Full Disclosure Obligation Notice of each MPs to All MPs, Lord Lieutenants to the Crown and Media Managers to the People
The Dictator Governance Plan used Sabotage Frauds against Leadership Competitors. They used Sex Crime Investigation Denial Frauds against Religious Leaders. In 2013, the Sex Crime Complaint by the then Bishop of Ely got Investigation Denial Fraud Proof. There was nothing he could do. Church of England Bishops have status as Lord Bishops or will have it when they are Longest Servers. They are the Trial Jurors and Appeal Jurors in the Parliament Sessions Court. They have a Credible Neutrality Obligation. Investigation Denial Fraud Claims by them are Conflict Disqualifications against them as Parliament Session Court Jurors.
The attachment is Grateful Thanks to Justin Welby and All Relevant Others
The Gift is New Sex Crime Investigation Denial Fraud Proof against the Cabinet
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