Royal Commission, 2020 000286, Fraud Appeals 2020 0396, 2069 + 3 and Framing Fraud against Citizen Mr Taylor

To: House of Commons Speaker, Prime Minister, Cabinet Officers, Privy Counsellors, MPs, State Officers and Law Court Judges,

The Context, Motive and Case Dismissal Statement dated 30th November 2020 of the Equity Lawyer motivated Top Judges demand a Framing Fraud as a Discredit Fraud against Citizen Mr Taylor. Corrupt Officers demanded Before Event Protection Fraud Proof for the Investigation Frauds of the Framing Fraud. They accepted the Restraint Breach Finding Fraud and Contempt Liability Finding Fraud dated 16th December 2020 and the Reasons Fraud dated 18th December 2020 against the Equity Lawyer as the Before Event Protection Fraud Proof. The Statement was designed to service Defence Case of the Equity Lawyer and the Defence Case of Framing Fraud Victims, whoever they were, if there were any.

At 21.18 on 23rd December 2020 Citizen Mr Taylor telephoned the Equity Lawyer and informed him of the Framing Fraud Investigation that started on Tuesday 21st December 2020. They discussed the both cases. At 21:32 a Witness Statement Request text from Citizen Mr Taylor to the Equity Lawyer reads, ‘Dear Edward Ellis. I request for the evidence of your case and how it impacts on mine. Yours Sincerely. Matthew Taylor’.

The Royal Commission Email in the early hours of Christmas Eve give Prompt Notice to Citizens, Parliament and the Crown. The Investigations Frauds by Sussex Police included Computer Seizure Frauds. Citizens will please inform Citizen Mr Taylor about this Royal Commission Email and ask him for the Email Addresses of the Investigating Officer and Defence Lawyers.

The Remedy Process needs an Evidence Officer by the Equity Lawyer to the State and Citizen Mr Taylor. He will produce it immediately after Christmas.

The Royal Commission Email at 17:09 on 21st December 2020 got Automatic Replies including Civil Appeals – CMSC <>, Civil Appeals – Urgent Work <>, Civil Appeals – Associates <>, Civil Appeals – Registry <> and Fees Office using Fees (RCJ) <> at 17:02 on 22nd December 2020 that reads, ‘Thank you for your email. If your query is in relation to Help With Fees, please ensure you have provided your HWF reference, a copy of the document you are applying for Help with Fees for, which Division the application is for and the court fee you would be paying. Any request that does not comply with this will not be processed.  For other Fees queries, we aim to respond within to emails within 3-5 working days.’

All of it is Appeal Notice Proof Positive for Honourable Parliamentarians, the Lord Bishops and Crown.

Equity Lawyer Mr Ellis

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