disclosure Obligation of Lord Lieutenants to the Crown and Media Managers to the People.

Election Integrity Tests get either Remedy Proof or Mandate Fraud Conspiracy Proof for Session Decisions by the Parliament Sessions Court.

Polite Request for Case Management Co-operation by Victims using:

1.       The Judicial Review Additional Interested Party Status Urgent Application Notice with Agreed DRAFT Remedy Orders as Criminal Investigation 01 YE 15441 23 Evidence Offer Proof for Citizen Mr Katsiaounis against the Metropolitan Police and Case Officer Mr Flanders.

2.       The Agency Services of Equity Lawyer Mr Ellis for the DRAFT Order and Application Notices so that he can add the Notice Records + Response Records to the Case Communications Log for the Parliament Session Court

3.       The DRAFT Order of Citizen Mr Cant to get Interested Party Status for the Applicant and Any Other who has Corruption Remedy Court Fee Liability Status or Corruption Refugee Exile Status

4.       The DRAFT Order of Citizen Mr Barry Brooks to get Interested Party Status for the Application an Any Other who has Fraud Remedy Obligations

Polite Request for Election Integrity Test Co-operation by using:

1.       Enquiry Emails to Local Constituency Candidates and Local Media Managers, copied to Equity Lawyer Mr Ellis, whether they have Election Integrity Test Notices from Political Party Leaders and Media Managers, and whether they are willing to give Notice Evidence or Notice Failure Evidence to Equity Lawyer Mr Ellis to add to the Case Communications Log for the Parliament Sessions Court

2.       Enquiry Emails of Local Media Managers, copied to Equity Lawyer Mr Ellis, whether Local Constituency Candidates have made Election Commitments for:

2.1.    Victim Empowerment using Common Law Accountability and Corruption Remedy Profession Qualifications?

2.2.    Environmental Controls using Heat Deflection Satellites and conversion of Fluid Sewage into Solid Nitrate Fertiliser Pellets?   

Equity Lawyer Mr Ellis

Remedy Process + Criminal Investigation 01 YE 15441 23 Fraud Judicial Review Claim Form + Application + Grounds + Party Detail Fling Notice + Profession Fitness Fraud 2855 839 + 899 Damage Mitigation Notice

Citizen Mr Antonakis is 84 years old and had Limited Case Management Skills. On 3rd June 2024 Citizen Mr Nkrumah assisted him getting the Fee Remission Certificate.

Criminal Investigation Fraud Judicial Review Filing and Service Notice for Citizen Mr Antonakis Katsiaounis v Defender + Police + Cabinet + Victims + Politicians

It is an Election Integrity Test Case. It gives Interested Party Status to Corruption Victims and Political Party Leaders. The choice ior the Law Courts and Political Party Leaders is Just Remedies or Fraud Enforcement. 

Victim Interested Party Status enables Citizen Ms Davies to use the Judicial Review Case Heading for the Profession Fraud Claim Notice + Damage Limitation Notice 

Equity Lawyer Mr Ellis