To: House of Commons Speaker, Prime Minister. Cabinet Officers, Privy Councilors, MPs, State Lawyers and Law Court Judges
The Fraud Appeal 2020 0396 Time Extension got a Case Reference by Court of Appeal Case Officers to Lord Justices for consideration after the Summer Vacation. The Urgent Fraud Appeal got Pending Issue Reference 10942 but had not yet an Issue Reference. A lot has happened since then. Many cases got Corruption Proof against the Law Courts. The Criminal Trial 012000266764 got Perjury Proof and Forgery Proof for Citizen Mr Nkrumah against the Ministry of Justice that included a Prison Release Licence Forgery and Court Record Forgeries. It is Conflict Proof and Unfitness Proof against the Ministry of Justice and Law Courts. The Best Advice is a General Time Extension and Court Motion Settlement Negotiation Meeting Order for Equity Lawyer Mr Ellis and Prime Minister Mr Johnson.
Settlement Ideas
Equity Governance vested Jurisdiction Superiority in Adjudicators against Executioners. The Dictator Governance Plan was for Jurisdiction Superiority Reversal Frauds and Justice Process Pretence Frauds using Case Dismissal Frauds and Justice Process Restraint Frauds. All of them were Obedience Conditioning Frauds. The Dictator Development Plan needed National Policy Frauds, Legislation Frauds, Regulation Frauds, Management Policy Frauds, Precedent Frauds and Practice Frauds to implement the Dictator Governance Plan. It got Creeping Corruption. It took decades.
The Corruption Remedy Process spent 16 years creating Remedy Conditions. Now it needs Law Professions that can manage Fraud Remedies in days not decades. The Obedience Conditioning Frauds changed the Law Professions from Remedy Managers into Fraud Executioners. They need Remedy Management Orders.
There is Mass Media Publicity for a Brexit Treaty Breach Action Notice from the European Union to the United Kingdom. The Case Facts and Common Law validate a Fraud Invalidity Defence for the British People against the European Union.
The Best Advice is for Co-ordinated Management of the Remedy Process with the Treaty Breach Defence using:
- Mass Publicity for Lead Cases with Fraud Admissions and Voluntary Remedies by State Lawyers for Citizens
- Mass Publicity for Follower Cases by Citizens against the State
- Observe what response the Mass Publicity gets from the Law Professions
- Mass Publicity for a Contempt Claim and Agency Representation Monopoly Enforcement Restraint Application by the Equity Lawyer against the Law Society with a Court Motion Case Management Order for a Case Notice by the High Court Listing Officer to All Other Law Profession Authorities and Defence Party Status conditional upon application by them
- Observe what response the Contempt Claim and Agency Representation Monopoly Enforcement Restraint gets from Qualified Lawyers.
- British Negotiators ask European Union Negotiators for Case Management Advice how to deal with the Corruption Claims.
Sample Lead Cases
- Use of the Corruption Claim 2020 000968 for a Without Hearing Conflict Disqualification Admission, Remedy Only Jurisdiction Limit Admission, Case Dismissal Revocation, Contempt Investigation Order, Investigator Appointment Case Reference to Parliament and Contempt Directions 1 Hour Hearing in Royal Court 37 at 2 p.m. on October 2020 by High Court Master Mr. Davison for Citizen Mr. Sood against All Defendants using the Stated Reasons that the Corruption Claim 2020 000968 and Fraud Appeal 2020 0742 got Pending Adjudication Enforcement Stay Protection Rights for the Citizen respectively from the High Court and Court of Appeal and the Without Hearing Dismissal Decision was a Protection Breach Contempt against the High Court and Court of Appeal
- Use of the Shop Theft Claim 2019 003984 for an Urgent Short Hearing that gets Fraud Admissions by State Lawyers for the Metropolitan Police and Ministry of Justice
- Use of the Contempt Claim Frauds 2019 004208 and 2020 000286, and Fraud Appeals 2020 0395, 0396, 1520 and Pending Issue 10942 for an Urgent Short Hearings in the High Court and Court of Appeal with a Personal Appearances by the Solicitor General that gets Fraud Admissions and Voluntary Remedies for Citizen Ms. Berry and Equity Lawyer Mr. Ellis
Sample Follower Case
- High Court Claim by a British Citizen against the BBC for a Licence Fee Enforcement Restraint pending Corruption Remedies against the State and Law Courts
- High Court Contempt Claim and Agency Monopoly Enforcement Restraint Application by the Equity Lawyer against the Law Society.
It will be a Representation Test of the Law Professions. If they cannot defend themselves they cannot defend anyone else.
Volunteer Appeal for Citizens with Fee Remission Qualifications to prosecute the Licence Fee Enforcement Restraint Case against the BBC. The Claim Form, Claim Particulars, Application Notice and Draft Order will do the work. All the Citizen has to do is get Claim Issue, make Hearing Demands and say I apply for everything in the Draft Order dated 2020 and then read it out. If a number make the claim the most articulate can have the Speaking Rights, or they can draw lots to decide who has the Speaking Rights.
Equity Lawyer Edward Ellis