Royal Commission + Contempt Fraud Appeal + 2020 000286 + CO 1201 2021 + FD20P00642 + C01202 2021 + ZC14D02308 + B01B0837+ F02ED793 + G02EC632 + F21YY087 + E01WT861

To: House of Commons Speaker, Prime Minister, Cabinet Officers, Privy Counsellors, MPs, Representatives and Law Court Judges,

TAKE NOTICE that the Bank Frauds include Repeat Stop Frauds by Natwest Bank that prevent Modest Payments from the Equity Lawyer to a Good Friend of 20 Years. He developed a Document Management System that enabled Mass Use of Advanced Electronic Signatures. Internet Tests got Success Results. Secret Surveillance of the Internet Tests got a Market Ready Report by the Secret Service. It got Secret Career Sabotage Frauds to Prime Minister Mr Blair against the Good Friend. Corruption Damage caused him to be a Poverty Refugee from the United Kingdom. The Corruption Remedy Process needed Internet Publicity for Case Records. The Good Friend provided it. The Equity Lawyer made Modest Payments to the Good Friend. The 2021 Parliament Session Agreement contains Corruption Remedy Conditions for the People and Viable Repatriation for the Good Friend. It will enable The Protection Fraud Network made a Relationship Sabotage Fraud Plan. It used a Secret Stop Order and Secret Denial a Payment Failure Notice Email in the hope that a Communications Failure would do Relation Ruin Damage. It failed.  Email Address Requests got Request Refusals and a Complaint Telephone Number from the Bank Cashier + Bank Supervisor. The Remedy Process needs a Written Official Record before Telephone Contact. This is it.

TAKE NOTICE that the Royal Commission + Contempt Fraud Appeal + Restraint Removals DRAFT PROPOSALS dated 17th May 2021 of Equity Lawyer v Solicitor General will be completed as soon as possible. It is provided now because the Remedy Process needs use of it for the Prison Release Habeas Corpus Claim CO 1201 2021 and the Divorce ZC14D02308 Property Fraud Case.

TAKE NOTICE that 2019 Election Fraud Conspiracies by the Labour Party needed a Parliamentary Election Candidacy Sabotage Fraud against Citizen Mr Adam Mustafa to prevent him using Court Fraud Proof for a Corruption Remedy Campaign. It needed Top Level Protection Fraud Boasts to get Rapid Service at every stage of the process. Cheshire Police had nothing. They had to invent something very quickly. The Car Ownership Proof for Citizen Mr Mustafa was a Hire Purchase Agreement + Motor Insurance + Vehicle Excise Licence. Cheshire Police used Car Ownership Proof Exclusion Frauds +  Car Ownership Misrepresentation Frauds + Theft Complaint Frauds + Arrest Fraud + Custody Fraud + Mental Case Reference Fraud + Mental Case Custody Fraud + Forced Medication Fraud. It is Unfinished Business. Remedy Denial frauds for Citizen Mr Mustafa and the Voter Identity Proof Proposals raise Reasonable Suspicions of Election Fraud Conspiracy for the Next General Election. 

Equity Lawyer Mr Ellis  

RoyalCommission + Contempt Fraud Appeal Filing + 2020 000286 + FD20P00642 + C0 1202 2021 + B01B0837+ F02ED793+ F02ED632 + F21YY087 + E01WT861 + ZC14D02308

To: House of Commons Speaker, Prime Minister, Cabinet Officers, Privy Counsellors, MPs, Representatives and Law Court Judges

TAKE NOTICE the Crown and Lord Bishops can use Remedy Progress Proof got in a Parliament Session to impose Remedy Completion Conditions in the Next Session Agreement. The use of Court Computers for Case Misrepresentation Frauds + Identity Misrepresentation Frauds created a need for Audio Records as Personal Responsibility Proof against Identifiable Individuals. On 16th April 2021 the Contempt Claim Fraud 2020 000286 Penalty Hearing in of Equity got completion of the Audio Record Proof Set against the High Court. On the same day the Criminal Trial Fraud Appeal 2020 01368 got completion of the Audio Record Proof Set against the Court of Appeal. Other cases add to it. The Criminal Trial Fraud Appeal 2020 01368 Judge Identity Omission Fraud from the Dismissal Fraud Decision Document demonstrates the need for the Audio Records. All of it is Fraud Commitment Proof against the Top Judges. It is Support Evidence for the Judiciary Purging + Deterrent Precedent Proposals of the Equity Lawyer.

FILING NOTICE from the Equity Lawyer to the Court of Appeal of the Contempt Fraud Appeal Papers of Equity Lawyer v Solicitor General

TAKE NOTICE that the Political Prisoner Habeas Corpus Claim C0 1202 2021 needs to a Conflict Disqualification Admission + Remedy Only Jurisdiction Limit Admission by the Administration Court Judges or a Conflict Jurisdiction Qualification Jury Trial Order + Conflicted Interest Evidence Admission Order + Restraint Breach Imprisonment Prohibition Order to enable the Equity Lawyer to give Conflict Disqualification Evidence. The Evidence Offer by the Theodorou Family and the Equity Lawyer will get  either C0 1202 2021 Remedy Proof or C0 1202 2021 Remedy Denial Fraud Proof for use by the Parliament Session Jurisdictions.

