To: House of Commons Speaker, Prime Minister, Cabinet Officers, Privy Counsellors, MPs, State Lawyers, Law Court Judges and Representatives
TAKE NOTICE that all who needed Mental Health Frauds + Imprisonment Fraud against the Equity Lawyer as Protection Frauds are faced with Failure Consequences. The Remedy Process needed an Audio Record that linked Top Judges to the Health Frauds. On 16th April 2021, the Penalty Hearing got an Audio Record that is Links Proof. The Contempt Fraud Appeals will force the Court of Appeal and Supreme Court to process the Health Fraud Conspiracy Proof against Top Doctors and Top Judges. In 2018, 2019 and 2020 Repeat Efforts at Mental Health Frauds got Fraud Conspiracy Failure Proof against Top Doctors. In 2020 and 2021 it got Health Fraud Conspiracy Proof against Top Judges. There is no need for the Entire History because the End Details are enough. In April 2020 End Stage Kidney Failure got an Emergency Admission for Dialysis Treatment in Broomfield Hospital, Chelmsford. Dialysis Treatment is Blood Cleaning by removal of Urea + Other Toxins. Top Doctors used the Hospital Admission for a Secret Diagnosis Fraud + Prescription Fraud by Anonymous Psychiatrists to get Urea Retention Side Effects that in a Kidney Failure Case was Urea Poison Fraud Proof. The Drug Trace Records are linked to Medical Records that are Secret Diagnosis Fraud Proof + Poison Conspiracy Proof. The Drugs Nurse gave the Equity Lawyer 1 pill and revealed it was a Secret Drug or Dangerous Drug by locking it in the Drugs Cabinet. Consumption of 1 Pill prevented use of Another Case to get Substitute Trace Records. Drug Questions by the Equity Lawyer got a Drug Disclosure by the Drugs Nurse. Drug Reason Questions got Ignorance Misrepresentation Frauds + Embarrassed Behaviour + Case Reference to Renal Doctors by the Drugs Nurse. The Embarrassed Behaviour was the Ignorance Misrepresentation Fraud Proof. Urea Poison Questions by the Equity Lawyer got Ignorance Misrepresentation Frauds + Diagnosis Disclosure Denial Frauds by Renal Doctors. It made Broomfield Hospital the Safest Hospital for the Equity Lawyer. It made Medical Records Access Denial Frauds the Top Priority for the Top Doctors. They made Medical Records Access Denial Fraud Plan. It needed a Hospital Discharge Fraud + Out-Patient Dialysis Treatment Appointment Denial Fraud to get Repeat End-Stage Kidney Failure + Repeat Emergency Admission at Another Hospital + Repeat Mental Illness Opinion Frauds. Suspicious Circumstances including the Out-Patient Treatment Appointment Denial Fraud alerted the Equity Lawyer. He demanded an Out-Patient Dialysis Treatment Appointment in 48 Hours. The Senior Renal Nurse gave a False Appointment to avoid an Eviction Fraud by Essex Police that would get Event Records the Top Doctors did not control. The Equity Lawyer attended the False Appointment and forced her to do something else. It got a Blood Test + Resumed Dialysis Treatment. It denied an Opinion Fraud Release by Broomfield Hospital or Mental Health Frauds by Another Hospital.
TAKE NOTICE the 2020 000286 Months Imprisonment + 2 Year Suspended Sentence on 16th April 2021 creates a need for Sentence Enforcement Prohibitions by the Law Courts for Equity Lawyer Mr Ellis against the State and All Inferior Law Courts:
1. To get use of Contempt Fraud Appeal Support Statements of Citizen Witnesses for Equity Lawyer Mr Ellis as Case Evidence for them in their own cases
2. To get him to give Witness Testimony from Equity Lawyer Mr Ellis in All Cases
TAKE SPECIAL NOTICE that the 2020 000286 Suspended Imprisonment Fraud on 16th April 2021 against the Equity Lawyers and the Corruption Case Litigation Incapacity of Citizen Victims creates a Special Need for Contempt Remedy Court Motion Orders by the Case Judges in Supreme Court Fraud Appeal 2020 0065 + Court of Appeal Fraud Appeal 2021 0346 + High Court Wardship Claim FD20P00642 + County Court B01B0837 + F02ED793 + G02EC632 + G00CR488 + F21YY087
TAKE SPECIAL NOTICE that the Contempt Fraud Appeal 2021 0065 Evidence Filing Time Limit for Monday 19th April 2021, which is tomorrow, that creates an Urgent Need for a Time Extension + Sentence Enforcement Prohibition Court Motion Order to get the Witness Testimony of Equity Lawyer Mr Ellis
TAKE SPECIAL NOTICE that events on Friday 16th April 2021 created an urgent Need for the Shop Sale Enforcement Claim Fraud G02EC632 Application Hearing Judges to get a Sentence Enforcement Prohibition + 2020 000286 Penalty Hearing Report + Risk Explanation Statement from Equity Lawyer Mr Ellis. On 16th April 2021, the 2020 000286 Penalty Fraud failed to deliver an Immediate Imprisonment Fraud and about 2 hours later the G02EC632 Settlement Negotiation Period Adjournment Request Email at 14 47 from Claimant Lawyers TV Edwards to Defence Lawyers Silvine Law got a Forward Email at 18 50 on Sunday 18th April to Citizen Mr Yediayli and a Forward Email at 22 18 to the Equity Lawyer. The Request Letter and the Order Proposal are attached.
TAKE SPECIAL NOTICE that events on Friday 16th April 2021 created an Urgent Need for the Lease Claim F21YY087 Case Judges to get a Sentence Enforcement Prohibition + 2020 000286 Penalty Hearing Report + Risk Explanation Statement from Equity Lawyer Mr Ellis. The Corruption Case Litigation Incapacity of Defendant Mrs Tedla has raised Reasonable Suspicions that the Law Practice, TV Edwards, who serviced the Shop Theft and Shop Sale Enforcement Claim Fraud G02EC632 serviced F21YY087 Case Frauds.
Equity Lawyer Mr Ellis