Royal Commission + 2022 0043 Jurisdiction Trial Order + Retrial Fraud 2020 7291 Murder Risk Warning for Prisoner A8403CK Mr Javian Gordon

To: House of Commons Speaker, Prime Minister, Cabinet Officers, MPs, Representatives and Law Court Judges 

The 2018 0394 Legacy is a 2022 0043 Remedy Management Asset for Resident Judge Mr Ziedman provided he has the confidence to make best use of it. The Remedy Process needs Damage Limitation including Career Salvage. It has made enough progress to use for Career Salvage Tests. The Court Room Apology enables the Equity Lawyer to make a Career Salvage Proposal for Resident Judge Mr Ziedman. It needs Salvage Cases.  Snaresbrook Crown Court has the Drug Re-Trial 2020 7219 and Assault Trial 2022 0043 . The one has a Witness Intimidation Fraud Complaint and the other a Jurisdiction Trial Order + Jurisdiction Trial Sabotage fraud Proof + Contempt Remedy Application. They are excellent for use as Salvage Cases.      

The Protection Fraud Network needs to avoid a Re – Trial 2020 7219 Termination without an Audio Record that is Due Process Proof or Due Process Denial Fraud Proof of the Witness Intimidation Fraud Complaint. It creates the need for a Prison Murder of Defendant Mr Javian Gordon. It needs a Murder Risk Control.  Royal Commission Email Publicity for attached document is the best the Equity Lawyer can do.  It should be enough.         

The Assault Trial 2022 0043 Plea Hearing got an Audio Record that is Multiple Fraud Proof against Judge Canavan. She committed Misrepresentation Frauds and Non-Disclosure Frauds about Law and Practice.  The Jurisdiction Trial Order needed orders for Witness Protection + Evidence Disclosure + Evidence Production + Enquiry + Issue and Evidence Conflict + Evidence Interpretation Case Statements for Fair Process. The Evidence Access was needed to decide the content of the Case Statement.  A Trial Fraud needed Evidence Access Denial Fraud + Without Evidence Case Statements.  The Jurisdiction Trial Order created a Conflict Power Disqualification Pending Jurisdiction Adjudication.  The Liability Case Orders are the Crime Proceeds of a Conflict Qualification Fraud by Judge Canavan. The Contempt Fraud Remedy Application of the Citizen was Conflict Disqualification Risk Notice to Representatives, Officers and Judges. A Conflict Enquiry would have discovered the Conflict Disqualification got by her involvement in Benefit Trial Frauds 2018 0394. They got Fraud Conspiracy Proof for Citizen Ms Berry against the State Prosecutor and Case Judges, two of whom were Judge Ms Canavan and Resident Judge Ziedman.  The Jurisdiction Trial Order got Career Bribery + Blackmail by Appeal Lord Justices of Resident Judge Mr Ziedman. On 24th July 2018 he sat as Jurisdiction Trial Judge and the Equity Lawyer sat as Public Gallery Witness. The Judge knew who he was and why he was there. He allowed the Equity Lawyer to give Legal Assistance from the Public Gallery. It got an Audio Record of Trial Frauds and then a Confidence Collapse by Judge Ziedman. The Crown Prosecution Service Email Address Request by Citizen Ms Berry got a Reasonable Request Comment by the Judge and Email Address Refusal by State Counsel. It was an Open Session Contempt Fraud by State Counsel that got a No Remedy Action Immunity Fraud by the Judge. The Confidence Collapse Evidence was the Judge rising, and when standing, facing the Equity Lawyer and giving a Nervous Apology. He might have worried about it since then. Months later a State Case Withdrawal Notice to Citizen Ms Berry was intended to get an Appearance Failure. Notice Distrust Advice and a Taxi Fare Gift got a Late Attendance by Citizen Ms Berry. She arrived in time to discover State Counsel using the Appearance Failure for a Bench Warrant Application. It was an Open Session Contempt Fraud. She produced the Case Withdrawal Notice. It got No Remedy Action Immunity Fraud Proof against the Hearing Judge.

Witness Protection Applications will follow.

 Equity Lawyer Mr Ellis

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