TAKE NOTICE that the BEST Advice for Barnet Family Court is to use the Divorce ZC14D02308 Property Fraud Adjourned Hearing for a Contempt Remedy Application for the Mother + 6 Children. A Fraud Deal got Fraud Co-operation by the Father for the State in exchange for Divorce ZC14D02308 Property Frauds for the Father against the Mother. The Mother gave use of the case to Parliament Session Jurisdictions. The result is an Unfinished Fraud that will get Fraud Remedies by Barnet Family Court or Superior Jurisdictions under the supervision of the Parliament Session Jurisdiction.  A Family Reunification Plan by the Mother + 2nd Child + 4th Child + Maternal Grand Father includes an Open Offer for Other Children, the Maternal Grand Mother and the Paternal Grand Parents to join them. On the evidence available the 1st Child wishes to be included Perversity Conditioning by the Father had a greater impact on the Eldest Child. The Perversity Conditioning Legacy is the Enormous Challenge of Conditioning Reversal by the 1st Child for himself and everyone he will know in his lifetime. Remedy Intent Proof for him needs a Case Log from him. It will enable Case Log Comparisons that identify and explain the Influences Frauds by the Father and State Officers against him and the impact they had on Case Management by everyone else. The Case Log will enable the 1st Child to develop Management Skills that apply to Project Management for the rest of his life. It will be hard for him to start but will get easier. His Evidence will be Relevant Evidence for All Cases.  A Violent Crime Framing Fraud by him failed because a Theft Complaint by the Victim and Friends got Police Officers as Alibi Witnesses. The Attempted Framing Fraud + Other Evidence validated a Remedy Forfeit Finding against him. Remedy Commitment Proof for him will get a Forfeit Finding Reversal + Remedy Rights Recovery. It will be a Remedy Precedent that benefits many others.  The Fraud Conspiracy Proof against the State and Law Courts includes Identity Detail Misrepresentation Frauds against the 6 Children in the Final Care Order. There is a 26 Day Difference in the Birth Date of the 2nd Child, and a 10 Year Date Difference in the Birth Date of the 3rd Child and the Wrong Sex for the 5th Child. The Contempt Fraud Appeal of the Equity Lawyers includes Witness Protection Applications. Damage Mitigation Efforts get Remedy Proof that eliminate the need for Witness Protection or Remedy Denial Fraud Proof that supports the Witness Protection Case.

Equity Lawyer Mr Ellis

Royal Commission + 2020 000286 + Fraud Appeals + Judge Integrity Tests using B01B0837+ F02ED793 + F02ED632 + F21YY087 + E01WT861 + ZC14D02308

To: House of Commons Speaker, Prime Minister, Cabinet Officers, Privy Counsellors, MPs, Representatives and Law Court Judges

Best Management of the Witness Protection Applications needed a Reunification Plan for the Theodorou Family and an Evidence Offer by them to All Victims and use of it in the Land Fraud Lead Cases.

The Contempt Fraud Appeal Grounds + Representation + Draft Order dated 1st May 2021 of the Equity Lawyer deals with everything except the Witness Protection Details. It is attached.

The Theodorou Family Reunification Case Papers dated 3rd May 2021 are attached. They are Helpful Evidence for the Land Fraud Victims.

The Shop Theft Claims 2019 003741 + 003984 got 2 sealed Forged Orders that are Criminal Conspiracy Proof against the High Court.  The Seal Ink is Forensic Material. Top Judges made Forensic Test Sabotage Fraud Plan. It needed Physical Possession of the Original Papers for Evidence Destruction or Forgery Substitution. It needed a Hearing Event Notice to force Citizen Mr Yediayli to give Representation Instructions + Evidence Production Authority to Qualified Lawyer, use of the Production Authority to get the Original Papers for the Forensic test Sabotage Fraud, and then Hearing Adjournments to avoid Hearing Audio Records. It needed Shop Sale Enforcement Claim Fraud F02ED632. It failed. It got a Confidence Collapse and an Urgent Proposal by the Criminal Buyers for a Hearing Adjournment for a Settlement Negotiation Period.  The Adjournment Consent Fraud by the Qualified Lawyers and Settlement Communication Failures add to the Criminal Conspiracy Proof for Citizen Mr Yediayli and the Parliament Session Jurisdictions

Trust Claim Fraud B01B0837 Contempt Fraud Remedy Hearing on 1st June 2021 will use the Evidence Offer from the Theodorou Family and the Settlement Negotiation Failures by the Shop Theft Crime Buyers

The Contempt Fraud Appeal 2020 1520 Case Communication Response dated 3rd May 2021 of Citizen Ms Berry to the Court of Appeal. It adds to the Contempt Fraud Conspiracy Proof against the Law Courts. It is attached

Equity Lawyer

Royal Commission + 2020 000286 + Contempt Fraud Appeals Notice + Judge Integrity Tests using B01B0837 + F21YY087 + E01WT861 + Framing Fraud 2100155689 + 2100175116

To: House of Commons Speaker, Prime Minister, Cabinet Officers, Privy Counsellors, MPs, Representatives and Law Court Judges

Integrity Test on 26th April 2021 added to the F21YY087 + E01WT861 Order Breach Contempt Immunity Fraud Conspiracy Proof against the Bank of Scotland and County Court. It is Similar Fact Proof to the B01B0837 Order Breach Contempt Immunity Fraud Conspiracy Proof against them. It is Relevant Evidence for the B01B0837 Integrity Test on 30th April 2021. The choice for the Hearing Judge is Fraud Remedies for Citizen Mr Sood or Fraud Enforcement against him. The Hearing Judge needs to know that the Equity Lawyer will use Fraud Enforcement Proof for the Dismissal + Terrorism Penalty Case against All Judges in Parliament.  

