Election Fairness Mattress Frauds

Prime Minister, Attorney General, Opposition Leader and All MPs,

The Dictator Plan used Perverse Priority for Bias Frauds to replace the Just Priority. The function of the Bias Frauds was to isolate the individual. The function of the Justice Priority was to empower the Citizen. The Dictator Dismantling Plan uses a Priority Reversal for the Justice Priority against the Bias Frauds. It is very simple. It is Jurisdiction Superiority for the Justice Priority Obligation against Legislation + Regulation + Precedent + Practice. There are Instinctual Personality Types who can service the Dictator Dismantling Plan and achieve Rapid Success. Dictator Governance relied on suppression of Instinctual Personality Types and used Trainable Personalities as Bias Fraud Enforcers. They were incapable of adapting to circumstances. Things went wrong. They blamed others. Organised Crime had Total Control. The Remedy Process has worked very well. Dictator Governors used Secret Corrupt Processes and Open Nothing Happening Pretence Processes. They used Media Broadcasts of Scripted Interviews for Management Credibility and got Progressive Incredibility. Audiences listened and viewed to know what was happening. Some stopped. Some continued to listen and view as Incredibility Monitors. Some of the Recent Broadcasts demonstrated a Confidence Deficit of MPs when challenged with Unscripted Interviews. The Unscripted Anxiety was Credible Broadcasting of Incredible Governance.  The Political Polls are Misinformation Tools for Perverse Policies. Insecure Dictators might think they need a 10,000 Tazer Policy. The People do not. An example of what they need is a Corruption Remedy Policy that takes out the Top Corrupt Officers who manage Drug Supplies to Gang Leaders. It needs to be co-ordinated with a Leadership Replacement for Gang Followers. The Equity Lawyer has Leadership Replacement Proposals. He needs Credible Remedy Commitment from the Political Party Leaders to disclose them.       

The Election Fairness Claim QB 2019 003126 got a Claim Acknowledgement + Defence Filing Time Extension Request from the Liberal Democrat Leader and Time Extension + Draft Remedy Order from Citizen Mr Awodiya. The Time Extension was granted in a Remedy Process Email and used for a Time Extension Recital in the Draft Remedy Order. The Liberal Democrat Leader used the Time Extension Recital for a Time Extension Notice to the High Court and thereby acknowledged the Remedy DRAFT Order.   The created Incredible Conditions for a Claim Strike Out Order by High Court Masters. The People will be interested to know whether the Liberal Democrat Leader is acting alone or as Case Management Agent for All Party Leaders.

The Remedy Process will get Court Audio Records of the Divorce ZC14D02308 House Possession Hearing on 9th October 2019 and the Restraint 2017 0417 Trial Fraud and Live Broadcasts of the Parliament Assembly on 14th October 2019 before the Time Extension Expiry on 17th October 2019.

Citizen Mr Theodorou has agreed to use the attached ZC14D02308 House Possession Case Representations.

Citizen Mr Awodiya makes an Additional Time Offer to All Party Leaders that is Conditional Upon a Claim + Particulars Strike Out Prohibition Consent Order against the High Court Masters. The Repeat Police Harassment Frauds made necessary to Whistle Blower Notice to the Neighbours

The Election Fairness Claim of Citizen Mr O’Connor was for a Good Night’s Sleep. He has Cervical Spondylitis. It is Neck Bone Degeneration.  He needs a Special Bed. He used a Sleep Deprivation Mattress Fraud to make the Election Fairness Claim. The Mattress Examination Time Limit for the Authorities has expired. The Mattress Examination by the Citizen discovered Misrepresentation Fraud + Non-Disclosure Fraud.  The Misrepresentation Fraud was it had 3,000 Bed Springs when Destructive Examination discovered it had 1,350 Bed Springs. The Non-Disclosure Fraud was that the Pillow Top Representation and the 7 cm Pillow Top concealed the fact that the Apparent 23 cm Springs were 1/3rd Filler + 2/3rds Spring. The Mattress Shape was kept by one Sprung Steel Rectangular Frame above the springs and another below them. The Non-Disclosure Frauds included failure to mention the Mattress Weight required 3 Delivery People. The Sellers provided 1 Delivery Man and No Warning. The Delivery Man was unable pushed the Mattress out of the Delivery Van onto the Road Surface. It caused Package Damage and Content Damage. It bent the Sprung Steel Frames. They held the springs in the Wrong Shape and revealed a Straight Line of Spring Damage from one side to the other.  The Composition Frauds + Misrepresentation Frauds + Non-Disclosure Frauds + Delivery Frauds + Remedy Denial Frauds are Joint Venture Frauds + Contract Frauds. They are Organised Crime Proof against the Manufacturer + Marketer + Internet Seller + Internet Payment Agents for the Citizen. The Trading Standards Enforcement Denial Frauds and the Election Fairness Claim Issue Denial Fraud are Protection Frauds by the State and Law Courts for Organised Criminals against the Citizen. The Internet Marketing raises Reasonable Suspicions of Many Similar Fact Cases.  Citizen Mr O’Connor invites the Political Party Leaders to make a Corruption Remedy Agreement.    

The Wheel Clamp Theft Sentence Hearing Fraud got an Audio Record that is Anxiety Proof for Citizen Mr Barr against Northern Ireland State Prosecutor + Trial Judge.  The Bankruptcy Appeal Dismissal Fraud got a Costs Hearing Fraud listed for 8th October 2019. It will get an Audio Record as Comparison Evidence for the Tenancy Dispossession Trial Fraud Appeal QA 2018 0239 Costs Fraud on 18th September 2019

Citizen Mr Paterson is reported to have disappeared into another Police Station for another Repeat Harassment Fraud.  

Equity Lawyer Mr Edward William Ellis



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