Supreme Court Fraud Appeal and Protection Breach Fraud Appeal Contempt

To: House of Commons Speaker, Prime Minister, Cabinet Officers, Privy Councilors, MPs, State Lawyers and Law Court Judges,

TAKE NOTICE that Citizen Mr Cant is asked to use the Fraud Appeal 2019 1483 Hearing on 29th July 2020 for Remedy Applications using the DRAFT Remedy Orders. The Best Advice is to read out all of the Remedy Applications in Bold Type and then read out the Stated Reasons. It will increase the chance of getting an Audio Record of the Remedy Applications for the Crown and Lord Bishops before Presentation Sabotage Frauds by the Hearing Judges. 

TAKE NOTICE that the Fraud Appeals 2020 0395 and 0396 Case Officers and Case Masters shall use the Core Bundle Regulations and Conflict Qualification Fraud Proof in the Core Bundle for a Regulation Fraud Finding, Compliance Failure Dismissal Refusal and Fraud Case References to the Master of the Rolls with Case Reference Notices to the Parties. The Default Penalty is Corruption Controller Findings, Terrorism Findings and Terrorism Penalties for the Citizens against the Case Officers and Case masters. The Common Bundle is for use in the Supreme Court Fraud Appeal, Court of Appeal Fraud Appeal 2020 0395 and 0396, Protection Breach Contempt Fraud Appeal and High Court Contempt Fraud Claims 2019 004208 and 2020 000286. 

TAKE NOTICE that the Supreme Court Fraud Appeal of Citizen Ms Berry and the High Court Corruption Claim of Citizen Mr Hastunc are being used as Comparator Cases for Case Issue Tests. The Stated Reason is that Top Judges use Legislation Frauds, Regulation Frauds, Policy Frauds and Practice Frauds to provide Protection Frauds for Corrupt Officers. It includes the use of Regulation Frauds for Conflict Disqualification Proof Exclusion Frauds that enable Case Dismissal Frauds by Appeal Lord Justices for No Evidence Reasons. It includes Issue Denial Frauds by Junior Judges and Regulation Compliance Failure Dismissal Frauds by Case Officers and Junior Judges.

TAKE NOTICE that the Fraud Appeal 2020 0395 Remedy Application Dismissal Fraud dated 17th July 2020 was used for the Contempt Claim Fraud 2019 004208 Trial Frauds on 21st July 2020. They are being used for the Protection Breach Contempt Fraud Appeal. It forces the Court of Appeal to process the Appeal Fraud Proof that the Fraud Appeals 2020 0395 and 0396 got against the Court of Appeal. It creates a Conflict Jurisdiction Disqualification and Remedy-Only Jurisdiction Limit for the Citizen against the State.

TAKE NOTICE the Remedy Co-operation of Citizen Mr Nkrumah got the Trial Fraud Appeal 2020 0055 in the Supreme Court with Fraud Proof against All Inferior Courts. Corrupt Officers managed Criminal Trial Frauds and used an Appeal Forgery to get an Appeal Dismissal Fraud. The True Appeal discovered the Appeal Forgery. The Habeas Corpus Claims got Issue Denial Fraud Proof against the Administrative Court. The Ministry of Justice made Obligation Breach Admissions and Settlement Officers while they were using a Prison Release Licence Forgery for a Sentence Breachy Prosecution Fraud the Top Judges committed Corruption Case Dismissal Frauds. The Sentence Breach Enforcement Fraud Plea Hearing got use of the Forgery Proof for a No Jurisdiction Plea Notice. The Court Lawyer tried to stop, but failed to stop,  the Arrogant Magistrate committing Trial Frauds by denying a Contempt Investigation and Pending Investigation Adjournment and making Trial Directions. The Adjourned Hearing got a Repeat Adjournment and Attendance Prohibition against the Prosecutor and the Defendant. The Trial Date Notices got Secret Adjournment Frauds and Listing Denial Frauds. The Hearing Attendance by the Citizen on 23rd July 2020 discovered a Listing Failure Fraud and got a Plea Hearing Listing Notice for 26th August 2020. It enables Corruption Remedy Applications in the Magistrates Court and the Supreme Court.

TAKE NOTICE that the Protection Denial Fraud Appeal 2019 1483 of Citizen Mr Cant in the Court of Appeal is listed for 29th July 2020. He is considering use of Citizen Papers for comparison with Court Records that will enable Justice Findings for or against the Hearing Judges and Court of Appeal. Violence Threats + Grievous Bodily Harm by Known Dangerous Criminal Mr Seton got an Injured Party Crime Complaint and Protection Claim by Citizen Mr Cant. They got Investigation Denial Fraud Proof and Protection Denial Fraud Proof for Citizen Mr Cant against the Known Dangerous Criminal and Metropolitan Police. The Restraint Protection Claim got Protection Denial Fraud Proof against the County Court and the High Court and a Protection denial Fraud Appeal in the Court of Appeal. A Protection Fraud Call by Top Judges to the Metropolitan Police and Crown Prosecutor got a Damage Limitation Assault Charge against the Known Dangerous Criminal. The Crown Prosecutors required Repeat Investigation. T%he Event Witness made a Criminal Witness Statement that made a Negotiation Proposal for Immunity Terms in exchange for Full Disclosure by the Known Dangerous Criminal. It got an Immediate Unconditional Case Withdrawal by the Crown Prosecutor. It completed the Protection Fraud Proof Set against the Known Dangerous Criminal, Metropolitan Police, Crown Prosecutor and Magistrates Court. The Court of Appeal has to decide what to do with the Protection Fraud Proof Set.

TAKE NOTICE the Remedy Co-operation Failures by Victim Mr Carter have denied a Complete Set of Citizen Papers and Hearing Reports that the Crown and Lord Bishops need to make Credibility Findings for or against some Official Records of the State and Law Courts. The Limited Remedy Co-operation enabled Corruption Findings for him against the State and Law Courts. The Co-operation Failures make it necessary to decide Remedy Limits in Co-operation Failure Cases.

Equity Lawyer Mr Ellis





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