Good Risk Findings by the Equity Lawyer and Many Others for Honourable Parliamentarians, Lord Bishops, Lord Archbishops. Charles Prince of Wales and Elizabeth Queen of England validated revival use of the Parliament Session Jurisdictions for the Corruption Remedy Process It needed to cater for All Possibilities. The Political Scandal Risk needed a Leadership Vacuum Remedy Plan.  Citizen Papers provide Before Event Fitness Finding Evidence in case the Honourable Parliamentarians, Lord Bishops and Crown needed it to manage Leadership Vacuum Remedies.

In 2009 a Firearms Corruption Remedy Claim gave Interested Party Status to MP Mr Kenneth Clarke as Fitness Finding Evidence for him to serve as Lord Chancellor after the 2010 General Election.

The 2010 General Election got a Coalition Governing Majority. It got Remedy Co-operation from Prime Minister Mr Cameron, Deputy Prime Minister Mr Clegg and Opposition Leader Mr Miliband. The Remedy Co-operation Acknowledgements in Citizen Papers were Repeat Leadership Fitness Finding Evidence in case it was needed for Power Vacuum pending Party Leadership Elections.  If necessary, they can sit in the House of Lords. The Leadership Vacuum Fitness Evidence for 3 Competing Leaders gave Enormous Satisfaction to everyone who understood it. The Equity Lawyer is not aware of Unfitness Rebuttal Evidence against any of them that validates a Leadership Vacuum Fitness Review. In addition, there are Leadership Vacuum Fitness Findings for MP Mr Iain Duncan Smith and MP Mr David Davies. It does not matter whether Vacuum Leadership Enquiries get Service Refusals by any or all of them. It does matter that Fitness Findings from the Citizen and Equity Lawyer for some of the Governing Class provide a Confidence Base for the Crown and Lord Bishops to find others if they are needed.      

In late 2018 the Conservative Party Leadership Challenge discovered that Remedy Saboteurs demanded Protection Frauds Deals in exchange for Leadership Votes. It was Relevant Evidence when getting the Forced Resignation from Prime Minister Mrs May, the Parliament Session Agreement that required a Forced General Election before the end of 2019 and the Parliament Session Agreement that required Corruption Remedies before the Session End. The Remedy Saboteurs traded Protection Frauds for Leadership Votes. Prime Minister Mr Johnson needed Protection Deal Releases to service the Corruption Remedy Conditions.

The Corruption Remedy Conditions needed either Case Remedies by the Law Courts or Protection Fraud Proof and Crime Profit Proof for the Parliament Session Jurisdictions against the Law Courts. It was Totally Predictable that both use of it, and failure to use it, by Prime Minister Mr Johnson to get Protection Fraud Deal Releases were a Leadership Vacuum Risk.   

It was Reasonably Predictable that a Leadership Challenge would start with Representation Impropriety Allegations against anyone who had Fitness Findings as a Power Vacuum Leader. On the evidence available the Representation Impropriety Allegations against Former Prime Minister Mr Cameron were Sabotage Frauds against him as Power Vacuum Leader. He is a Reliable Representer and Competent Campaigner. He competed for office in a Dictator Regime when an Equity Governance Recovery Plan was in progress.  The 2005 Conservative Party Leadership Contest that he won was unlikely to involve Protection Fraud Deals because it was for an Opposition Party soon after a General Election. Free and Fair General Election needed an Unfitness Finding + Dismissal Decisions + Forced Resignation in 2006 from Prime Minister Mr Blair and an Unfitness Finding + Dismissal Decisions against Prime Minister Mr Brown and the Labour Governing Majority that in 2009 needed the Expense Account Scandals. The 2010 General Election returned a Coalition Governing Majority that he led. The Finance Sabotage Frauds Legacy of Prime Minister Mr Brown and the Labour Governing Majority imposed Severe Financial Constraints that helped to maintain Coalition Discipline. The 2010 Parliament Session Agreement required a Corruption Investigation of the Law Courts. On the evidence available it was a Unifying Experience for him, Deputy Prime Minister Mr Clegg and Opposition Leader Mr Miliband that got Remedy Co-operation from all of them. In 2014 the Protection Fraud Network needed a Corruption Continuity Plan to avoid Total Collapse. It needed a Business Expansion Plan and Hung Parliament Propaganda Frauds in hope of getting a Hung Parliament and use of it for Coalition Government Bargaining to get a Corrupt Majority and Immunity Frauds, and a Back Up Plan if it failed. The Black Up Plan needed a Ruin Fraud Conspiracy against the Equity Lawyer to stop him providing Investigation Services for the Parliament Session Jurisdictions, a Ruin Fraud Conspiracy against Prime Minister Mr Cameron to stop him providing Execution Services for the Parliament Session Jurisdictions and a Ruin Fraud Conspiracy against a Remedy Campaigner for Power Boast Purposes.  The Ruin Frauds used Framing Frauds. The Equity Lawyer identified the Framing Frauds and managed them to get Criminal Conspiracy Proof against Law Court Judges in time to stop the Ruin Frauds.    

