To: House of Commons Speaker, Prime Minister, Cabinet Officers, Privy Counsellors, MPs, State Officers, Legal Representatives, and Law Court Judges
Grateful Thanks to Citizen Mr Akwasi Nkrumah attend the Royal Courts as Contempt Fraud Case Management Agent for Citizen Mr Brooks and file the Case Papers of which the attached Claim Form and Application Notice now have the Court Fee Reference and Claimant Signatures.
Polite Request that Citizen Mr Nkrumah do print + sign the attached Public Gallery Crime Conspiracy Hearing Demand and Summons Applications and email them to Chelmsford Crown Court and Chelmsford Magistrates Court and copy the email to the House of Commons Speaker, Prime Minister Mr Johnson and Equity Lawyer Mr Ellis.
Final Waring to GP Dr Harris that unless within 7 days he gets Media Publicity for a Public Apology to Citizen Ms Michelle Lisa Davies the Profession Unfitness Complaint dated 6th October 2021 and Complaint Form will be sent to the General Medical Council. The Governance Frauds by All Profession Authorities enable Systematic Corruption with the use of State Offices + State Resources for Kidnap + Rape + Murder against Vulnerable Victims in the streets and Mental Health Fraud Rape + Career Ruin Frauds against Honest Professionals in the marketplace. The Top Judges are in Desperate Competition to avoid the creation of anything that is Personal Responsibility Proof against them. The vast majority of them have stopped using the Incomprehensible Case Declaration Frauds + Similar Case Dismissal Frauds. The Complaint Response dated 8th October 2021 from the Medical Centre Manager contains an Incredible Comprehension Denial. The Appointment Proposals is an Obvious Entrapment Fraud. In the circumstances of the case a Comprehension Denial is a Lunatic Response and Malicious Intent Proof. The failure to take Personal Responsibility for the Complaint Response and the Lunatic Response of the Medical Centre Manager are both Aggravated Contempt Fraud Proof + Medical Profession Unfitness Proof for the Parliament Session Jurisdictions against GP Dr Harris. The Profession Fitness Fraud Conspiracy against Citizen Ms Davies are Relevant Evidence for the Judicial Enquiry into the Police Frauds that resulted in Kidnap + Rape + Murder.
Equity Lawyer Mr Ellis