To: House of Commons Speaker, Prime Minister, Cabinet Officers, Privy Counsellors, MPs, State Lawyers, Law Court Judges and Case Representatives
The Contempt Remedy Jurisdictions impose on Case Managers the Management Priorities:
- Signed Advice from Case Lawyers to Clients of the Benefits + Conditions Citizen Status
- Signed Action Authorities from Clients
- Signed Privilege Waivers + Confidentiality Waivers + Co-ordinated Case Management Authority for Citizens who wish to keep Citizen Status
- Signed Waiver Withdrawals + Co-operations Withdrawals from Clients to end Citizen Status
- Signed Documents Service by the Qualified Lawyers on the Equity Lawyer
- Waiver Confirmation or Wavier Withdrawal Notice from the Equity Lawyer to the Cabinet and Parliament
Contempt Remedy Priority Management Assistance Offer + Contempt and Terrorism Risk Warning from the Equity Lawyer to Qualified Lawyers:
- The Corruption Remedy Process got Criminal Conspiracy Proof for the Citizen, Crown and Lord Bishops against Organised Criminals, Representatives, Commerce Officers, State Officers and Law Court Judges.
- Criminal Conspiracy Proof is Joint Liability Proof against All Responsible Individuals
- The Contempt Remedy Priority Protocol gets Remedy Co-operation Proof for Qualified Lawyers or Remedy Co-operation Refusal Proof + Joint Liability Proof against them for use by the Crown and Lord Bishops when making Parliament Session Decisions.
- Service of the Corruption Remedy Process gets Remedy Priority Rights Denial Estoppel for the Citizen against Other Victims.
- Equitable Due Process needs Qualified Lawyers to give Signed Open Advice to the Clients before they make the Waiver Decisions and Co-operation Decisions, and then Decision Notice to the Cabinet and Parliament
- Advice Secrecy + Waiver Refusal Non-Disclosure + Co-operation Refusal Non- Disclosure raises a Perverse Advice Presumption + Contempt Fraud Joint Liability Presumption for the Client and People against the Qualified Lawyer that is subject to Rebuttal Proof Positive that the Case Management Secrecy makes impossible to discharge.
Land Fraud Cases got Contempt Fraud Conspiracy Proof for the Parliament Session Jurisdictions against Organised Criminals, Representatives, Bank Officers, State Officers and the Law Courts. All of it is being used for Contempt Fraud Remedy Tests of Qualified Lawyers and the Supreme Court.
The Contempt Fraud Remedy Tests needs Citizens to give Case Management Authority to Qualified Lawyers to make a Case Evidence Production Request of Equity Lawyer Mr Ellis. The Remedy Process Emails and Royal Commission Emails from the Equity Lawyer provided
- Remedy Process Case Explanations + Electronic Evidence attachments
- Remedy Process Cases got Contempt Fraud Proof against the State and Law Courts is Similar Fact Proof for the All-Other Cases
- Land Frauds got Contempt Fraud Proof against the County Court, High Court and Court of Appeal
- Contempt Trial Frauds by the High Court and Contempt Appeal Frauds by the Court of Appeal and Contempt Immunity Frauds by the Supreme Court are Relevant Evidence for Contempt Fraud Appeals to the Supreme Court
- The Contempt Fraud Appeals to the Supreme Court have Case Priority and include Witness Protection Applications for Citizens
- The Land Fraud Cases + Remedy Process Notices enable Representation Tests of Qualified Lawyers that include Evidence Production Requests of the Equity Lawyer.
- Home Dispossession Frauds forced Equity Lawyer Mr Ellis to rely on Support Services by Citizens when providing Investigation Services for Parliament Session Jurisdictions, not all of them had PDF Scanning Facilities, the Case Papers are in Various Places, the Equity Lawyer is in Temporary Housing, has Some Electronic Files, does not have easy access to the Case Papers.
- The Equity Lawyer has Dialysis Treatment for Kidney Failure that deprives him of the use of 3 days a week for Case Management Purposes and the Paper Access Visits can be exhausting.