Prime Minister Mr Cameron was on an Equity Governance Learning Curve when in office. He might still be on it. He might not know that Opposition Representation Freedom is Directly Proportionate to the Corruption Remedy Powers of the Citizen. He might not know that the Remedy Services he provided for the Parliament Session Jurisdictions got Opposition Status for Dictator Politicians against him. He might not have known that a Leadership Challenge might start with use of anything for Representation Impropriety Allegations + Innuendo against him for a Leadership Vacuum Remedy Spoiler Initiative. 

The Leadership Vacuum Remedy Spoiler Week followed by Premiership Residence Refurbishment Week raises reasonable Suspicions of a Leadership Challenge. It might fizzle out. It might not fizzle out. The Crown and Lord Bishops need to know that on the evidence available the Leadership Vacuum Remedy Fitness Findings for Former Prime Minister Mr Cameron and the others remain intact, and that Timely Enquiries would be a Sensible Precaution. 

General Election needs Remedy Management to get Fair Conditions for Corruption Victims

The Dictator Politicians made a Dictator Plan. It needed Sabotage Frauds for Dictator Leadership against Leadership Competitors. It used Proof Burden Reversal Frauds + Law Market Frauds for Client Claimants against Qualified Lawyers as Sabotage Frauds for Dictator Politicians against the Parliament Session Jurisdictions. It used Sex Crime Investigation Denial Frauds for Sexual Predators against Victims as Sabotage Frauds for Dictatorship Politicians against Equity Religious Leaders. It used Bias Frauds for Ethnic Minorities against the Caucasian Majority as Sabotage Frauds for Dictator Politician against the Citizen. Management Failures on an Industrial Scale resulted in the Sabotage Frauds for Dictator Politicians escalating into Institutional Racism. Effective Remedies needed a Dictator Plan Termination and an Equity Governance Recovery Plan. Institutional Racism got Repeat Acknowledgement and Repeat Remedy Denial Frauds from the Dictator Politicians.

The Sabotage Frauds for Dictator Politicians against Citizen Mr Nkrumah help to explain it.  In the Youth Games from 1995 he won the 400 Metres against his friend, Mo Farah, who became the Distance Champion. A Level Mathematics + Further Mathematics + Computing + Business Studies enabled a Career Plan for Technical Qualifications + Management Qualifications with a Big Business Directorship Target. The Technical Qualifications were a BT Advanced Apprenticeship. BT used his image for Apprenticeship Recruitment. Community Leaders used him to support both of the London Mayor Campaigns of MP Johnson. He met Opposition Leader Mr Cameron soon before the 2010 General Election. The Sabotage Frauds against him started with Entertainment Copyright Piracy Investigation Frauds + Prosecution Frauds + Defence Representation Frauds + Trial Fraud Blackmail + Plea Bargain Frauds + Imprisonment Denial Misrepresentation Frauds + Community Service Misrepresentation Frauds + Apprenticeship Continuity Misrepresentation Frauds that got a Guilty Plea + Probation Report Adjournment + Up to 200 Hours Community Service Report + 1st Offence 12 Months and 18 Months Concurrent Immediate Imprisonment + Ruin Fraud Plan that needed an Early Tag Release for a  Home Detention Curfew +  BT Apprenticeship Termination Procurement Fraud +  Deportation Fraud that failed because he had UK Residency Rights. The Court Records + Prison Records + National Insurance Records + Attempted Deportation Records + BT Employment Records are Fraud Conspiracy Proof. A Land Fraud Conspiracy for Top Judges and Housing Association Officers needed Tenancy Forgeries.  In 2015 Forged Tenancy Complaints by Citizen Mr Nkrumah motivated Repeat Ruin Frauds that did Life Damaged to him but got Fraud Conspiracy Proof for him against the Metropolitan Police, Local Authority, Ministry of Justice, Criminal Courts and Civil Courts up to the Supreme Court. In January 2021 the ruin Fraud Conspiracy against Citizens Mr and Mrs Nkrumah used a Drug Crime Framing Fraud + Shea Butter for Suspicious Substance Misrepresentation Frauds + Incapacity Misrepresentation Frauds for Missing Signatures on Detention Records + Returned Property Misrepresentation Frauds + Family Sabotage Bail Conditions Frauds for Parent Unfitness Defamation Frauds + Child Access Denial Frauds. Royal Commission Case Notices by Equity Lawyer Mr Ellis and Effective Defence Representation by Citizen Mr Nkrumah broke the confidence for the Bail Appeal Resistance by the Crown Prosecutor and then the Child Access Denial Fraud Drug Crime Framing Fraud by the Local Authority.  On 16th April 2021, the Piracy Framing Fraud Appeal used Fraud Conspiracy Proof for an Appeal Filing Time Extension + Conviction Fraud Revocation + £6,559.12 Savings and Additional Interest Crime Proceeds Forfeiture Fraud Revocation that got Refusal frauds by 3 Caucasian Appeal Judges. The Before Hearing Audio Record and Full Proceedings Audio Record and Written Judgment Denial Fraud and to the Corruption Proof against the Ministry of Justice and the Office Unfitness Proof against the 2 Justices and 1 Lady Justice. On the evidence available it motivated the Investigation Fraud Managers to use Oral Meeting Request to Citizen Mrs Nkrumah with No Independent Witness. It got a Request Refusal from Citizen Mrs Nkrumah for the Stated Reason that the Investigations Frauds raise Reasonable Suspicions of a Self-Protection Fraud Plan needs a Personal Attendance with No Independent Witness for a Liability Finding Fraud + Caution Fraud.        

