Royal Commission + Mass Remedies Test Notice for Family Reunification + Medical Services + Public Gallery Rights + Court Records Fraud Remedies

To: House of Commons Speaker, Prime Minister, Cabinet Officers, Privy Counsellors, MPs, Representatives and Law Court Judges

15-Year-Old Citizen Master Andreas Theodorou will please conduct the Mass Remedy Tests for Family Reunification:

  1. Move belongings from the Foster Home to the Family Home at 199 Winchmore Hill Road, Southgate
  2. Enjoy doing it
  3. Notify the Equity Lawyer of the Final Move so that he can send the Notice Email to the Child Care Authority and Metropolitan Police
  4. Print 3 copies of this email and keep them in your possession, one for you, one for the Children Authority and one for the metropolitan Police  
  5. Enjoy being at home
  6. If there is a Repeat Kidnap Operation then:
    1. give an Email Print to each of the Child Authority Officer and another to a Police Officer and
    2. ask them to read it
    3. tell them a Telephone Call to 07788371717 will get a Test Explanation from the Equity Lawyer
    4. tell them their Email Addresses will get Forwarded Email + Attached Documents
    5. tell them tell the Cabinet and Parliament Session Jurisdictions have asked you to conduct the Family Reunification Test because they want to end the Child Thefts and Child Care Budget Frauds
    6. tell them that you are 15 years old and they will respect your wish to live with your mother and siblings or face Corruption Accountability for the Repeat Kidnap Operations
    7. inform the Equity Lawyer of the result

Citizen Osteopath 2855 Ms Davies will please conduct the Mass Remedy Test for Medical Services:

  1. Give a Review Appointment Refusal Notice to Barbourne Medical Centre + GP Dr Harris
  2. Make a Medical Services Mass Remedies Test Appointment to see GP Dr Harris
  3. Attend the Medical Services Test Appointment
  4. Give him a Royal Commission + Mass Remedies Test Notice Email Print
  5. Tell him the purpose of the Royal Commission Documents is: give notice of the Blackmail Consent Extortion Fraud
  6. Tell him the Medical Services Test Appointment will discover
    1. whether he makes a Priority Decision to service the Corruption Complain of the Citizen by:
      1. making a Profession Guidance Request of the General Medical Council
      2. disclosing the Profession Guidance Request Result to the Patient and the Equity Lawyer
    2. whether he makes a Priority Decision for the Profession Unfitness Investigation Fraud of the General Osteopathic Council by:
      1. A Medical Records Release Order
      2. Doing Anything Else including getting her to say anything else
  7. Then tell him you have done everything you need to do and walk out

Citizen Mr Nkrumah will please conduct the Mass Remedies Tests for Public Gallery Rights + Court Records Fraud Remedies:

  1. Attend the Public Gallery Rights + Court Records Fraud Case Plea Hearing on 31st August 2021 at St Albans Crown Court
  2. Ensure the Hearing Judge Knows about the Order Consents from Citizens Mr Zarb and Mrs Theodorou
  3. Get an Audio Record that is Remedy Proof for Law Courts or Remedy Denial Fraud Proof against them

Attached are:

Equity Lawyer Mr Ellis

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