Royal Commission, 2019 004208 Litigation Incapacity Application, 2020000286, Fraud Appeals 2020 1520, 2021 PI 100963 and Contempt Fraud Complaint

To: House of Commons Speaker, Prime Minister, Cabinet Officers, Privy Counsellors, MPs, State Lawyers and Laws Court Judges

The Justice Priority requires Competent Representations and uses Case Management as Capacity Proof or Incapacity Proof. Equity vests an Incapacity Intervention Obligation and Contempt Investigation Obligation in the Attorney General.

The 2019 004208 was prosecuted by the Solicitor General for the Attorney General. The 2019 004208 Liability Trial got Self Representation Incapacity Proof for Citizen Defendant Ms Berry. The State Representatives and Trial Judges ignored the Incapacity Proof. The Contempt Investigation Jurisdiction Evidence includes use of <>. The Complaint Acknowledgement Email includes the statement, “The Attorney General does not have investigatory powers and relies on the applicant to provide evidence that proves contempt to the criminal standard. If available, please provide any independent evidence or report supporting your referral”. It is a Misrepresentation Fraud. The Joint Responsibility for Cabinet Officers gives the Attorney General the use of the Investigation Jurisdictions and Investigation Resources of All Secretaries of State and the Prime Minister.

On 10th February 2021, the 2019 004208 Liability Trial got Self Representation Incapacity Proof for Citizen Defendant Ms Berry. The State Representatives and Trial Judges ignored it. The Incapacity Remedy Failures by the State Representatives and Trial Judges create Conflict Disqualification and Remedy Only Jurisdiction Limit for the Citizen against the Attorney General and the Trial Judges. Equity vests the Incapacity Remedy Obligation in the Source Jurisdiction, which in the case, is the People. The Equity Lawyer files and serves the Litigation Incapacity Representation Application Notice and Draft Order for the Penalty Hearing on 22nd February 2021.

Equity Lawyer Mr Ellis



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