The 2019 General Election Frauds included Own Vehicle Theft Arrest Fraud + Mental Illness Case Reference Fraud + Custody Fraud + Forced Medication Fraud for the Nantwich and Crewe Parliamentary Candidates of the Labour Party and Conservative Party against Citizen Mr Adam Mustafa as an Independent Candidacy Sabotage Fraud against him.  

It is Compelling Proof that General Election Fairness needs Comprehensive Remedies for Citizen Mr Nkrumah.

Citizen Mr Nkrumah is considering conducting an Election Fairness Test using a North East London Candidacy Offer on Corruption Remedy Conditions from him to the Conservative Party and the Labour Party. The test result will get either Remedy Condition Acceptance by one or both of them or Conditions Refusal Proof he can use to add Campaign Finance to the Corruption Damages     

Equity Lawyer Mr Ellis 

Royal Commission + 2020 000286 + Contempt Fraud Appeals Notice + Judge Integrity Tests using B01B0837 + F21YY087 + E01WT861

To: House of Commons Speaker, Prime Minister, Cabinet Officers, MPs, Representatives and Law Court Judges

TAKE NOTICE that Court Frauds will be used for Terrorism Contempt Findings + Penalties against All Guilty Parties including Law Court Judges.

TAKE NOTICE that the County Court B01B0837 + F21YY087 + E01WT861 Hearing Events on 27th and 30th April are Integrity Tests that will get either Remedy Proof for the Hearing Judges or Remedy Denial Fraud Proof against them.

TAKE NOTICE that Royal Commission Emails are Effective Notice Proof for the Parliament Session Jurisdictions against the Representatives, State and Law Courts.  The Hearing Events will add Audio Records to the Document Records. The Audio records will reveal what Representation Assistance the Citizen Mrs Tedla and Citizen Mr Sood get from the Qualified Representatives and Hearing Judges.  

TAKE NOTICE that Claim Frauds B01B0837 + Corruption Claim 2020 000968 + Contempt Fraud Appeal 2020 0742 got Order Breach Contempt Fraud Conspiracy Proof + Mortgage Repayment Denial Fraud Conspiracy Proof for the Citizen Mr Sood against Bank of Scotland, County Court, High Court and Court of Appeal. The Remedy Process broke the confidence of Top Judges. They made a Blame Politicians Plan.  It needed the Remedy Jurisdiction Denial Notice Fraud dated 26th April 2021 from the Supreme Court to Citizen Mr Sood.   It failed. Top Judges cannot use Jurisdiction Legislation to commit Conflict Qualification Frauds needed to commit Remedy Denial Frauds and make Crime Profits

TAKE NOTICE that the Claim Frauds B01B0837 got Email Notice at 15.06 on 26th April 2021 from Clerkenwell and Shoreditch County Court that evidences:

1.       the Mortgage Valuation Access Application dated 5th November 2020 of Citizen Mr Sood got a Process Delay of 172 Days before the Case Referral to a Judge on 26th April 2021,

2.       the Eviction Enforcement Application dated 8th January 2021 got the Hearing Notice for 1st June 2021

3.       the Pending Contempt Fraud Investigation Stay Application dated 23rd February 2021 of Citizen Mr Sood got the Hearing Date for 30th April 2021

4.       A Contempt Fraud Investigation is needed to discover what explains the Hearing Delays and Separate Hearings and Hearing Priority for the Enforcement Fraud against Contempt Fraud Remedies    

TAKE NOTICE that Claim Frauds F21YY087 + E01WT861 got the Party Status Order for Bank of Scotland + Payment Obligation Order against Citizen Mrs Tedla and the Bank of Scotland + Default Penalty of Lease Forfeiture against Citizen Mrs Tedla + Order Breach Contempt Immunity Fraud for the Bank of Scotland.

TAKE NOTICE that a F21YY087 + E01WT861 Contempt Fraud Investigation Order is needed to discover the Benefit Consequences and Damage Consequences that result from the Party Status Order for the Bank of Scotland and use of it for Order Breach Contempt by the Bank of Scotland.  

