Royal Commission + 2020 000286 + Contempt Fraud Appeals + Shop Theft Claim G02EC632 + Lease Frauds F02ED793 + G00CR488 Representation Integrity Test

To: House of Commons Speaker, Prime Minister, Cabinet Officers, Privy Counsellors, MPs, State Lawyers, Law Court Judges and Qualified Lawyers

County Court Land Frauds are being used for Integrity Tests of Qualified Lawyers. The Contempt Fraud Appeals to the Supreme Court include Enforcement Stay Witness Protection Applications for the Land Fraud Victims.

The Representation Integrity Test Case is the Shop Theft Claim G02EV632. Equity Lawyer Mr Ellis used Royal Commission Emails to serve Electronic Files of all the Shop Theft Case Records that he has on the Client, Qualified Lawyers, and to provide Service Proof to the Law Courts, Cabinet and Parliament. The Royal Commission Emails got Blocked Messages from the G02EC632 Claim Lawyers.  The Qualified Lawyers are pretending they need a Case Statement from Citizen Mr Yedialyli. The Electronic Files include Case Statements by him. QB 2019 003741 + 003984 got Contract Definition Trial Denial Fraud Proof  that is Case Closure Fraud Proof + Open Case Proof against the High Court. Contract Enforcement Claim G02EC632 is a Jurisdiction Usurpation Contempt Fraud against the High Court, Court of Appeal , Supreme Court, Parliament and Crown. The Specific Performance Applications is a Full Disclosure Denial Fraud. The Court Records contain Case Explanation Statements. They are Jurisdiction Fraud Proof and Full Disclosure Denial Fraud Proof. The Qualified Lawyers have everything they need.

On 23rd March 2021 Citizens Mr Yedilayli and Citizen Mr Ali Serbet visited him in Chelmsford. They wanted him to provide what they describes as a Middle Man Service between the Qualified Lawyers and Client. He explained that needed them to sign the attached Royal Commission + 2019 003741 + 003984 + G02EC632 Remedy Co-operation Notices of Citizen Mr Yediayli and Royal Commission + G00CR488 Remedy Co-operation Notices of Citizen Mr Ali Serbet v Realgold Developments Limited both of which were Misdated 22nd March 2021. They took 4 prints of each to get them translated before they signed them.

The G01EC632 Case Management Email at 10 05 o0n 24th March 2021 from the Qualified lawyers to Citizen Mr Yedliayli got a Forward Email at 10 48 from him to Equity Lawyer Mr Ellis. Telephone Calls at 10 49 for 1 minute 17 seconds and at 13 26 for 1 minute 17 seconds confirmed he had signed the Remedy Co-operation Notices and given them to Citizen Mr Serbet to post. and asked the Equity Lawyer to respond to the Case Management Email from the Qualified Lawyers.

This Royal Commission Email is the response:

The G01EC632 Case Management Email read as follows: 
From: P J <
Date: 24 March 2021 at 10:05:26 GMT 
Subject: (1) Rajan Ahmed, (2) Jakir Hussin  -and- Bayram Yediayli 
‘Dear Bayram, I hope you are well. I had heard from Mr. Hussin and Mr. Ahmed’s solicitor. The court has scheduled a hearing for 21 April for 30 minutes. They are prepared to give us to 31 March 2021 to file your witness statement. I have asked for an additional week, and they are taking their client’s instructions further to my request. On the presumption we are not given the extra week, we should do our best to file your witness statement by 31 March.  Further to your WhatsApp message yesterday, I spoke with Mr. Can Say in the afternoon. He mentioned to me that you had attended Mr. Ellis’s property yesterday with the hope of recovering your documents. Mr. Say told me that Mr. Ellis was not prepared to give you the documents without you signing a form of authority, which I understand you did not sign. I am not entirely sure what documents you provided to Mr. Ellis, but you should try your best to recover them. I had provided Mr. Ellis with your letter of authority to us that you signed. I am not sure why Mr. Ellis is asking you to sign a form of authority given that the documents belong to you. However, I urge that you do speak to Mr. Ellis and explain the urgency of the need to recover the papers from him. Finally, as you will be aware, under the order (adjourning the last hearing), you are to pay their costs of £2,700.00, which is due today. If you are not in a position to pay that sum today, can you provide me with some details when you will be able to, so I can manage matters at this end.   

Turkish translation below – Microsoft translation:

Sevgili Bayram, Umarım iyisinizdir. Hussin Bey ve Ahmed Bey’in avukatından haber almıştım. Mahkeme 21 Nisan’da 30 dakika süreyle duruşma ayarladı. Tanık ifadenizi sunmamız için bizi 31 Mart 2021’e vermeye hazırlar. Bir hafta daha istedim ve müvekkillerinin talimatlarını isteğime daha da ileri götürüyorlar. Bize fazladan bir hafta verilmediği varsayımıyla, tanık ifadenizi 31 Mart’a kadar dosyalamak için elimizden geleni yapmalıyız.  Dünkü WhatsApp mesajınıza ek olarak, öğleden sonra Sayın Can Say ile konuştum. Dün belgelerinizi geri almak umuduyla Bay Ellis’in mülküne gittiğinizden bahsetti. Bay Say bana Bay Ellis’in siz bir çeşit yetki imzalamadan belgeleri size vermeye hazır olmadığını söyledi. Bay Ellis’e hangi belgeleri verdiğinizden tam olarak emin değilim ama onları kurtarmak için elinden geleni yapmalısınız. Bay Ellis’e imzaladığınız yetki mektubunuzu vermiştim. Bay Ellis’in belgelerin size ait olduğu düşünülürse neden sizden bir çeşit yetki imzalamanızı istediğini an değilim. Yine de, Bay Ellis’le konuşmanızı ve ondan belgeleri geri alma ihtiyacının aciliyetini açıklamanızı istiyorum. Son olarak, bildiğiniz gibi, emir uyarınca (son duruşmayı erteleyen), bugün ödenmesi gereken 2.700,00 £ ‘luk maliyetlerini ödemeniz gerekir. Eğer bugün bu meblağı ödeyecek durumda  değilseniz, ne zaman ödeyebileceğinizi bana verebilir misiniz, böylece bu konuda işleri yönetebilirim.  Kind regards, Pravin Jugdaohsingh Solicitor Silvine Law

Equity Lawyer Mr Ellis

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