To: House of Commons Speaker, Prime Minister, Cabinet Officers, Privy Counsellors, MPs, Representatives and Law Court Judges
Polite Request for a Profession Fitness Case Email from Citizen Osteopath Ms Davies to the General Osteopathic Council and General Medical Council using the Subject Line, “Royal Commission + Practitioner 2855 Mental Examination Consent Demand Response”, and the Message, “The Interim Suspension Threat Email at 10.40 on 26th July 2021 is Blackmail Fraud Intent Proof for the Parliament Session Jurisdictions against the General Osteopathic Council. In 2000 Corruption Complaints in more than 200 Parliamentary Constituencies got a Corruption Debate and Investigation Commitment and a Pending Investigation Adjournment. Prime Minister Mr Blair and the Pharmaceutical Industry traded a Parliament Protection Fraud in exchange for Campaign Finance for the 2001 General Election. It got Unfinished Business Status for the Corruption Remedies against the General Osteopathic Council. Between late 2013 and 2016, the Profession Fitness Case of Citizen Ms Lewis got Corruption Proof Sets needed for Corruption Remedies against the General Osteopathic Council. The European Referenda got a Leave Majority and an Honourable Resignation from Prime Minister Mr Cameron because he had led the Remain Campaign. It got a 5 Year Delay for the Remedy Process. The attached 2021 07 19 Royal Commission + Fraud Appeal + Integrity Test and Action Intent Notice + Signature of citizen Ms Davies v General Medical Council + General Osteopathic Council.”
Polite Request for a Witness Intimidation + Justice Perversion Conspiracy Summons Application Filing + Service + 2100096661 Notice Email from Citizen Mr Nkrumah to Crown Prosecutor Mr Dominic Woolard, the Director of Public Prosecutions and the Stevenage Magistrates Court with the attached 2021 07 27 Witness Intimidation + Justice Perversion Conspiracy Summons + Discovery Application Form of Citizen Mr Nkrumah v Crown Prosecutor Mr Woolard + Court Lawyer Miss Flindall
Equity Lawyer Mr Ellis