TAKE NOTICE that Many Cases provide Similar Fact Proof of Mortgage Repayment Denial Fraud Conspiracies + Other Fraud Conspiracies by Banks, Auctioneers, Representatives, the Benefits Agency, Ministry of Justice, Magistrates Court, Crown Court, Criminal Division of the Court of Appeal, County Court, High Court and Civil Division of the Court of Appeal. One Proof Set against the Civil Courts is Repossession Claim Fraud D00RM168 + Bank Fraud Claim HQ18X93276 + Remedy Denial Fraud Appeals 2018 2325 + 2477.   A Mortgage Offer by a Wealthy Individual enabled the Victim to get the Proof Set.

Equity Lawyer Mr Ellis

Royal Commission + 2020 000286 + Contempt Fraud Appeals + Appeal Witness Protection Cases FD20P00642 + QB 2018 0239 + B01B0837 + F02ED793 + G02EC632 + G00CR488 + F00WT279 + F21YY087 + E01WT861

To: House of Commons Speaker, Prime Minister, Cabinet Officers, Privy Counsellors, MPs, Representatives + Law Court Judges

The Lease Possession Claim Fraud F00WT279 + F21YY087 + E01WT861 have an Application Telephone Hearing at 12.30 on 27th April 2021 in Central London County Court. The attached Case Log has been updated to include the Royal Commission Email at 20 50 on 23rd April 2021.

The attached Royal Commission Email includes the Reply Records. The one from Black Graff LLP on 24th April 2021 has Particular Relevance. They are the Lease Forfeit Fraud F02ED793 Claimant Lawyers. The Criminal Conspiracy Proof for the Citizen Tenant and Parliament Session Jurisdictions includes the Defence and Counterclaim Filing Denial Frauds + Case Management Hearing Audio Records + Possession Application Failure + Possession Application Costs for the Loser against the Winner + Directions Frauds + Reason Frauds + Defence and Counterclaim Repeat Filing Denial Frauds x 2 + Costs and Directions Fraud Appeal Filing and Process Denial Frauds + Rent Enforcement Statutory Demand Bankruptcy Attempted Enforcement Pending Adjudication Contempt Fraud + Possession Denial Appeal Fraud Filing and Process + Possession Denial Appeal Fraud Hearing Notice for 3rd August 2020 + Secret Adjournment Fraud to prevent an Audio Record of the Hearing Judge receiving Criminal Conspiracy Proof for the Citizen Tenant and Parliament Session Jurisdictions against the Landlord, Representatives and Laws Courts. The Citizen Tenant and Supporters attended for the Appeal Hearing and received Hearsay Evidence from a Court Officer of the Secret Adjournment Fraud. The Remedy Process used a Time Limit to force use of Contempt Claim Fraud 2020 000286 for Voluntary Remedies or Fraud Enforcement. Top Judges chose Fraud Enforcement. It needed Fraud Commitment Proof from the High Court to give Receivers the confidence to commit New Frauds as Fraud Commitment Proof before getting Protection Frauds from the Court of Appeal. The Receivers included the F02ED793 Landlord, Representatives and County Court Judges. A Secret Process by the County Court gave confidence for Possession Order Representations + Immediate Possession Demands by the Landlord + Representatives that got a Possession Refusal + Possession Order Proof Demand + Rent Off Sets against Counterclaim Damages by the Citizen Tenant + No Enforcement Action by the Landlord.

The Royal Commission Emails get No Response from the F02ED793 Claimant Lawyers except when Increased Anxiety gets the Response Email that reads ‘The office is closed.  E-mail sent out of office hours is deleted’ as did the Response Email at 11.42 on 24th April 2021.

The Response Records start with Blocked Messages from Qualified lawyers who managed, or attempted to manage, Court Frauds in Royal Commission Cases. Royal Commission Emails got Automatic Response Emails from MP Mr Michael Ellis when he was Solicitor General but not since his appointment as Attorney General, or from his successor as Solicitor General. The Attorney General’s Office Contempt Shared Mailbox is Notice Proof against them. The Case Reports from the State Lawyers are Additional Notice Proof for the Parliament Session Jurisdictions against them. Royal Commission Emails get 550 Delivery Failure Messages from the MP Address of the Secretary of State for Justice and Normal Responses from enough of the Privy Counsellors, Cabinet Officers, Prime Minister and Speaker to be Notice Proof for the Parliament Session Jurisdictions. The MP Address of the Speaker is used because the Speaker’s Office Email Address got No Response. Response Emails from Any Law Court is Notice Proof against All Law Courts.  

The Royal Commission Email on 23rd April 2021 got a Response Email from Central London County Court

Victim Mrs Tedla was not on the Royal Commission Email Address List on 23rd April 2021 but has been added for this one. The Hearing Event will discover whether she gets Representation Assistance from the Application Lawyers and the Hearing Judge.

The Response Email from Tenancy Claim Fraud QB 2018 0239 Defendant Victim Mr Zarb is Litigation Incapacity Proof for him. He is Intelligent + Educated + Charming + Religious. The Lord Bishops have known people like him all their lives. A Court Fraud Conspiracy by the Ministry of Justice Crime Partnership, the Criminal Tenant and Claim Lawyers got the Liability Finding Fraud against Mr Zarb. The Remedy Process broke the confidence to complete the Enforcement Frauds. In 2018 a Help Request by Victim Mr Zarb got Citizen Status for him. He lacked the Co-operation Capacity to make the best of it. The Equity Lawyer produced a Defence Document and used the case for Representation Tests of Defence Counsel and the Law Courts. Victim Mr Zarb took Defence Counsel and the Equity Lawyer for lunch. The Remedy Process Document and the Lunchtime Conversation, that lasted about 1 Hour, is Briefing Evidence. It is Relevant Evidence of Representation Failures.

