Prime Minister, Attorney General, Opposition Leader, Leadership Contestants and All MPs,
The Power Transfer Protocol requires the Outgoing Prime Minister to return the Office Seals to the Crown and the Incoming Prime Minister to collect them from the Crown. The Equity Lawyer and Citizens needed to manage cases and get Proof Sets that increased the options for making best use of the Office Seals Collection Event. The Protection Fraud Network needed to stop them from doing so. They tried Mental Health Frauds against the Equity Lawyer that got Examination Refusals by him. On 20th June 2019 they tried Blackmail Fraud using Kidney Failure Dialysis Treatment Denial Threats to support Mental Examination Consent Demands. The Absolute Certainty was the Absolute Priority was the Mental Health Fraud. The response from the Equity Lawyer was an Examination Consent Refusal and Priority Notice for the Corruption Remedy Process. He and his friend left and went into hiding. It is time to review what happened in the 29 days since he went into hiding.
On 24th June 2019 the Health Fraud Remedy Application Grounds were prepared for action that would force High Court Judges to choose between Restraint Justice for the Equity Lawyer or Restraint Frauds against him. He sent it to Parliament.
On 25th June 2019 Misrepresentation Frauds got a Mental Health Arrest + Search Warrant Fraud against the Equity Lawyer. It meant visiting the Royal Courts carried an Arrest Fraud Risk.
On 25th June 2019 the Justice Perversion Case New Evidence Notice + Appeal Grounds for Ms Stacy Docherty. It contained a Case Statement that explained the Corruption Case against Baroness Smith. The DNA Tests will discover whether she is the Maternal Grand Mother, has a Child Desertion Criminal Conviction and managed Identity Sabotage Frauds against her Daughter and Maternal grand Children.
Early on 26th June 2019 there was email service of it on her Representatives, State Officers, Citizens and Parliament.
On 26th June 2019 the Mental Health Arrest Search Fraud got a Video Record of a Police Officers with Tazers preparing the a Raid and Arrest. It failed because the Equity Lawyer was not there.
On 27th June 2019 the Justice Perversion Sentence Hearing got an Imprisonment Sentence that after deduction of the Remand Period is said to have left 29 Months to serve.
On 28th June 2019 the Restraint Fraud Appeal 2018 0307 + Contempt Fraud Appeal 2018 2325 + 2477 Skeleton + Bundle + Bundle Index were prepared. It needed delivery of a Memory Stick to and agent for the Citizen.
On 29th June 2019 a Family Sabotage Fraud Remedy Case Notice from the Equity Lawyer to a Victim’s Relatives contained a Case Explanation procured by the Father against his Son and Grand Children. It prepared to involve Blood Relatives of Guilty Parties and Victims in Mass Remedies.
On 30th June 2019 the Remedy Process + Medical Unfitness Complaint Email from the Equity Lawyer gave State Officers, Citizens and Parliament attached the health Fraud Remedy Application Grounds. The Equity Lawyer gave the Memory Stick that contained the Skeleton + Bundle + Bundle Index to an agent for the Citizen.
On 3rd July 2019 the Identity Evidence Full Disclosure Demand and Use Restraint for Citizen Ms Smith contained a Case Explanation Statement of Paedophilia + Child Prostitution + Protection Frauds by Child Protection Authorities against Protected Children.
On 4th and 5th July 2019 the Trial Fraud 2019 0417 Evidence Offer from the Equity Lawyer and DRAFT Remedy Proposals prepared for a Case Management Meeting on 5th July 2019 for Victim Mr Pead and the Equity Lawyer and a Friend. Mr Pead is a communicator and educator. It enabled him to develop Complex Protest Behaviour. He has written books. He needed time to think about it.
On 5th July 2019, on Justice Perversion Sentence Day 8, Mrs Docherty reported that she had received a telephone call from her daughter, Prisoner Ms Stacy Docherty, asking her to arrange a Tag Release Address and asked a Family Friend to provide it. The Family Friend agreed.
On 6th July 2019 the DRAFT Representations revealed how Mr Pead could use the Evidence Offer and Remedy Proposals. He did not understand the difference between Protest Behaviour and Remedy Management. He gave a Case Use Consent but a Remedy Co-operation Refusal.
On 7th July 2019 the Email Notice from the Equity Lawyer to Parliament provided the Remedy Process Case Papers. It explained that if Mr Pead had difficulty with the concepts it was not reasonable to expect other Victims to cope with them.
On 8th July 2019 the Equity Lawyer changed location to get access to Corruption Witnesses.
On 9th July 2019 the Sanity Finding Opinion Proposal and Service Notice gave the GP Doctors an Immunity Offer in exchange for Remedy Co-operation.
