Royal Commission + Contempt Fraud Appeal + 450 New North Road IG6 3EB Mortgage Possession Claim of Bank of Scotland v Sadhana Chaudhari Probate Estate + Test Email

To: House of Commons Speaker, Prime Minister, Cabinet Officers, Privy Counsellors, MPs, Representatives and Law Court Judges

The 450 New North Road IG6 3EB Mortgage Case Instructions Notice dated 15th June 2021 from Walker Morris PLC for Bank of Scotland is addressed to The Occupier instead of Executor + Equity Lawyer Mr Ellis and Beneficiary + Citizen Ms Berry

Disclosure Request what happened to the communications from the Will Executor and Family Members to Halifax that are on the Case File for the Stated Reason that:

  1. No Communications got an Acknowledgement or Response
  2. The Citizen, Crown and Lord Bishops have Corruption Control Jurisdictions that govern Parliament Session Powers. Since 2004 they managed a Corruption Remedy Process. Victims give Privilege Waivers and Confidentiality Waiver and use cases for Corruption Investigations of the State and Law Courts.
  3. Sadhana Chaudhari was a Corruption Victim. She made Will Gifts on Corruption Remedy Conditions in the Will and Repeat Will to service Corruption Investigations. They got Fraud Conspiracy Proof during her lifetime and after her death.
  4. The Crown and Lord Bishops used the Fraud Conspiracy Proof got by her and others to decide the Corruption Remedy Conditions for the Parliament Sessions that opened in October 2019 and December 2019 and May 2021.
  5. In December 2019 the Parliament Session Agreement between the Crown and Prime Minister required Corruption Remedies before the Session End. It needed Case Remedy Proof for the State and Law Courts or Remedy Denial Fraud Proof against them.  Integrity Tests Cases got Remedy Denial Fraud Proof for the Victims and Parliament Session Jurisdictions against Criminals, the State and Law Courts. It included Protection Fraud Proof and Crime Profit Proof. Case Misrepresentation Record Frauds and Identity Misrepresentation Frauds created a need for Audio Records as Personal Responsibility Proof against Identifiable Individuals.    
  6. Corrupt Officers demanded Protection Frauds. They were given Contempt Claim Frauds 2019 004208 and 2020 000286 respectively against Citizen Ms Berry, who is the Sole Qualifying Beneficiary, and Equity Lawyer Mr Ellis, who is the Sole Executor.
  7. The Defence Case Management got Fraud Proof that included use of General Civil Restraint Frauds as Probate Estate Management Sabotage Frauds for the Protection Fraud Network against the Sadhana Chaudhari Will Trust. Also, they got the completion of the Audio Record Proof Set.
  8. On 16th April 2021, Claim Fraud 2020 000286 got the last of it. Other Cases got Similar Fact Proof. It included the Trust Claim Fraud B01B0837 + Mortgage F01PP7696 Repayment Refusal Notice Fraud dated 16th December 2020 from Walker Morris using reference CGD CLP HCC 00018.731 for Bank of Scotland. All of it completed the Fraud Proof Sets needed for Unfitness Cases against Top Judges in Parliament.
  9. The Crown and Lord Bishops used all of it for the Remedy Conditions for the Parliament Session that opened on 11th May 2021. Integrity Tests Cases after the Session Opening got a mixture of Fraud Completion Proof and Fraud Completion Refusal Proof and Remedy Denial Fraud Proof against Low-Rank Judges.
  10. Reserved Rights to make Further Disclosures   

Equity Lawyer Mr Ellis

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