The Tenancy Claim Fraud QB 2018 0239 of the Articulate Caucasian Mr Zarb is a Land Fraud Comparator Case for the Land Fraud Cases B01B0837 + F02ED793 + G02EC632 + G00CR488 + F00WT279 + F21YY087 + E01WT861 of Illiterate Immigrants.

Enforcement Stay Witness Protection Application Offer from Equity Lawyer Mr Ellis to Victim Mrs Tedla and Citizen Mr Zarb using his Contempt Fraud Appeals in the Court of Appeal and Supreme Court. It is conditional upon Case Explanation Statements and Support Documents.  The State can use Citizen Case Management for an Immediate Imprisonment Fraud against the Equity Lawyer. The State cannot use Witness Protection Applications in the Contempt Fraud Appeals of the Equity Lawyer in the Appeal Courts. It is a Contempt Fraud against the Appeal Courts, Parliament and the Crown.      

The F00WT279 + F21YY087 + E01WT861 Hearing Judge might want to know about the Other Addressees on the Royal Commission Email List. The Citizens are on the list for their Own Cases and as Public Domain Proof for the Other Cases. The Qualified Lawyers are on it as a preparation for the Profession Unfitness Investigations. Metropolitan Police Office Mr Martin managed the Children Thefts for the Family Sabotage Frauds against the Theodorou Family, Paedophile Protection Frauds and Money Laundering Frauds that link him to Cases F00WT279 + F21YY087 + E01WT861. The Housing Estate Maintenance Accounts were Accounting Fraud Proof for Citizen Mr Cant against Hackney Council Officers. They demanded Protection Fraud and got them from the Metropolitan Police, Property Tribunal and Law Courts. Computer Hacking Frauds by the Metropolitan Police put Defamation Frauds against Citizen Mr Cant on his Facebook Account.  Computer Hacking Complaints by him got Investigation Denial Frauds by the Metropolitan Police. A Directions Order by the Property Tribunal imposed a Disclosure Response Time Limit on Citizen Mr Cant. Electronic File Disclosure by Hackney Council was Rapidly Followed by use of the Defamation Frauds for a Malicious Communications Investigation Fraud + Arrest Fraud + Computer Seizure by Detective Constable Mr Martin. Time Extension Applications by Citizen Mr Cant got Refusal Frauds by the Property Tribunal and a Computer Return by Detective Constable Mr Martin on the Response Time Expiry Day. Fraud Claims got Dismissal Fraud Proof against the High Court. The Remedy Process broke the confidence of Top Judges and Money Launderers. They used the Crime Business of Mr Kenneth Noy for Violent Crime Services including those by Thug Mr Seton. He used Thug Boasts as Business Touts. The Money Launderers and Top Judges needed Intimidation Frauds against Victims. The Stress Response of Citizen Mr Cant was to get Internet Publicity for his Personal Problems. It made him an Ideal Target for the Intimidation Frauds. Grievous Bodily Harm + Kill Threats by Thug Mr Seton got Internet Publicity from Citizen Mr Cant for every stage of the process. The Crime Complaints got Investigation Denial Frauds by the Metropolitan Police. Protection Denial Fraud Claims got Case Dismissal Frauds by the County Court, High Court and Court of Appeal. Damage Limitation Protection Fraud Demands by Top Judges got Grievous Bodily Harm + Kill Threat Investigations by Metropolitan Police Officer Mr Tomass.Kuprejevs. Damage Limitation Prosecution Frauds by Crown Prosecutors used a Common Assault Charge instead of Grievous Bodily Harm Charge + Kill Threats Charge.  The Plea Hearing got a Not Guilty Plea. The Parliament Session Agreement in December 2019 between the Crown and prime Minister required Corruption Remedies before the Session End. The Queen used her Session Opening Speech on 19th December 2019 for Royal Commission Announcement. Everyone involved knew what it meant. It caused a Confidence Loss that got a Further Investigation Order by Crown Prosecutors. Equity Lawyer Mr Ellis and Citizen Mr Cant attended an Interview Appointment with Investigator Mr Tomass Kuprejevs. The Equity Lawyer got a Witness Statement from Mr Lawrence Glen Brightman that gave a Case Explanation and made an Immunity Negotiation Proposal that required Full Disclosure from Thug Mr Seton how he got the Restraint Protection Denial Frauds from the Law Courts.  The Immunity Proposal got an Unexplained Immediate Case Withdrawal by the State for Thug Mr Seton. It completed the Protection Denial Fraud Proof Set against the Metropolitan Police, Crown Prosecutors and Criminal Courts before the Restraint Protection Denial Fraud Appeal in the Court of Appeal got completion of it in the Civil Courts.