The Shop Theft Claim G02EC632 Case Authority dated 23rd February 2021 from Citizen Mr Yediayli got a Case Management Meeting Promise and then the Meeting Date Friday 19th March 2021 with No Fixed Time and then on Authority Day 22, which was 16th March 2021, a Meeting Notice Telephone Call at 9.39 from Citizen Mr Yediayli to Equity Lawyer Mr Ellis during a Dialysis Session, and a Case Papers Request Email 12.46 from Silvine Law to Equity Lawyer Mr Ellis. He was unable to do anything that day day. The next day he discovered the Case Folder that contained the Available Electronic Records up to 8th April 2020. It had been produced to deal with the Kill Threats Complaint Fraud made by the Buyers against Citizen Mr Yediayli that got an Investigation Denial Fraud + Without Interview Caution Decision Fraud + 2nd June 2020 Caution Appointment Notice Fraud by the Metropolitan Police. The Equity Lawyer used the Folder Content and Personal Recollections to produce the Case Chronology dated 27th May 2020. The attendance at the Caution Appointment Fraud by Citizen Mr Yediayli, Interpreter Mr Say and Equity Lawyer Mr Ellis and use of the Case Chronology got a Caution Decision Revocation + Rapid No Further Action Decision + Rapid Kill Threat Investigation Closure + Fraud Complaint Investigation Denial Fraud Proof for the Parliament Session Jurisdictions against the Metropolitan Police. The Case Evidence Request was 9 ½ months later. A lot had happened. The Equity Lawyer examined the Folder Content and produced the document, 2021 03 17 Shop Theft 2019 003741 + 003984 + G02ED632 Bundle SHORT Schedule produced from folder 2020 04 08 of Equity Lawyer Mr Ellis for Citizen Mr Yediayli v Buyers + State and it using The Royal Commission Update Email and Filing + Service Emails that with the Replies are evidenced by 2021 03 17 19 41 Royal Commission + Shop Theft 2019 003741 + 003984 + G02ED632 Evidence Offer + Incomplete Bundle Schedule + Contempt Claim Fraud 2020 000286 Email of Equity Lawyer. On 18th March 2021 the Royal Commission Email Notice + Meeting Time Request Text from the Equity Lawyer got Liked Response from Citizen Mr Yediayli. The Meeting Time Repeat Requests got Time Not Known Responses from Citizen Mr Yediayli and Interpreter Mr Say. The Ask Lawyers Request Text by the Equity Lawyer got a Lawyer Telephone Number Response Text from Citizen Mr Yediayli. Under that pressure the Equity Lawyer used the Dialysis Session for the Meeting Time Request Call to the Lawyers. Polite Interest from the Telephone Receptionist got a Remedy Process Explanation + Case Explanation + Risk Warning + Kidney Failure Dialysis Treatment Case Management Limit Notice + Meeting Time Notice Request + 26 Minutes 5 seconds Call Duration from the Equity Lawyer. It got a Meeting Time Notice Promise from the Telephone Receptionist. It got a Promise Breach by the Lawyers. The Royal Commission Update + Filing + Service Emails got 7 Automatic Responses from the Clerkenwell and Shoreditch County Court and then a Substantive Email at 15.12 on 18th March 2021. It gave a 25 MG Email Limit Notice + 50 Page Printing Limit Notice + Incorrect Case Reference Notice. The function of Royal Commission Filing + Service Emails are Evidence Notice Proof + Service Proof for the Law Courts, Cabinet and Parliament against Liable Parties, Representatives and the State. A print of the Royal Commission Email is enough for the Court File until a Complete Bundle is needed. Failure to understand that fact is Unfitness Proof against Court Officers. The Royal Commission Revised Bundle Filing + Service Email at 21.18 on 18th March 2021 from the Equity Lawyer provided Additional Documents. The Papers Access Visit by the Equity Lawyer on 19th March 2021 got PDF Scans of a further 34 documents and a Meeting Cancellation Report Text from Interpreter Mr Say for Citizen Mr Yediayli. Due Process needs Signed Open Advice from the Qualified Lawyers to Citizen Mr Yediayli.
The Lease Claim Fraud F02ED793 Case Papers Request Email at 15.57 on 19th March 2021 from Silvine Law for Citizen Mr Hastunc to Equity Lawyer Mr Ellis needs a Signed Authority from Citizen Mr Hastunc and Signed Open Advice from the Qualified Lawyers to him. The Case Papers include Document Lists. The Equity Lawyer needs time to check them.
The Lease Claim Fraud G00CR488 Case Papers Request Email at 16.00 on 19th March 2021 from Silvine Law for Citizen Mr Serbert to Equity Lawyer Mr Ellis ignores the fact that the Draft Case Log dated 28th January 2021 identifies the documents and was attached with other documents to the Royal Commission Email sent at 08.26 on 1st March 2021 to the Citizen Mr Serbert and All Other Addressees. The attachments included the Royal Commission Case Notice + Documents Demand + Unfitness Complains dated 22nd December 2019 from Citizen Mr Serbert against Dotcom Solicitors Limited. Personal Service of it by Citizen Mr Serbert and Interpreter Mr Say resulted in a Documents Production Refusal Fraud. The Withheld Documents are Relevant Evidence for Lease Claim Fraud G00CR488. An Email Search reveals the Qualified Lawyers have been on the Royal Commission Email Address List since 28th February 2021.
Equity Lawyer Mr Ellis