To: House of Commons Speaker, Prime Minister, Cabinet Officers, Privy Counsellors, MPs, State Lawyers and Law Court Judges
The Fraud Appeals and Contempt Trial Fraud Management Advice for the Citizen, State, and Law Courts are attached.
The Land Fraud Lead Cases B01B0837, F1PP7696, F02ED793 Immunity Negotiation Offer Report of the Equity Lawyer is attached.
Protection Breach Contempt Fraud Management Advice is for Citizens Mr and Mrs Nkrumah to use the Framing Fraud Bail Return Date on 9th February 2021 for Personal Service on Case Officers of the Corruption Claim Notice, Contempt and Terrorism Penalty Warning and Immunity Negotiation that is dated for that day for the Stated Reasons that:
- The Ministry of Justice Crime Partnership of Top Judges and State Officers managed Protection Frauds for Corrupt Officers. The State Officers are Crime Business Managers.
- The Protection Fraud Market uses Risk Control Protocols. The Worst Risk is Immunity Deals that use Remedy Co-operation to get Corruption Proof against Top Judges. The Immunity Risk Controls require Fraud Commitment Proof from the Receiver before the Protection Fraud Supply. Routine Business uses Recent Case Frauds as the Fraud Commitment Proof. Special Business requires New Fraud Proof as Fraud Commitment Proof. Very Special Business requires Preliminary Frauds from the Supplier to give the Receiver the confidence to commit New Frauds as Fraud Commitment Proof before the Protection Fraud Supply. The Ministry of Justice Crime Business provides a Continuous Supply of Fraud. A Protection Fraud Deal can have a Routine Business Classification for the purposes of the Ministry of Justice Crime Partners but a Special Business Classification or Very Special Business Classification for the purposes of Crime Manager in Other Authorities.
- The Citizen, Crown and Lord Bishops have Justice Responsibilities known as the Equity Monarchy Trusts and Corruption Control Jurisdictions that govern Parliament Session Powers. Since 2004 they have managed a Corruption Remedy Process.
- The Corruption Remedy Process motivated many Corrupt Officers to demand Protection Fraud that got a Very Special Business Classification. The Protection Frauds needed the Contempt Claim 2020 000286 Legal Service Restraint Frauds as Restraint Breach Imprisonment Frauds against Equity Lawyer Mr Ellis as Preliminary Fraud Proof and Ruin Frauds against Citizens including Mr and Mrs Nkrumah.
- The Ruin Fraud Conspiracy against Citizens Mr and Mrs Nkrumah was in the Execution Preparation Stage. It needed a Case Allocation Fraud to Competent Corrupt Officers. A Discipline Incident that motivated the 11 Year Girl to run away from Mother to Father was a Surprise Event. The discovery of her in the street at about 23.00 hours on 11th January 2021 appeared to be a Windfall Opportunity that Corrupt Officers used for a Case Allocation Fraud to Incompetent Corrupt Officers. The result is Official Records that are Ruin Fraud Conspiracy Proof + Protection Fraud Conspiracy Proof for the Citizens and Remedy Process against All Responsible Individuals.
- The Fraud Proof includes
- the Detained Person Property Record that contains the ‘Incapable’ Defamation Fraud in two of the Signature Spaces for Citizen Nkrumah and a Shaky Image of handwritten ‘ViCCoactus’.
- The Detailed Corruption Complaints and Competent Case Management by Citizen Mr Nkrumah that is Capacity Proof for him and Defamation Fraud Proof against the Corrupt Officers
- The Framing Fraud Bail Conditions Appeal got Appeal Process Denial Fraud Proof against the Magistrates Court on 12th January 2021 and until a Confidence Loss got a Bail Revocation Listing Hearing for 1st February 2021for Citizen Mr Nkrumah alone.
- The Bail Conditions Fraud Appeal Contempt Fraud Application Notice and Jurisdiction Fraud Witness Statement Service Email on 31st January 2021 for the Citizens got Exclusion Fraud Orders against the Jurisdiction Fraud Witness. A Judge Hearing Demand and Hearing Listing Demand for Citizen Mrs Nkrumah on 1st February 2021 by the Citizens got a Separate Listing for her, Case Referral by Lay Magistrates, Referral Rejection and Witness Exclusion Order Repeat Frauds by the District Judge.
- The Security Officers had Prior Experience of Royal Commission Cases and used Provocation Frauds with intent to use the Provocation Response as an Exclusion Reason Fraud. Exclusion Fraud Findings by the Equity Lawyer got Continuing Exclusion Frauds and Exclusion Fraud Denials by Security Officers. Identification Requests by the Equity Lawyer got Identification Refusal Frauds and Engagement Refusal Frauds by the Security Officers. Loud Protests by the Equity Lawyer got a Personal Appearance, Repeat Exclusion Fraud Orders, Contempt Remedy Hearing Denial Fraud and Identification Refusal Fraud by the Crown Prosecutor. A ‘PLO’ Claim by a Security Officer got a PLO Clarification Request by the Equity Lawyer and a Clarification Refusal by the Security Guard. A Security Video Preservation Requests by the Equity Lawyer got Engagement Refusal Frauds by the Security Guards. The Video Record included the PLO turning the Property Box upside down and tapping it on the Reception Desk so that Paper Piece fell on the floor Scan Machine instead of emptying it into the Rubbish Bin that was within 2 metres of where she stood.
- The Bail Conditions Fraud Appeal of Citizen Mr Nkrumah got Appeal Resistance then Confidence Loss then Resistance Withdrawal from the Crown Prosecutor. The Bail Conditions Fraud Appeal of Citizen Mrs Nkrumah got Appeal Resistance until an Assistance Offer by Citizen Mr Nkrumah got a Confidence Loss and Resistance Withdrawal from the Crown Prosecutor.
- Later that day the Equity Lawyer used a Home Assessment Visit for Personal Service of the Jurisdiction Fraud Witness Statement, Contempt Fraud Remedy Application Draft Order, Bail Fraud Appeal Report and Children Return Demand. It got a Service Refusal, Rapid Flight by the Corrupt Officers, a Confidence Collapse and Children Return by Corrupt Council Officers the next day The Child Case Papers contain Drug Crime Defamation Frauds and Care Defamation Frauds against the Citizen Parents and 3 Children.
- The Bail Return Date will enable Personal Service of the Legal Action Notice, Contempt Fraud Penalty Warning and Immunity Negotiation Offer by Citizens Mr and Mrs Nkrumah on the Crime Framing fraud Managers. It will be Effective Notice of the Confidence Collapse by the Crown Prosecutor and the Council Officers. The Service Event and Service Response will be Relevant Evidence for the Defamation Fraud Remedy Claim of Citizens Mr and Mrs Nkrumah in the Family Division of the High Court, and the Equity Lawyer in the High Court and Court of Appeal.
Marketing Nuisance Complaint of the Equity Lawyer against Compare the Market for the Stated Reason that:
- the Unsubscribe Link returns the Cookies Choice Page and Repeat Marketing
- the Remedy Process needs Nuisance Cases to set Remedy Management Precedents
Equity Lawyer Mr Ellis
2021-02-06-Royal-Commission-2019-004208-Trial-Management-Proposals-for-10th-February-2021-by-Citizen-Ms-Berry-v-Solicitor-General 2021-02-07-Royal-Commission-2021-10063-2020-000286-Land-Fraud-Immunity-Offer-Response-Reports-of-Equity-Lawyer-Mr-Ellis 2021-02-09-Royal-Commission-Contempt-Fraud-Action-Intent-Notice-to-Investigators-of-Citizen-Mr-and-Mrs-Nkrumah-v-State