The Shop Theft Criminal Complaint by Citizen Mr Yediayli got Investigation Denial Fraud Proof against the Metropolitan Police. The Shop Theft Claims 2019 003741 + 003984 got Criminal Conspiracy Proof for the Citizen and Parliament Sessio0n Jurisdictions against the Buyers, Representatives and High Court. Top Judges required a New Fraud from the Buyers as Fraud Commitment Proof. They were given a Defence + Counterclaim that made Transaction Admissions + Payment Default Admissions + Argument Fraud that Full Payment would be an Unjust Enrichment of the Seller. Top Judges used it for a 1st Backdated Forged Order that required Particulars Filing and 30 Days’ Time Limit and Default Penalty of a Claim Strike Out + Service Denial Fraud. Remedy Process Agents waited until Day 27 and produced the Sealed Forged Order and Letter Box Service on the Citizen.  On Day 28 it got Claim Particulars and an Order Revocation Application both of which were made Without Prejudice to Invalidity Arguments. It got Investigation Frauds Demands + Finding Frauds Demands by Top Judges that got a Shop Theft Complainant Interview Appointment for Complaint Day 59. The Sealed Forged Order + Other Fraud Proof got a Case Reference from the Metropolitan Police Investigator Ms Georgina Newton got Investigation Closure Frauds by Senior Officers and a 2nd Sealed Backdated Forged Order from the High Court. A Settlement Negotiation Offer by the Buyers got a Settlement Offer on Corruption Remedy Terms from the Citizen. It got an Alleged Dismissal Order + Service Denial Fraud against the Citizen. He had a Damage Mitigation Obligation. He and Supporters used a Restocking Event to recover Physical Possession of the Stolen Shop. It got a Police Involvement Refusal + Thug Gathering by the Buyers. A Peace Breach Call by the Citizen got an Event Attendance by the Metropolitan Police. The Equity Lawyer presented Land Registry Title Proof and the Shop Theft Claim Papers. The choice was Possession Enforcement Justice for the Seller or Repossession Fraud for the Buyers. They chose the Repossession Fraud. The Equity Lawyer used it for an Urgent Application for Repossession Fraud Remedies that got Remedy Denial Fraud Proof for the Citizen and Parliament Session Jurisdictions against the Buyer, Representatives and High Court. The Buyers used Shop Theft Claim 2019 003984 for a made Trespass Restraint Application that disclosed the Alleged Claim Dismissal Fraud. Production Requests by the Citizen failed to get it from the Buyers or High Court. Top Judges wanted Case Closure. Ruin Fraud demands by Top Judges got a Kill Threat Complaint Fraud by the Buyer and Without Investigation Kill Threat Caution Appointment by the Metropolitan Police Kill Threat Investigator Mr Charles Hervais.  A Case Explanation + the 2 Sealed Forged orders + Other Fraud Proof + Contempt Fraud Complaint at the Caution Appointment got a Kill Threat No Further Action Decision + Contempt Investigation Denial Fraud by the Metropolitan Police. The Seal Ink was Forensic Material. Top Judges made a Forensic Test Sabotage Fraud Plan. It needed Physical Possession of the Sealed Forged Orders for Evidence Destruction or Forgery Substitution. Physical Possession needed a Hearing Event to force Citizen Mr Yediayli to consult Qualified Lawyers, a Costs + Adjournment Consent Frauds to avoid Hearing Audio Records, and then Original Record Productions Demands by the Qualified Lawyers to get Physical Possession, and then use of Order Breach Contempt for a Without Hearing Defence Dismissal Fraud + Title Transfer Order Fraud and then completion of the Forensic Test Sabotage Fraud. Top Judges dare not use the High Court Claims for the Hearing Frauds. They used a Sale Enforcement Claim Fraud G02EC632 by the Buyer in the County Court. It used Conflict Jurisdiction Frauds + Full Disclosure Denial Frauds + Claim Service Denial Frauds + Defence Denial Frauds + Hearing Short Notice Fraud. The Service Event got a Defence + Counterclaim + Application Response Document from the Equity Lawyer. Citizen Mr Yediayli used it to give Defence Instructions that got the Costs Liability + Adjournment Consent Order Fraud Proof against the Qualified Lawyers. A 21 Days Delay before the Evidence Production Demands got Royal Commission Electronic Files Service Emails from the Equity Lawyer that were Service Proof against the Qualified Lawyers and Notice Proof for the Citizen and Parliament Session Jurisdictions against the Buyers, Representatives, State and Law Courts. The Seal Ink Forensic Tests became a Notorious Fact. On 16th April 2021 the Contempt Fraud Appeal 2020 000286 got a Penalty Hearing Audio Record of the Equity Lawyer giving Oral; Notice to Trial Judges Mrs Cutts of the Notorious Fact. She left the Court Room. The Sale Enforcement Claim Fraud G02EC632 Urgent Settlement Negotiation Adjournment Proposal Email that afternoon by the Buyer Representatives got a Repeat Consent Fraud Proof against the Qualified Lawyers. All of it is relevant Evidence for the Witness Protection Frauds for Court Fraud Victims.

The Trust Fraud Claim B01B0837 Order Breach Contempt Frauds and Immunity Frauds by the County Court, High Court and Court of Appeal are now the subject of a Contempt Fraud Appeal to the Supreme Court. The Filing Email was at 11.49 on Saturday 24th April 2021.   

Equity Lawyer |Mr Ellis