On 10th July 2019 the Terrorism Claim Notice for Citizen Mr Bradley made a State Case Withdrawal Proposal for the Assault + Harassment Appeal 2015 0156. Organised Criminals managed Harassment Frauds with intent to get a Forced Sale of a Residential Dwelling House at a Discounted Price for a Biog Development. The Prosecution Fraud + Trial Fraud + Conviction Fraud were part of the Harassment Fraud. The Crown Court received Illness Incapacity Evidence and used it for an Appeal Adjournment but failed to make a Pending Incapacity Protection Order for the Citizen. The County Court received the Illness Incapacity Evidence in Neighbour Nuisance Case E08YJ260 and used it to commit Incapacity Exploitation Frauds and Damage Assessment Trial Frauds. A Liability Judgment is Remedy Trial Title Proof. The Secret Service created a document entitled ‘Judgment for Claimant’ that did not contain a judgment. It was Judgment Deficit Proof. It forced Judges to choose between making a No Remedy Trial Jurisdiction Admission and committing Trial Frauds. They committed the Remedy Trial Frauds and made a £392,266 Damage Assessment + Costs Order. The Nuisance Trial Fraud Appeal Grounds dated 11thJuly 2019 used both the Liability Judgment Deficit Proof and the Incapacity Exploitation Fraud Proof. On 15th July 2019 the Nuisance Trial Fraud Appeal Papers were filed in the High Court.
On 15th July 2019 the Criminal Trial 2018 417 got a Court Motion Jurisdiction Trial with Validity Enquiries + Pending Enquiries Adjournment by the Trial Judge. Mr Pead has received advice to use All Frauds for the Case Dismissal Application and not to allow the Trial Judge to use One Fraud Only. On the evidence available he has accepted the advice. He needs help to make the best of it.
On 16th July 2019 the Nuisance E08YJ260 Contact Restraint Revocation + Damage Assessment and Costs Enforcement Restraint + All Other Remedy Applications was served on the Claimant Lawyers and the County Court. It will get either Remedy Proof for the Sussex Judges or Remedy Refusal Proof against them before the Office Seals Collection Event.
On 16th July 2019 the Corruption Claim Notice to the Next Prime Minister explained 4 Attempted Murders + Ruin Frauds against Citizen Mr Brooks. It reopens the Jill Dando Murder Case and the Murder Protection Frauds. On the evidence available the Murder was a Paedophile Protection Fraud. On the evidence available the Ruin Fraud Conspiracy against Mr Pead was a Paedophile Protection Fraud. Mr Pead used the Ruin Frauds against him to get Corruption Proof against the Protection Fraud Network. Investigation is needed to discover whether it broke the confidence in the Jill Dando Murder Case Dismissal Frauds and prompted the Attempted Murders + Ruin Frauds against Citizen Mr Brooks. He was one of the Charity Workers who had access to the Murder Case Papers + Witnesses. The Ruin Frauds against him needed Top Level Protection Frauds from All Relevant Authorities including Parliament.
On 17th July 2019 the Tag Release Application of Ms Stacy Docherty got an Application Refusal with a Media Interest Reason. MPs have a duty to discover whether the Maternal Grand Mother, Baroness Smith, procured the Release Denial Fraud.
On 17th and 18th July 2019 the Equity Lawyer changed locations.
MPs have notice to investigate Health Fraud Blackmail Frauds.
MPs have notice that the UK Parliament Election Expenses Return Failure Criminal Trial got Jurisdiction Trial Denial Fraud Proof + Conflict Disqualification Proof against the Prosecutor, Clerk and Sheriff. The Citizen argues that Historic Records are Sovereign Title Proof for the Land Owners of the Orkneys and Shetland against Scotland. The Sovereignty Challenge is a Corruption Protest. The document dated 14th March 2019 of Mr Stuart Hill explains it. On the evidence available he wants to rank as Citizen. The Jurisdiction Frauds prevent him from doing so. On Wednesday 24th July 2019 the Adjourned Trial is due to be heard. MPs are well advised to get a Case Withdrawal Decision by the State. Failure to do so and enter into Sovereignty Settlement Negotiations with Mr Hill carries the risk of Repeat Sovereignty Fraud Scandals.
MPs have notice that Secret Service Officers did things that got Fraud Proof for Citizens, the Crown and Parliament against Lawyers and Law Court Judges. MPs have a duty to identify the Court Fraud Cases. They cannot credibly do that without acknowledging the Dual Jurisdictions of Remedy Jurisdiction for the Citizen and Political Representation Jurisdiction for the Constituent.
MPs have notice that Blackmail by Corrupt Officers using Business Sabotage Frauds and Bribe Touts got Bribery Refusals + Exported Employment by Honest Competent Victims. The Business Sabotage Frauds included Payment Gateway Denial Frauds in Operation Choke Point. On the evidence available USA Congressman Mr Blaine Luetkemeyer is trying to get Corruption Remedies for the Victims. In some cases Corruption Exposure carries the risk of Finance Raising Sabotage Frauds by Corrupt Officers against Competent Victims who are Market Pioneers. The Next Prime Minister can have Repatriated Employment in exchange for a Corruption Damage Payment + Market Fraud Remedies in the USA and UK. It will give the UK Prime Minister and the USA President a Flagship Business for the Remedy Process and Trade Negotiations. It will help MPs find more of them.
MPs have notice that the Bank Frauds include Pension Arrangements that are Corruption Concealment Gagging Bribes for Retired Bankers. There are similar but less generous Pension Bribes in other industries.
Best Advice. MPs use the Remedy Jurisdiction Admissions and Health Fraud Blackmail Enquiries + Court Fraud Enquiries as Confidence Builders for the Pension Bribe Enquiries and Market Position Enquiries. There are Small Entities that have Game Changer Potential for both Commercial Successes and Remedy Management.