Supreme Court 2020 0055, 0000; Court of Appeal 2020 0395, 0396, 0742 and 1520; PI 10942; High Court 2019 004208, 2020 000286 and 000968 Remedy Management Proposals

To: House of Commons Speaker, Prime Minister, Cabinet Officers, Privy Councillors, MPs, State Lawyers and Law Court Judges

The Equity Lawyer relies on a State Library for Internet Access with Booked Sessions and Access Delays. The last time he used his name for Internet Access it got Immediate Data Destruction by a Computer Virus. He does not know whether his name on a New Computer Purchase will trigger Data Destruction Viruses. The Law Courts must accept Case Management Delays by the Equity Lawyer.  

The Equity Governance Recovery Plan was made 60 years ago when 1 in 100,000 of the population had Career Opportunities needed to get Equity Lawyer Qualifications for service of the Equity Monarchy Trusts. They had Reliable Support from the Law Professions. The Dictator Plan included Systematic Destruction of the Career Opportunities and Reliable Support. 45 years later Equity Lawyer Mr Ellis was 1 in more than 60,000,000 with Big Citizen Qualifications needed for the Equity Governance Recovery Plan.

Kidney Failure makes Remedy Process Dependency on Equity Lawyer Mr Ellis into Total Madness. Retired Law Practitioners with Equity Expertise need a Public Service Call. Some of them need it to counter Service Sabotage Lunacy by Immature Relatives. Advanced Electronic Signatures provided by the Citizen will enable the Management Efficiency needed to identify and mobilise Retired Practitioners with Equity Expertise and eliminate Expert Fantasists and Remedy Saboteurs. An Interim Remedy Agreement between the Equity Lawyer and Prime Minister + Opposition Leader will enable provision of Advanced Electronic Signatures and enable the Management Efficiency. Remedy Publicity for the Interim Remedy Agreement will service the entire process.           

The Best Advice for the Crown and Lord Bishops is:

  1. Make Invalidity Decisions against the International Obligations that required conversion of the British Court Room from an Adjudication Chamber into an Execution Chamber
  2. Use an Evidence Balance that starts with
    1. a Validity Presumption for the Citizen subject to Rebuttal Proof
    2. a Credibility Presumption for the State subject to Rebuttal Proof
  3. Apply it with Status Equality for the Citizen against the State and Law Courts
  4. Demonstrate it with
    1. Representation Facility Equality + Ritual Humiliation Prohibition for the Citizen against the State and Law Courts
    2. Dock Use Prohibition Presumption for the Citizen against the State and Law Courts subject to Rebuttal Proof with Contempt and Terrorism Penalties for Negligent Breaches or Malicious Breaches by Incompetent Officers or Corrupt Officers
    3. Public Gallery Cage Prohibition for the Citizen against the State and Law Courts
    4. Remedy Publicity using the Magistrates Courts 3 and 4 at Bow for
      1. Demolition of the Public Gallery Front Walls and the Ceiling Grills to the intent that the Public Gallery shall be part of the Court Room
      2. Removal of the Ceiling Grill in Court Room 3 that is below the lights and casts shadows that are bright enough to read and write but are enough to impair the view of the Judge from the Public Gallery
    5. Use Dock Cage Redundancy Presumption for the Citizen against the State and Law Courts subject to a Rebuttal Presumption   
    6. Require the Local Law Society to provide Local Lawyers to do the Execution Chamber Demolition Works and make Video Records for Mass Media Publicity and Internet Publicity
    7. Require Interim Remedy Negotiations between Equity Lawyer Mr Ellis and the Prime Minister + Opposition Leader
  5. A Current Law Profession Qualification Waiver + Judicial Appointments + Legal Assistance Call for Retired Law Practitioners with Equity Expertise to get Effective Representation for Citizens by the Law Professions
  6. A Comprehensive Validity Review of  Obligations Validity + Invalid Obligation Enforcements + Valid Obligation Enforcement Failures starting with Justice Management and Rapidly Proceeding to Environment Protection

for the Self-Evident Reasons and the Stated Reasons that it will be Credibility Proof for the Prime Minister and Cabinet when conducting International Negotiations

The Framing Fraud 012000266764 Contempt Remedy Application Denial Fraud Appeal Grounds and Case Papers Theft Complaint Additional Evidence Notice + Investigation Demand dated 11th and 12th September 2020 of Citizen Mr Nkrumah were attached to the Royal Commission Email dated 14th September 2020. They demonstrate the Mob Mentality of State Officers and Court Officers. It must be brought under control.

Citizen Mrs Theodorou and Citizen Mr Nkrumah will please check the attached Framing Fraud 012000266764 Costs and Contempt Remedy Repeat Application Grounds dated 16th September 2020, and the Divorce ZC14D02308 Fraud Appeal Grounds dated 17th September 2020, and let the Equity Lawyer know if any amendments are needed.

The Fraud Appeal 2020 0742 Bundle Filing Deficit Dismissal Revocation dated 7th September 2020 uses Reason Misrepresentation Frauds + Non-Disclosure Frauds. They do not acknowledge the Paper Bundle Filing in the Royal Courts and Email Filing with the Court of Appeal pretend Bundle Losses validated the Dismissal Decision.  They do acknowledge Case Dismissal Notice got a Dismissal Appeal + Repeat Filing by Signed For Post and used the Repeat Bundle for a Bundle Discovery that validates the Dismissal Revocation.  Citizen Mr Sood says he had received Repeat Email Notice of the Dismissal Revocation Decision. He does not know why. He has achieved Life Successes in spite of Limited Literacy. He understands the Decision Revocation but does not understand the Reasons. All of it is Relevant Evidence for Other Cases.   

Equity Lawyer Mr Ellis



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